
listen to the pronunciation of joint
الإنجليزية - التركية
ek yeri
{i} birleşme yeri

Hava soğuk olduğunda eklemlerim ağrıyor. - My joints ache when it gets cold.

Diz vücudun en büyük eklemidir. - The knee is the body's largest joint.


Proje üç farklı sınıftan gelen öğrencilerin ortak bir çabasıydı. - The project was a joint effort by students from three different classes.

Boşanmak için ortak bir karar aldılar. - They made a joint decision to divorce.

{s} ortaklaşa

Bu proje üzerinde ortaklaşa çalıştılar. - They worked jointly on this project.

bağlantı,v.birleştir: n.birleşme yeri

Dün gece gittiğimiz lokantanın adı nedir? - What's the name of the joint we went to last night?

Tom bir fast food lokantasında çalışıyor. - Tom works in a fast food joint.

(Anatomi) oynak

Biz mağazayı birlikte çalıştırıyoruz. - We run the store jointly.


Sami pizza dükkanına geri döndü. - Sami returned to his pizza joint.

Sami ve Leyla bir pizza dükkanında buluştular. - Sami and Layla met at a pizza joint.

ek veya oynak yeri yapmak
bitişme yeri
(İnşaat,Teknik) fuga
(Tıp) artikülasyon
{s} birlikte

Biz mağazayı birlikte çalıştırıyoruz. - We run the store jointly.

ucuz/adi eğlence yeri
esrarlı sigara
et parçası
(et) eklem yerlerinden ayırmak
iki ya da daha fazla kişi tarafından paylaşılan
(Mühendislik) eklem, mafsal, oynak yeri, ek yeri, bağlantı, tesbit yeri
jointstock companyanonim şirket jointlymüştereken
{i} (Botanik) düğüm, boğum
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK: Müşterek kullanılan malzeme terimlerinden birine ön takı olarak alındığı zaman, bu terime ait tarif Kara, Deniz, Hava Kuvvetleri ve Deniz Piyade Sınıfına ait miktarlar toplamını içine alacak genişlikte bir ifade kazanır
{i} (Anatomi) eklem, mafsal
(fiil) birleştirmek, bitiştirmek, eklemek
{i} ek
{i} esrar
(Tıp) Eklem, oynak, mafsal, articulatio
{s} birleşmiş
{i} ot
(Biyoloji) mafsal
{i} argo gece kulübü; bar; lokanta

Diz vücudun en büyük eklemidir. - The knee is the body's largest joint.

Benim sol omzumun eklemi ağrıyor. - The joint of my left shoulder aches.

{i} kasap. büyük et parçası
(Hukuk) karma
ucuz lokanta
(İnşaat,Teknik) derz
(Argo) gece kulübü
eklem yeri

Bu proje üzerinde ortaklaşa çalıştılar. - They worked jointly on this project.

