
listen to the pronunciation of industrial
الإنجليزية - التركية

Endüstriyel anlaşmazlıklar hala bir sorundur. - Industrial disputes are still a problem.

Şüpheli endüstriyel casusluk eylemi işledi. - The suspect committed an act of industrial espionage.


Bankalar endüstriyel boçlulara kredi vermeyi kesiyor. - Banks are cutting lending to industrial borrowers.

Endüstriyel anlaşmazlıklar hala bir sorundur. - Industrial disputes are still a problem.

{s} sanayi

Yeni fabrikalar ve sanayi merkezleri inşa edildi. - New factories and industrial centers were built.

Sanayi devrimi İngiltere'de başladı. - The Industrial Revolution began in England.

sanayie ait
{i} sanayici

Ülken için ölüyor olduğunu düşünürsün; sanayiciler için ölürsün. - You think you are dying for your country; you die for the industrialists.

(isim) sanayici
industrial arts sanayide kullanılan teknik yetenekler
industrial disease bir sanayi kolunda
industrial design fabrika ürünü eşyanın güzel ve kullanışlı olmasını sağlayan tatbiki güzel sanatlar kolu
industrial dispute
iş anlaşmazlığı
industrial engineering
endüstri muhendisliği
industrial revolution
sanayi devrimi

Sanayi devrimi İngiltere'de başladı. - The Industrial Revolution began in England.

Sanayi devriminden beri dünya nüfusu üç kattan daha fazla arttı. - Since the Industrial Revolution, the world population has more than tripled.

