Interprocess Communication Protocol by which processes can pass messages Messages can be either blocks of data and information packets, or instructions and requests for process(es) to perform actions A process can send messages to itself, other processes on the same machine, or processes located anywhere on the network
acronym for the Association Connecting Electronics Industry; prior to 1999 known as Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Circuits, still use IPC as acroynm
Interprocess Communications - The methods of performing I/O between local applications Typical IPC methods include the use of shared memory, pipes, message queues, and sockets
Interprocess Communication -- the ability for two processes (or threads) to communicate QNX offers several forms of IPC, most notably native messaging (synchronous, client/server relationship), POSIX message queues and pipes (asynchronous), as well as signals
(1) Information Processing Center MIT organization that ran the campus computer center Part of the IPS organization See the MIT Site History for more information
Interprocess communication Compaq NonStop™ Himalaya systems use a message-based style of IPC
The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits, the final American authority on how to design and manufacture printed wiring In 1999, IPC changed its name from Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits to IPC The new name is accompanied with an identity statement, Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC Home Page)