joint compound
(Araçlar) Sızıntıları durdurmak için kullanılan bir tür macun
joint knife
(Silahlar) Daha çok kartonpiyer işi için kullanılan küçük ağızlı bir tür spatula
joint of mutton
Koyun budu
ortak kasa
joint ball
mafsal bilyası
joint bid
(Ticaret) müşterek teklif
joint butt
mafsallı ek
joint common user items
(Askeri) müşterek kullanım maddeleri
joint dept
müteselsil borç
joint fork
köşebentli çatal
joint gap
(İnşaat) fuga
joint gap
(İnşaat) derz aralığı
joint line
ortak tarih çizelgesi
joint pin
(İnşaat) mafsal manivelası
joint pirn
mafsal pimi
joint pirn
bağlantı pimi
joint production
(Ticaret) birleşik üretim
joint ring
(İnşaat) conta
joint rod
rot başı
joint rod
direksiyon alt rotili
joint rod
çatal rotili
joint stock
(Ticaret) esas sermaye
joint stock bank
(Ticaret) ticari banka
joint tape
(İnşaat) derz bandı
joint text
ortak metin
joint text
ortak belge
joint type
(Bilgisayar) eklem türü
joint venture
(Askeri,Ticaret) müşterek teşebbüs
joint venture
(Kanun,Ticaret) iş ortaklığı
joint venture contract
(Kanun) ortak girişim anlaşması
joint ventures
ortak girişimler
joint ventures
ortak girişim
joint zone
(Askeri) müşterek bölge
joint account
ortak hesap
joint account
müşterek hesap
joint adventure
ortak girişimi
joint and several
müşterek ve müteselsil
joint box
ek kutusu
joint capital
ortak sermaye
joint committee
karma komisyon
joint credit
müşterek alacak
joint creditor
müteselsil alacaklı
joint creditors
müteselsil alacaklılar
joint debt
müşterek borç
joint debt
müteselsil borç
joint debtor
müteselsil borçlu
joint debtor
müşterek borçlu
joint debtors
müteselsil borçlular
joint distribution
birleşik dağılım
joint distribution function
ortak dağılım fonksiyonu
joint estate
ortak mal varlığı
joint heir
müşterek mirasçı
joint offender
joint owner
joint owner
ortak mal sahibi
joint ownership
müşterek mülkiyet
joint plaintiff
müşterek davacı
joint plate
bağlama plakası
joint probability density function
ortak olasılık yoğunluk fonksiyonu
joint procuration
müşterek vekâletname
joint property
ortak mülkiyet
joint property
müşterek mülkiyet
joint resolution
ortak karar
joint stock
joint stock company
anonim şirket
joint stock corporation
anonim şirket
joint surety
müteselsil kefil
joint undertaking
ortak girişim
joint venture
(Mukavele) iki ya da daha çok ortaklı bir girişim
joint venture
ortak girişim
joint welding
ek kaynağı
joint venture
{i} ortaklık
Joint Forces Command
(Askeri) Müşterek Kuvvetler Komutanlığı
joint at the hip
(deyim) Ayrılmaz ikili, etle tırnak
joint bar
(Demiryolu) Cebire, süyek
joint board
Müşterek heyet
joint chiefs
ortak komutanları
joint civil divisions of the Court of Cassation
(Kanun) Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulu
joint components
bağlantı parçaları
joint costing
maliyetleme ortak
joint credit card
ek kart
joint custody
Ortak vesayet

We worked out joint custody so that Mina will get quality time with both of us. Still, it’s been an adjustment for her.

joint denial
tümel degilleme
joint distribution
ortak dağıtım
joint filing
(Kanun) Ortak beyan

Cavit and Dilek Alaybeyoğlu may find themselves on the higher levels of tax rate brackets under joint filing.