industrial accident
iş kazası
industrial alcohol
endüstriyel alkol
industrial bank
sanayi bankası
industrial centre
endüstri merkezi
industrial centre
sanayi merkezi
industrial chemistry
endüstriyel kimya
industrial chromium plating
endüstriyel krom kaplama
industrial city
sanayi kenti
industrial court
sanayi mahkemesi
industrial crop
sanayi bitkisi
industrial district
endüstri bölgesi
industrial engineer
endüstri mühendisi
industrial engineering
endüstri mühendisliği
industrial enterprise
sınai girişim
industrial estate
sanayi bölgesi
industrial exhibition
sanayi sergisi
industrial fabric
endüstriyel kumaş
industrial fuel
endüstriyel yakıt
industrial plantation
endüstriyel ağaçlama
industrial property
sınai mülkiyet
industrial robot
endüstriyel robot
industrial safety
sanayide güvenlik
industrial services
sınai hizmetler
industrial spying
sanayi casusluğu
industrial treatment
endüstriyel işlem
industrial union
industrial waste
endüstriyel atık
industrial waste water
sanayi atık suyu
industrial zone
sanayi bölgesi
industrial advances
sınai borçlanmalar
industrial catch
Endüstrüyel balık avclığı
industrial cleaning
endüstriyel temizlik
industrial democracy
endüstriyel demokrasi
industrial district
Sanayi bölgesi
industrial estates
sanayi siteleri
industrial goods
sanayi malları, sanayi ürünleri, sınai mallar, sınai ürünler
industrial plant
Sanayi tesisi, fabrika
industrial premises
endüstriyel tesislerde
industrial production
sanayi üretimi
industrial relations
endüstriyel ilişkiler
industrial tribunal
iş anlaşmazlıkları komisyonu
industrial action
İng. grev; işi yavaşlatma
industrial action
industrial area
sanayi bölgesi
industrial arts
endüstriyel sanatlar
industrial control
endustriyel denetim
industrial defense
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ SAVUNMASI: Seferberlik için lüzumlu hayati önemdeki tesisler ve bunların hizmetindeki kaynakların aralıksız istihsal kabiliyetini temin edecek, gayri askeri bütün tedbirleri ifade eder. Bu tedbirlerden maksat, istihsal kabiliyetinin herhangi bir sebep veya tehlike ile zarar görmesini veya duraklamasını önlemek ve azaltmak; hasardan sonra istihsalin süratle eski durumuna getirilmesini sağlamaktır
industrial design
endüstriyel tasarım
industrial diamond
endüstriyel elmas
industrial disease
(Tıp) Zararlı olduğu bilinen sanayi ile ilgili maddelere maruz kalınmasıdan ötürü meydana çıkan meslekle ilgili hastalıklar, meslek hastalıkları
industrial electronic security
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ ELEKTRONİK GÜVENLİĞİ: Kara ordusu malzemesi üzerinde, araştırma, geliştirme, deney, kıymetlendirme ve istihsalle meşgul tesislerden, deney ve istihsal teçhizatından çıkan muhabere dışı dost elektronik ışımaları dinleme ve incelemeden elde edilecek bilgilerin, yetkisiz şahıslar eline geçmesine engel olmak maksadı güden bütün tedbirlerin meydana getirdiği koruma veya korunma
industrial estate
İng. organize sanayi bölgesi
industrial estate
endüstri bölgesi
industrial fabrics
(Tekstil) endüstriyel kumaşlar
industrial firm
(Ticaret) sanayi firması
industrial free zone
serbest sanayi bölgesi
industrial fund
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ FONU: Bak. "working capital fund"
industrial good
(Avrupa Birliği) sınai mal
industrial hygiene
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ SAĞLIK BİLGİSİ (HV.): İş muhitlerinde, işçiler veya bir topluluk mensupları arasında hastalığa, sağlık ve refahın tehlikeye düşmesine veya önemli huzursuzluk ve yetersizliğe yol açabilecek aşırı yorgunlukları tanımak, değerlendirmek ve kontrol etmekle meşgul bilim ve meslek
industrial injury
mesleki kayıp
industrial installation
