ironed out

listen to the pronunciation of ironed out
الإنجليزية - التركية
kırışıklıklarını düzeltmek
farklılıkları, anlaşmazlıklar vs. ortadan kaldırmak, gidermek
iron out
iron out
iron out
(pürüz, sorun v.b.'ni) gidermek
iron out
iron out
sorunu gidermek
iron out
çözüme ulaştırmak
iron out
{f} ütüyle açmak
iron out
(deyim) iron sth. out cozmek,aciklamak,puruzleri gidermek
iron out
{f} gidermek

Sorunu gidermek için bazı detaylar var. - There are some details to iron out.

Sorunu gidermek için hâlâ bazı detaylara ihtiyacımız var. - We still have some details to iron out.

iron out
{f} ortadan kaldırmak
iron out
ütüleyerek (buruşuklukları) gidermek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Simple past tense and past participle of iron out
smoothed, pressed, with the wrinkles removed; settled, resolved
ironed out the difficulties
worked out the problems, overcame the obstacles
iron out
To remove (a crease or creases) with an iron

That shirt still has a few more wrinkles to iron out.

iron out
To resolve (a dispute); to solve (a problem)

Let's just sit down and iron out an agreement on this issue.

iron out
{f} (Informal) resolve difficulties in a mutual manner; reach an agreement mutually (e.g.: "I know dear that we do not agree on many things, but I am sure we can iron them out")
iron out
settle or put right; "we need to iron out our disagreements
iron out
If you iron out difficulties, you resolve them and bring them to an end. It was in the beginning, when we were still ironing out problems = smooth out
ironed out