joint heiratage
Ortak miras
joint liquid
eklem sıvısı
joint press briefing
Müşterek basın toplantısı
joint project
ortak proje
joint property
müşterek mülkiyet, ortak mülkiyet
joint sealants
derz dolgu
joint set
(kayada) çatlak kümesi
joint shareholder
Ortak hissedarlardan her biri
joint system
çatlak sistemi, çatlak dizgesi
joint voting paper
ortak oylama kağıdı
joint will
ortak olacak
Joint Mobility Control Group; joint movement control group
(Askeri) Müşterek Seyyar Kontrol Grubu; müşterek intikal kontrol grubu
Joint Petroleum Office; Joint Program Office
(Askeri) Müşterek Petrol Ofisi; Müşterek Program Ofisi
Joint Tactical Air Defense System (Army); Joint Tactical Display System
(Askeri) Müşterek Taktik Hava Savunma Sistemi (Kara Kuvvetleri); Müşterek Taktik Görüntü Sistemi
joint administrative instruction; joint airdrop inspection
(Askeri) müşterek idari yönerge; müşterek havadan indirme denetlemesi
joint combat camera center; joint communications control center
(Askeri) müşterek muharebe görüntüleme merkezi; müşterek muhabere kontrol merkezi
joint combined exchange training; joint combined exercise for training
(Askeri) müşterek muhtelit değişim eğitimi; eğitim amaçlı müşterek muhtelit tatbikat
joint command center; joint course catalog
(Askeri) müşterek komuta merkezi; müşterek dersler kataloğu
joint deployment community; Joint Doctrine Center
(Askeri) müşterek konuşlanma topluluğu; Müşterek Doktrin Merkezi
joint force meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) officer; joint maritime ope
(Askeri) müşterek kuvvet meteoroloji ve oşinografi (METOC) subayı; müşterek denizcilik harekatları
joint lighterage control center; joint logistics coordination center
(Askeri) müşterek yükleme ve boşaltma layterleri kontrol merkezi; müşterek lojistik koordinasyon merkezi
joint military command; joint movement center
(Askeri) müşterek askeri komutanlık; müşterek hareket merkezi
joint military postal activity; joint military satellite communications (MILSATC
(Askeri) müşterek askeri posta faaliyeti; müşterek askeri uydu muhabere (MILSATCOM) paneli idarecisi
joint mortuary affairs office; joint mortuary affairs officer
(Askeri) müşterek cenaze işleri office; müşterek cenaze işleri subayı
joint operations center; joint oversight committee
(Askeri) müşterek harekat merkezi; müşterek nezaret komitesi
joint personnel receiving center; joint personnel reception center
(Askeri) müşterek personel alım merkezi; müşterek personel kabul merkezi
joint reception center; joint reconnaissance center
(Askeri) müşterek kabul merkezi; müşterek keşif merkezi
joint search and rescue center; joint subregional command (NATO)
(Askeri) müşterek arama ve kurtarma merkezi; müşterek alt bölge komutanlığı (NATO)
joint security assistance memorandum; Joint Service Achievement Medal; joint sta
(Askeri) müşterek güvenlik yardım memorandumu; Müşterek Hizmet Başarı Madalyası; müşterek uzaktan atılan yüzey taarruz füzesi
joint specialty officer or joint specialist
(Askeri) müşterek mütehassıs subay veya müşterek uzman
joint strike analysis cell; joint strike analysis center
(Askeri) müşterek darbe analiz hücresi ; müşterek darbe analiz merkezi
joint table of allowances; joint technical architecture
(Askeri) müşterek istihkak tablosu; müşterek teknik mimari
joint table of distribution; joint theater distribution
(Askeri) müşterek dağıtım tablosu; müşterek harekat sahası dağıtımı
joint table of mobilization distribution; Joint Terminology Master Database; joi
(Askeri) müşterek seferberlik dağılımı tablosu; Müşterek Terminoloji Ana Veri Tabanı; müşterek harekat alanı füze savunması
joint tactical ground station (Army); joint tactical ground station (Army and Na
(Askeri) müşterek taktik yer istasyonu (Kara Kuvvetleri); müşterek taktik yer istasyonu (Kara Kuvvetleri ve Deniz Kuvvetleri); müşterek taktik yer sistemi
joint targeting toolbox; joint training team
(Askeri) müşterek hedef tahsis paketi; müşterek eğitim timi
joint technical augmentation cell; joint terminal attack controller; Joint Terro
(Askeri) müşterek teknik takviye hücresi; müşterek terminal taarruz kontrolörü; Müşterek Terörizm Analiz Merkezi
joint technical committee; Joint Training Confederation
(Askeri) müşterek teknik komite; Müşterek Eğitim Konfederasyonu
joint theater movement staff; joint training master schedule
(Askeri) müşterek harekat alanı intikal karargahı; müşterek ana eğitim programı
joint transportation coordination cell; joint transportation corporate informati
(Askeri) müşterek ulaştırma koordinasyon hücresi; müşterek ulaştırma ortak bilgi yönetim merkezi
müşterek olarak
ortak olarak
(İnşaat) çatlaklı
(İnşaat) ekli
(İnşaat) birleştirme
(İnşaat) derz
(İnşaat) ek yeri
(Kanun) müşterek

Onlar bu projede beraber çalıştılar. - They worked jointly on this project.

(Otomotiv) bağlantılar
(Tıp) eklemler

Soğuk havalarda, onun eklemleri şişmiş olur. - In cold weather, her joints become swollen.

Tom uzun süre aynı pozisyonda oturduktan sonra, ayağa kaldığında eklemlerinde tutukluk hissetti. - Tom felt the stiffness in his joints as he stood up after sitting in the same position for a long time.