(Askeri) ASKERİ ENDÜSTRİ MÜESSESESİ: Harp malzemesi veya ikmal maddeleri istihsalleri için faydalı olan ordu tesisi. Bak. "command installation"
industrial management
sanayi işletmeciliği
industrial management
endüstri işletmeciliği
industrial mineral
endüstriyel mineral
industrial mobilization
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ/SANAYİ SEFERBERLİĞİ: Endüstrinin barış zamanı faaliyetlerinden milli askeri hedefleri desteklemek üzere gerekli endüstri programına çevrilmesi. Bu iş endüstri programı için lüzumlu malzeme, insan gücü, sermaye, üretim tesisleri ile bunların faaliyetleri için gerekli madde ve hizmetlerin seferber edilmesini içine alır. Bak. "mobilization"
industrial mobilization training program
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ SEFERBERLİĞİ EĞİTİM PROGRAMI: Endüstri Seferberliği üzerinde yapılacak eğitime ait program
industrial nation
sanayileşmiş ülke
industrial park
sanayi bölgesi
industrial plant
(Avrupa Birliği) endüstri tesisi, sanayi tesisi
industrial preparedness
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ HAZIRLIĞI: Milli askeri hedefleri desteklemek üzere lüzumlu malzemeyi üretmek amacıyla endüstrinin hazırlanması aşaması
industrial preparedness program
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ HAZIRLIK PROGRAMI: Endüstri bazında hem devlet hem özel sanayiinin, ulusal askeri amaçları desteklemek için gerekli acil durum programına barış zamanı faaliyetinden geçiş planları, faaliyetleri veya önlemleridir. Üretim tesislerinin modernizasyonu, genişletilmesi ve muhafazası gibi endüstri hazırlık önlemlerini ve endüstri planlaması için katkıda bulunacak konu ve hizmetleri kapsar
industrial property
(Askeri) SINAİ MAL: Ordu malından farklı olarak bir sözleşmenin ifasında temin veya iktisap edilmiş malzeme özel alet ve endüstri tesisleri dahil müteahhit iktisabı veya devletçe temin edilen mallar
industrial psychology
çalışma psikolojisi
industrial radiography
(Nükleer Bilimler) endüstriyel radiografi
industrial raw material
endüstriyel hammadde
industrial readiness
(Askeri) Bak. "industrial preparedness""
industrial relations
işçi işveren ilişkileri
industrial relations court
iş mahkemesi
industrial reserve component
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ YEDEĞİ ANA PARÇA: Standart bir nihai maddenin, müstakbel tedarik veya istihsal programları için, özel surette muhafaza edilen, yetki verilmiş bir ana parçası
industrial revolution
sanayi devrimi,sanayi devrimi
industrial school
teknik okul
industrial school
meslek okulu
industrial school
endüstri meslek lisesi
industrial security
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ GÜVENLİĞİ: İç güvenliğin; ABD endüstrisinin elindeki gizli bilgileri korumakla ilgili kısmı
industrial security office
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ GÜVENLİĞİ GÖREV YERİ: İşine vakıf olduğu bir tesiste endüstri güvenliği konularında kontrol icrasından kuvvet komutanlığınca sorumlu tutulan, bir kuvvet komutanlığı dahilindeki bir komutanlık, büro, birlik, makam veya şahıs
industrial sewage
endüstriyel atık su
industrial stocks
sanayi hisse senetleri
industrial therapy
(Tıp) Hastaların, yeniden iş hayatına dönebilmeleri için gerekli alıştırmalarının yapıldığı hastane organizasyonu
industrial town
sanayi şehri
industrial waste
sanayi atığı
industrial waste
endüstriyel artık
industrial worker
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) sanayi işçisi
individual protective clothing; industrial plant equipment
(Askeri) bireysel koruyucu giysi; sanayii fabrikaları teçhizatı
organized industrial zone
Organize sanayi bölgesi
sanayi bakımından
endüstriyel olarak
(isim) sanayi hisse senetleri
{i} sanayi hisse senetleri
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
produced by such industry

