jüri, yargıcılar kurulu

listen to the pronunciation of jüri, yargıcılar kurulu
التركية - الإنجليزية
{i} jury
To judge by means of a jury
A group of individuals chosen from the general population to hear and decide a case in a court of law
{n} persons sworn to deliver truth on such evidence as shall be given before them
A certain number of men and women, selected according to law, and sworn to inquire of certain matters of fact, and declare the truth upon evidence laid before them
a body of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to the evidence presented in a court of law a committee appointed to judge a competition
{s} (Nautical) temporary, makeshift, designed for temporary use
A group of citizens randomly selected from the general population and brought together to assist justice by deciding which version, in their opinion, constitutes "the truth" given different evidence by opposing parties
Persons selected according to law and sworn to inquire into and declare a verdict on matters of fact A petit jury is an ordinary or trial jury, composed of six to 12 persons, which hears either civil or criminal cases
A group of officials who ensure that a competition is run safely and in accordance with the rules
A group of twelve people who hear evidence and arguments by the prosecution and defense in a case They decide if the accused is guilty or innocent
A group of citizens picked according to law and authorized to decide a case Can be: (1) grand, that is, a body of citizens that determines whether probable cause exists that a crime has been committed and whether an indictment should be issued; (2) hung, that is, a jury that can't agree on a verdict after a suitable period of deliberation ; (3) petit (or "trial"), that is, an ordinary jury for the trial of a criminal or civil action; or (4) special, that is, a jury ordered by the court, on the motion of either side, in cases that are unusually important or complicated (See also grand jury, petit jury )
In a court of law, the jury is the group of people who have been chosen from the general public to listen to the facts about a crime and to decide whether the person accused is guilty or not. The jury convicted Mr Hampson of all offences. the tradition of trial by jury
A certain number of men and women selected according to law, and sworn (jurati) to inquire of certain matters of fact, and declare the truth upon evidence to be laid before them A jury is a body of persons temporarily selected from the citizens of a particular district, and invested with power to present or indict a person for a public offense, or to try a question of fact
{f} judge by means of a jury; evaluate by way of a jury; judge an art exhibit; choose material as proper and suitable for exhibition (in an art show for example)
a group of 12 citizens who stay in a trial and decide if the accused person is guilty or not guity
A committee for determining relative merit or awarding prizes at an exhibition or competition; as, the art jury gave him the first prize
A jury is a group of people who choose the winner of a competition. I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist. = panel
{i} group of persons who are chosen to hear evidence and render a verdict in a court of law; panel of judges, judging committee (as in a contest)
A collection of people banded together for the purpose of deciding who has hired the better lawyer
jüri, yargıcılar kurulu