{f} birleştir

Biz mağazayı birlikte çalıştırıyoruz. - We run the store jointly.

an joint
bir ortak
joint resolution
Müşterek karar
Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Office; Chief, joint mortuary affairs office
(Askeri) Merkezi Müşterek Morg İşleri Ofisi; müşterek morg işleri ofisi Başkanı
Operational Plans and Joint Force Development, Joint Staff
(Askeri) Müşterek Karargah Harekat Planları ve Müşterek Kuvvet Geliştirme
combined joint task force (NATO); commander, joint task force
(Askeri) birleşik müşterek görev kuvveti (nato); müşterek görev kuvveti komutanı
initial joint command, control, and communications system; Integrated Joint Comm
(Askeri) ilk müşterek komuta, kontrol ve muhabere sistemi; Birleştirilmiş Müşterek Komuta, Kontrol ve Muhabere Sistemi
{s} oynak eklemli
{s} birleşik
التركية - التركية
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To unite by a joint or joints; to fit together; to prepare so as to fit together; as, to joint boards

Pierced through the yielding planks of jointed wood. - Alexander Pope.

A marijuana cigarette

After locking the door and closing the shades, they lit the joint.

To provide with a joint or joints; to articulate

The fingers are jointed together for motion. - Ray.

To separate the joints; of; to divide at the joint or joints; to disjoint; to cut up into joints, as meat

Quartering, jointing, seething, and roasting. - Holland.

Any part of the body where two bones join, in most cases allowing that part of the body to be bent or straightened
To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do; as, the stones joint, neatly
Done by two or more people or organisations working together

The play was a joint production between the two companies.

A restaurant, bar, nightclub or similar business

It was the kind of joint you wouldn't want your boss to see you in.

To join; to connect; to unite; to combine

Jointing their force 'gainst Cæsar. - William Shakespeare.

The point where two components of a structure join rigidly

The water is leaking out of the joint between the two pipes.

A cut of meat

Set the joint in a roasting tin and roast for the calculated cooking time.

(always with the) prison

I'm just trying to stay out of the joint.

The point where two components of a structure join, but are still able to rotate

This rod is free to swing at the joint with the platform.

A fracture in which the strata are not offset; a geologic joint
A means of joining two pieces of wood together so that they interlock

The dovetail joint, while more difficult to make, is also quite strong.