Handicraft is less standardized then industrial products, hence less artistic or rather flawless.

having many industries; industrialized

Italy is a part industrial, part rural nation.

A bond or stock issued by such company
An employee in industry
Belonging or pertaining to the genre of industrial music

a track with clashing industrial beats.

used by such industry
An enterprise producing tangible goods or providing certain services to industrial companies
of or relating to industry, notably manufacturing

The industrial segment of the economy has seen troubles lately.

employed as manpower by such industry
suitable to stand up to hard wear; "industrial carpeting" having highly developed industries; "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation" employed in industry; "the industrial classes"; "industrial work" of or relating to or resulting from industry; "industrial output" employed in industry; "industrial workers"; "the industrial term in use among professional thieves
of or relating to or resulting from industry; "industrial output"
of or relating to industry
Wastes produced as a result of manufacturing or related industrial operation
The industrial sector is generally defined as manufacturing, construction, mining, agriculture, fishing, and forestry establishments The utility may classify industrial service using the Standard Industrial Classification codes, or based on demand or annual usage exceeding some specified limit The limit may be set by the utility based on the rate schedule of the utility
Stock market lingo that is a catch-all category that includes all firms that have businesses that are not classified as utility, transportation, or financial companies
Of, relating to, concerning, or arising from the assembling, fabrication, finishing, manufacturing, packaging or processing of goods, or mineral extraction
employed in industry; "industrial workers"; "the industrial term in use among professional thieves
Category of gas customers who are engaged primarily in a process which creates or changes raw unfinished materials into another form or product
{i} one who works for an industrial company; firm or business which is involved in the production or distribution of goods; manufactured product
Lots or parcels containing the buildings and the associated and adjacent landscaping, recreation facilities and parking for uses that include the following : horticultural specialties (e g , greenhouse), general contractors (building construction and all nonbuilding construction), manufacturing of all kinds, goods movement facilities, communications, utilities and wholesale trade
{s} pertaining to or involved in the production or distribution of goods; characterized by highly developed industries; used in production and manufacturing
a land use category describing manufacturing, processing, warehousing, packaging or treatment of products The category is usually divided into two sub-categories, depending upon the intensity of operations: Heavy Industrial -- a land use category characterized by manufacturing and processing operations that produce relatively high levels of noise, vibration, dust, smoke or pollution or that include outdoor storage Light Industrial/Office -- a land use category characterized by warehouses, distributors, research and business support services, and light manufacturing that does not produce high levels of noise, vibration, dust, smoke, or pollution and does not include outdoor storage or intensive activity Institutional -- a land use category which covers public operations such as schools, government buildings, major sports facilities, churches, hospitals, water treatment facilities, etc
You use industrial to describe things which relate to or are used in industry. industrial machinery and equipment. a link between industrial chemicals and cancer
Includes all manufacturing, construction contracting, transportation, utilities, wholesaling, warehousing and mineral related extracting uses
suitable to stand up to hard wear; "industrial carpeting"
- A parcel of land that is used for industry and/or mass production of various materials The more likely of the sites to be contaminated, specifically due to prior industrial use Standards of cleanup are slightly less than those imposed on residential cleanup, since the industry would still most likely occupy the site in any given city business district
Non-broadcast film or video, usually of an educational nature
The industrial sector is generally defined as manufacturing, construction, mining, agriculture, fishing, and forestry establishments (Standard Industrial Classification [SIC] codes 01-39) A utility may classify industrial service using the SIC codes, or based on demand or annual usage exceeding some specified limit The limit may be set by the utility based on the rate schedule of the utility See also Standard Industrial Classification
employed in industry; "industrial workers"; "the industrial term in use among professional thieves"
An area zoned industrial and containing sites for many separate industries and developed and managed as a unit, usually with provisions for common services for the users
Of, relating to, or resulting from industry
General term used in the stock markets to refer to companies manufacturing, producing or distributing goods and services
Uses: Nonresidential and noncommercial employment uses such as mining, milling, and manufacturing Industrial Uses include both General Industrial and Heavy Industrial Uses Institutional Uses: Government offices and facilities; and public or private health, recreational, or educational uses and facilities such as schools, training centers, universities, libraries, hospitals, camps, congregate care facilities or similar facilities
Blue star Ltd - SRF Ltd
the assembling, fabrication, finishing, manufacturing, packaging, or processing of goods, or the extraction of minerals This shall in no case include the processing of fish or marine life Processing of such goods shall be considered an acceptable commercial fish use
service to customers who are primarily engaged in a process which creates or changes raw or unfinished materials into another form or product This includes mining and manufacturing
means development that includes those activities that are principally for the processing of materials or the manufacture, assembly, service, repair, storage or transportation or materials, goods or equipment
having highly developed industries; "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation"
Land use that is primarily for businesses such as warehouses, manufacturing plants, automobile service shops etc
Term for any company that produces goods or services and is not a utility
Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor, especially in manual labor, and their wages, duties, and rights
An industrial city or country is one in which industry is important or highly developed. ministers from leading western industrial countries. industrial design industrial ecology industrial engineering industrial espionage industrial medicine industrial melanism industrial organizational psychology Industrial Revolution Industrial Workers of the World Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations industrial and organizational relations
employed in industry; "the industrial classes"; "industrial work"
industrial action
In a workplace, a strike or other protest by workers
industrial actions
plural form of industrial action
industrial arts
The practical arts, such as engineering, metalworking or carpentry
industrial arts
the teaching of the knowledge and skills needed to work with tools and machinery
industrial design
the blend of applied art, architecture and engineering which attempts to develop physical solutions to meet particular needs
industrial diamond
A diamond of quality too low to be gem-grade but useful in industry because of the diamond's great hardness, usually used as an abrasive
industrial diamonds
plural form of industrial diamond
industrial disease
disease or disability caused by employment, such as repetitive acts or exposure to chemicals
industrial diseases
plural form of industrial disease
industrial espionage
The use of clandestine methods to acquire secret information for commercial advantage
industrial estate
An area of buildings intended primarily for industrial purposes, i.e. factories and related services and infrastructure, rather than for living in
industrial estates
plural form of industrial estate
industrial methylated spirit
ethyl alcohol denatured by the addition of 5% methyl alcohol, a form of methylated spirit for use in industry and the laboratory - usually free of alcohol taxes
industrial methylated spirits
plural form of industrial methylated spirit
industrial music
A noisy, experimental genre of music with transgressive themes that originated in the 1970s
industrial output
What an industry produces, as a national total
industrial school
Such a residential school formally used to rehabilitate juvenile delinquents

Some industrial schools were known for exploiting and even belting their wayward boys on an almost industrial scale.

industrial school
A school specifically training for skills aimed at industrial employment

A small town's industrial school graduates often work in the local factory.

industrial schools
plural form of industrial school
industrial strength
Made for use by businesses, as opposed to at home, and therefore typically larger, stronger and less attractive in appearance

The office was now large enough to need an industrial strength vacuum cleaner.

industrial strength
Unusually large or potent

That's one industrial strength cockroach! I'll need the industrial strength bug spray.

industrial strength
Strength or capacity, as related to industry

It was many decades before the war-ravaged country regained its industrial strength.

industrial tribunal
A type of tribunal that deals with contentions between workers and companies
industrial tribunals
plural form of industrial tribunal
Attributive form of industrial output, noun

industrial-output data.