{a} shared among many, combined, united
{v} to join, form, cut, divide, separate
{n} a point where bones meet, a hinge
{i} American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, charitable Jewish American organization whose purpose is to aid Jews in distress overseas
The portion of a structure in which separate base metal parts are joined
The gap or space created when two building materials come together, such as where two pieces of molding join or where the bathtub and bathroom wall meet
The connection of two or more timbers
The spot in the musculoskeletal system where two bones meet
The part of the cover which forms the hinge, between the board and the shoulder of the volume
involving both houses of a legislature; "a joint session of Congress"
A place where two or more bones meet Joints allow the body to bend and move
marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
affecting or involving two or more; "joint income-tax return"; "joint ownership"
Joint means shared by or belonging to two or more people. She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a joint account + jointly joint·ly The Port Authority is an agency jointly run by New York and New Jersey
as, a thin joint
The space between the adjacent surfaces of two bodies joined and held together, as by means of cement, mortar, etc
{s} shared, common, mutual, collective
Having joints; articulated; full of nodes; knotty; as, a jointed doll; jointed structure
is a junction where two bones meet Most joints are composed of cartilage, joint space, fibrous capsule, synovium, and ligaments
A bar, nightclub or similar business
A joint is the place where two things are fastened or fixed together. see also dovetail joint
{i} connection; point of connection; large section of meat; marijuana cigarette (Slang); shabby bar or nightclub (Slang); establishment (Slang); part of a stem from which a leaf or branch grows; connection between two bones (Anatomy)
A projecting or retreating part in something; any irregularity of line or surface, as in a wall
A joining of two things or parts so as to admit of motion; an articulation, whether movable or not; a hinge; as, the knee joint; a node or joint of a stem; a ball and socket joint
Represents one or more mechanical degrees of freedom between two bodies Joint blocks connect two Body blocks in a SimMechanics schematic Joints have no mass properties such as mass or an inertia tensor
a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion
The place where two or more bones meet or are joined Most joints are composed of cartilage, joint space, fibrous capsule, synovium, and ligaments
Any part of the body where two bones join, in some cases allowing that part of the body to be bent or straightened
marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking junction by which parts or objects are joined together a disreputable place of entertainment (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if the articulation allows motion) separate (meat) at the joint fasten with a joint provide with a joint; "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood"
provide with a joint; "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood"
A plane of fracture, or divisional plane, of a rock transverse to the stratification
One who, or that which, joints
{f} connect at a joint; be connected at a joint; create with joints; cut at a joint (as of meat)
A break of geological origin in the continuity of a body of rock occurring either singly, or more frequently in a set or system, but not attended by a visible movement parallel to the surface of the discontinuity
Any one of the large pieces of meat, as cut into portions by the butcher for roasting
united or combined; "a joint session of Congress"; "joint owners"
A place of low resort, as for smoking opium
Any place where two or more edges or surfaces come to a union
United, joined, or sharing with another or with others; not solitary in interest or action; holding in common with an associate, or with associates; acting together; as, joint heir; joint creditor; joint debtor, etc
The means whereby the meeting surfaces of pieces in a structure are secured together
the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
a disreputable place of entertainment
Shared by, or affecting two or more; held in common; as, joint property; a joint bond
Used to indicate a common property ownership interest in real estate Indicates a shared liability in terms of a contractual relationship
where two bones meet
A joint is a fairly large piece of meat which is suitable for roasting. He carved the joint of beef
If something puts someone's nose out of joint, it upsets or offends them because it makes them feel less important or less valued. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication. In geology, a brittle fracture surface in rocks along which little or no displacement has occurred. Present in nearly all surface rocks, joints extend in various directions, generally more vertical than horizontal. Joints may have smooth, clean surfaces, or they may be scarred by slickensides, or striations. Jointing does not extend very far into the Earth's crust, because at about 7.5 mi (12 km) even rigid rocks tend to flow plastically in response to stress. Structure connecting two or more bones. Most joints, including synovial (fluid-containing) joints and those between vertebrae, which incorporate a disk, can move. Immovable joints include the sutures of the skull (see fontanel). Ligaments connect the bones of a joint, but muscles keep them in place. Joint disorders include various forms of arthritis, injuries (e.g., sprains, fractures, and dislocations), congenital disorders, and vitamin deficiencies. Joint Photographic Experts Group degenerative joint disease joints and joinery
You can refer to a cheap place where people go for some form of entertainment as a joint. a hamburger joint
The place or part where two things or parts are joined or united; the union of two or more smooth or even surfaces admitting of a close-fitting or junction; junction; as, a joint between two pieces of timber; a joint in a pipe
A joint is a part of your body such as your elbow or knee where two bones meet and are able to move together. Her joints ache if she exercises
separate (meat) at the joint
A place where two or more bones come together in the body
junction by which parts or objects are joined together
A crack or fissure in rock, usually occurring in two sets, one of which is parallel to the strike, the other at right angles, thus dividing the rock into large blocks It provides a conduit for water movement
Joint Academic Network
A British, private, government-funded computer network dedicated to education and research. Abbreviation: JANET
joint account
A computer account used by two people who play together
joint account
A bank account owned jointly by two or more persons
joint accounts
plural form of joint account
joint committee
In a bicameral legislative body, a decision-making entity composed of members of both houses
joint custody
An arrangement whereby the mother and the father share the physical and legal custody of a child
joint snake
A mythical creature of the southern United States, a snake that can reassemble itself when broken or cut into pieces

You take them joint snakes, now. That's not one of God's works. You hit one, he breaks into pieces, layin' on the ground like a broken icicle.

joint snakes
plural form of joint snake
joint space
The vector product of the translational and angular displacements of each joint of a robotic link; all the places that a robotic arm can access
joint venture
A cooperative partnership between two individuals or businesses in which profits and risks are shared
joint will
A single document executed by two people, so that their property is disposed of identically upon the death of either or both
joint wills
plural form of joint will
joint-stock bank
Any bank that is a joint-stock company
joint-stock companies
plural form of joint-stock company
joint-stock company
Any company with transferable ownership interests and unlimited shareholder liability
joint venture
An international business collaboration between foreign interests and private parties from the host country, in which two or more parties establish a new business enterprise to which each contributes and in which ownership and control are shared
joint venture
{i} collective enterprise, group endeavor, joint project, collaboration
joint bar
(Demiryolu) In rail terminology, a fishplate, splice bar or joint bar is a metal bar that is bolted to the ends of two rails to join them together in a track. The name is derived from fish, a wooden bar with a curved profile used to strengthen a ship's mast. The top and bottom edges are tapered inwards so the device wedges itself between the top and bottom of the rail when it is bolted into place. In rail transport modelling, a fishplate is often a small copper or nickel silver plate that slips onto both rails to provide the functions of maintaining alignment and electrical continuity
joint custody
(Kanun) An arrangement in which parents who are divorced both have responsibility for taking care of a child and can both give the child a home for some of the time
joint distribution
(İstatistik) In the study of probability, given two random variables X and Y, the joint distribution of X and Y is the distribution of X and Y together
joint resolution
(Kanun) A resolution passed by both houses of a legislative body that has the force of law when signed by or passed over the veto of the executive
Stock or capital funds of a company held jointly or in common by its owners
The initial grinding of the teeth of a cutting tool, prior to sharpening
The set of joints so produced
The act of making a joint
{a} full of or cut into joints, joined
{a} together, in a body, in conjunction
Joint Venture
a joint
joint resolution
decision that is made by two or more individuals or groups
joint resolution
A resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislature and eligible to become a law if signed by the chief executive or passed over the chief executive's veto
joint resolution
a resolution passed by both houses of Congress which becomes legally binding when signed by the chief executive (or passed over the executive's veto)
joint stock
Stock or capital funds of a company held jointly or in common by its owners
joint stock
joint inventory, shared inventory
joint venture
A business entity established for a specific task, operation, or goal
joint venture
A joint ownership of a firm by two or more persons or other firms A partnership between two or more companies mutually engaged in a particular venture such as a major project In this case, the venture exists for a specific purpose for a limited time
joint venture
cooperation between two or more companies on the one project to produce mutually agreeable results
joint venture
A legal, cooperative business arrangement between two suppliers Controlled by two or more independent firms When firms wish to work together to bid for and carry out a contract
joint venture
a joint venture is where two or more persons (either individual people or companies) enter into an agreement to undertake a business venture for joint profit The joint venture can be simply an agreement between the parties as to who does what, invests what and gets what at the end, or it can be an entirely new company set up for the specific purpose of pursuing the joint business
joint venture
A venture in which two businesses join together to share risk or expertise on a specific project or group of projects
joint venture
An agreement between two or more parties to invest in a specific single business or property Although not a continuing relationship, it is treated as a partnership for income tax purposes
joint venture
a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise; "a joint venture between the film companies to produce TV shows"
joint venture
A mineral exploration program or mine operation funded by two or more parties
joint venture
A joint venture is a business or project in which two or more companies or individuals have invested, with the intention of working together. It will be sold to a joint venture created by Dow Jones and Westinghouse Broadcasting. A partnership or conglomerate, formed often to share risk or expertise: a joint venture between the film companies
joint venture
A business venture that is owned by two or more other business ventures Often the several business owners are from different countries
joint venture
The cooperation of two or more individuals or enterprises in a specific business enterprise, rather than in a continuing relationshipS as in a partnership
joint venture
An association of persons jointly undertaking some commercial enterprise Unlike a partnership, a joint venture does not entail a continuing relationship among the parties
joint venture
A type of partnership arrangement between two otherwise independent businesses that agree to undertake a specific project together for a specified time period
joint venture
a business undertaking by two or more parties in which profits, losses and control are shared
joint venture
An association of persons or companies collaborating in a business venture for more than a transitory time period
joint venture
A partnership or cooperative agreement between two or more persons restricted to a single effort
joint venture
A project undertaken by two or more parties to achieve a mutual objective
joint venture