Having a level of potency, concentration, or durability suitable for industrial tasks, as opposed to merely household tasks
industrial district
Industrial district was initially introduced as a term to describe an area where workers of a monolithic heavy industry (ship-building, coal mining, steel, ceramics, etc) live within walking-distance of their places of work
industrial action
If workers take industrial action, they join together and do something to show that they are unhappy with their pay or working conditions, for example refusing to work. Prison officers have decided to take industrial action. A job action. an action such as a strike (=stopping work) taken by workers involved in a disagreement with their employer
industrial air pollution
pollution resulting from an industrial plant discharging pollutants into the atmosphere
industrial alcohol
alcohol that is suitable for industrial purposes (not for drinking)
industrial and organizational relations
or organizational relations Study of human behaviour in the workplace, focusing especially on the influence such relations have on an organization's productivity. Classical economics viewed workers as instruments of production, subject to the laws of supply and demand. Industrial relations did not become the subject of scholarly attention until the late 1920s, when Elton Mayo (1880-1949) studied productivity at Western Electric Co.'s Hawthorne Works. Concluding that merely being chosen to participate in the study improved workers' productivity (the "Hawthorne effect"), Mayo became the first scholar to show workers responding to psychosocial stimuli. Other aspects of industrial and organizational relations include human resources management, which involves the development of job descriptions and organizational structures; recruiting, training, and general oversight of employees; negotiating terms of employment, planning for the future, and the study of managerial styles
industrial archaeology
the study of old factories, machines etc
industrial archaeology
study of historical industrial archeological processes and methods based on present archeological remains
industrial arts
A subject of study aimed at developing the manual and technical skills required to work with tools and machinery. a subject taught in school about how to use tools, machinery etc
industrial arts
a course in the methods of using tools and machinery as taught in secondary schools and technical schools
industrial arts
crafts learned in school (such as woodworking, electronics, etc.)
industrial bank
a finance company that makes small loans to industrial workers
industrial bank
bank which specializes in offering financial services to factory owners
industrial conflict
legal state before the declaration of a strike
industrial consortium
association of industrial concerns
industrial design
Industrial design is any original shape, pattern, or ornamentation applied to a manufactured article (it is assumed that more than 50 units will be sold) Examples: shape of a table, decoration on the handle of a spoon Industrial design has to be registered and is then protected via the Industrial Design Act This protection is used relatively rarely (when compared to patenting)
industrial design
The professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value, and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer
industrial design
(See design )
industrial design
Design refers to the features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation which can be judged by the eye in finished products Design registration is for manufactured products and NOT artistic designs In other words, registered designs protect the way manufactured products look
industrial design
{i} art of designing the appearance and form and size of manufactured products
industrial design
– Refers to the features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament (or any combination of those features) that, in a finished article, appeal to and are judged solely by the eye An industrial design registration grants the holder exclusive rights to make, import, sell, rent or offer or expose for sale or rent, any article with respect to which the design is registered and to which the design or a design not substantially different from the registered design has been applied
industrial design
Core ID input relates to the human facing attributes of a product, including usability, ergonomics, aesthetics, style, image, feel and form ID can be defined more widely to encompass approaches to user understanding, conceptualisation and concept visualisation
industrial design
An industrial design - or simply a design - is the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article produced by industry or handicraft; registration and renewals provide protection for, in most cases, up to 15 years
industrial design
Design of products made by large-scale industry for mass distribution. Among the considerations for such products are structure, operation, appearance, and conformance to production, distribution, and selling procedures; appearance is the principal consideration in industrial design. The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design was founded in London in 1957 and within 25 years had members in more than 40 countries. Two significant trends have persisted: streamlining, a design principle pioneered by Raymond Loewy and others in the 1930s; and planned obsolescence, design changes that tempt owners to replace goods with new purchases more frequently than would normally be necessary
industrial design
The visual features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament (or any combination of these features), applied to a finished article of manufacture
industrial designer
{i} person who designs the appearance and form and size of manufactured products
industrial disease
Occupational disease
industrial dynamics
pattern of behavior and movement of funds and materials characteristic to business
industrial ecology
Discipline that traces the flow of energy and materials from their natural resources through manufacture, the use of products, and their final recycling or disposal. Research in industrial ecology began in the early 1990s. Life-cycle analysis traces the flow of materials; design for the environment works to minimize energy use, pollution, and waste. Industrial ecologists aim to create industries in which every waste is a raw material for another product
industrial engineer
engineer that designs techniques of working and the uses of machines in industry
industrial engineering