an association of two or more parties who combine their money, property, knowledge, skills, experience, time or other resources in a joint business enterprise, agreeing to share the profits and the losses and each having some degree of control over the enterprise
joint venture
An agreement between two or more firms to undertake the same business strategy and plan of action
joint venture
An agreement between two or more business's or individuals to undertake the same business strategy and plan of action
joint venture
An agreement between two or more firms to undertake the same business strategy and plan of action See: Incorporated joint venture and Unicorporated joint venture
joint venture
In the SBA Mentor-Protégé Program, an agreement between a certified 8(a) firm and a mentor firm to perform a specific federal contract
joint venture
a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise; "a joint venture between the film companies to produce TV shows
joint venture
A type of partial structural integration in which one or more separate organizations combine resources to achieve a stated objective The participating companies share ownership of the venture and responsibility for its operations, but usually maintain separate ownership and control over their operations outside of the joint venture
joint venture
A project which two or more persons undertake together, sharing the cost, the risk and the reward
joint venture
An agreement between two or more parties who invest in a property or business
joint ventures
Partnerships between companies, often used to enable a company to do business in another country
joint ventures
Companies under joint control and equity consolidated
joint ventures
A collaboration, such as a partnership or merger, undertaken by two or more entities for a mutual benefit Topic areas: Governance
One who, or that which, joints
having joints or jointed segments; To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do; as, the stones joint, neatly
A narrow piece of scenery used to join together two flats or wings of an interior setting
Jointed dolls, more often than not, move about just like you and I Their arms and other appendages bend at what would be considered natural joints, giving them a movable and posable quality
Simple past and past participle of to joint
{s} having joints
A plane for smoothing the surfaces of pieces which are to be accurately joi
A jointed chicken or other bird has been cut into pieces so that it is ready to cook. having joints and able to move and bend
A doll that has any number of movable joints
Having joints; articulated; full of nodes; knotty; as, a jointed doll; jointed structure
A place of low resort, as for smoking opium
having joints or jointed segments
Something that is jointed has joints that move. The glass cover for this is cleverly jointed in the middle
A projecting or retreating part in something; any irregularity of line or surface, as in a wall
Having joints; articulated; full of nodes; knotty; as, a jointed doll; jointed structure
The act or process of making a joint; also, the joints thus produced
A place of low resort, as for smoking opium
A projecting or retreating part in something; any irregularity of line or surface, as in a wall
A narrow piece of scenery used to join together two flats or wings of an interior setting
One who, or that which, joints
A plane for smoothing the surfaces of pieces which are to be accurately joi
To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do; as, the stones joint, neatly
A plane for smoothing the surfaces of pieces which are to be accurately joi
A projecting or retreating part in something; any irregularity of line or surface, as in a wall
Having joints; articulated; full of nodes; knotty; as, a jointed doll; jointed structure
together, in conjunction, in unity, in cooperation
A place of low resort, as for smoking opium
To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do; as, the stones joint, neatly
Together, acting as one
in conjunction with; combined; "Our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn`t pay for the damages with all out salaries put together"
In a joint manner; together; unitedly; in concert; not separately
One who, or that which, joints
in collaboration or cooperation; "this paper was written jointly"
A narrow piece of scenery used to join together two flats or wings of an interior setting
Rock fractures along which there has been little or no displacement parallel to the fractured surface
the place at which two things are joined together; in living organisms refers to the parts where two bones move one another, and the way those parts are put together
places where two or more wires are attached together; splices
(n) An element in a kinematic model defining the constraints between two rigid parts of the assembly (called the links) Joints define how the links can move relative to each other, in rotation and translation
are fractures in the rock which have opened up perpendicular to the walls (or faces), generally without any shearing of one side past the other This process tends to produce very smooth even surfaces Preferential erosion along the joints in the Ithaca area is responsible for the rectilinear pattern of many of the gorges in the area
plural of joint
n vertical cracks in rock along which there has been no movement
the external junctions between the boards and the spine covering (see also hinges)
A fracture in a rock that exhibits no displacement across it (unlike a fault) Joints may be caused by shrinkage of igneous rocks as they cool in the solid state, or, in sediments, by regional extension or compression of sediment caused by earth movements
A semi-finished product used in the manufacture of brooches or any item which includes a pin for fastening The joint holds the -pin at one end allowing it to swivel for opening and closing
Intersections of multi-lines
the Joint
American organization that raises money for Jews
the joint
(American and Canadian slang) prison
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف joint في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

joint ayırma eki kablo
(Bilgisayar) sectionalising