The branch of engineering that is concerned with the efficient production of industrial goods as affected by elements such as plant and procedural design, the management of materials and energy, and the integration of workers within the overall system.industrial engineer n. Application of engineering principles and techniques of scientific management to the maintenance of high levels of productivity at optimum cost in industrial enterprises. Frederick W. Taylor pioneered in the scientific measurement of work, and Frank (1868-1924) and Lillian (1878-1972) Gilbreth refined it with time-and-motion studies. As a result, production processes were simplified, enabling workers to increase production. The industrial engineer selects tools and materials for production that are most efficient and least costly to the company. The engineer may also determine the sequence of production and the design of plant facilities or factories. See also ergonomics
industrial engineering
the branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways
industrial engineering
science of putting industries to practical use
industrial espionage
spying that occurs among competing businesses and industries
industrial espionage
stealing secret information from one company in order to help another company. Acquisition of trade secrets from business competitors. Industrial spying is a reaction to the efforts of many businesses to keep secret their designs, formulas, manufacturing processes, research, and future plans. Trade secrets may find their way into the open market through disloyal employees or through various other means. Penalties against those found guilty range from an injunction against further use of the knowledge to substantial damages. See also patent
industrial estate
An industrial estate is an area which has been specially planned for a lot of factories. in.dustrial 'park a piece of land, often on the edge of a town, where there are factories and businesses
industrial medicine
or occupational medicine Branch of medicine dealing with workers' health and the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries in the workplace. Workplace hazards include exposure to dangerous materials including asbestos and coal dust, radiation exposure, and machinery capable of causing injuries ranging from minor to life-threatening. Industrial medical programs mandate protective devices around machines' moving parts, proper ventilation of work areas, use of less toxic materials, containment of production processes, and protective equipment and clothing. Good industrial medical programs improve labour-management relations, increase workers' overall health and productivity, and reduce insurance costs
industrial melanism
Darkness of the skin, feathers, or fur developed by a population of animals living in an industrial region where the environment is soot-darkened. The melanization of a population increases the probability that its members will survive and reproduce because it offers protection in the form of camouflage; it takes place over the course of many generations as the result of natural selection of the lighter, more conspicuous animals by predators
industrial park
a tract at a distance from city center that is designed for a community of businesses and factories
industrial park
A subdivided industrial area customized to the need of its users
industrial park
An industrial park is the same as an industrial estate. An area usually located on the outskirts of a city and zoned for a group of industries and businesses
industrial park
an area designed and zoned for manufacturing and associated activities
industrial park
An area zoned industrial and containing sites for many separate industries and developed and managed as a unit, usually with provisions for common services for the users
industrial park
n A low-lying, landlocked, arid, usually a captured site with a Punishment Sphere, mostly forest & mine terrain, very little energy income, and usually without crawlers, specialized for building military units & exporting portable infrastructure to more profitable bases
industrial park
A parcel of land specifically developed to provide lots for industrial activities
industrial park
center of scientific industries, area zoned for industrial and business use (usually on the outskirts of a city)
industrial photography
photographing of industrial products
industrial process
a systematic series of mechanical or chemical operations that produce or manufacture something
industrial product
manufactured goods
industrial production
manufacturing, large scale factory production
industrial psychology
The branch of applied psychology that is concerned with efficient management of an industrial labor force and especially with problems encountered by workers in a mechanized environment.industrial psychologist n
industrial psychology
psychologist dealing with the development of job training programs and figuring out determinants of consumer behavior
industrial relations
Industrial relations refers to the relationship between employers and employees in industry, and the political decisions and laws that affect it. The offer is seen as an attempt to improve industrial relations. Relations between the management of an industrial enterprise and its employees. the relationship between workers and employers
industrial relations
relations between workers, relations between workers and employers
industrial revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a period of rapid industrial growth which caused a radical shift in focus from agriculture to industry during the late 1700's and early 1800's A dramatic increase in city populations was one of the effects of the Industrial Revolution
industrial revolution
Describes time in which Britain changed from a rural to an urban economy due to the rapid developments in technology and society
industrial revolution
The change in economic and social organization resulting from the replacement of hand tools with powered machinery and large-scale industrial production, beginning in England in 1760 and later in other countries
industrial revolution
The term used to describe the technological advances of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, such as the development of steam power, which changed the face of industry by supplementing purely mechanical power with steam, electrical and ultimately nuclear power
industrial revolution
historical period, lasting throughout most of the 1800s, when the economy of the United States and many European nations shifted from an agricultural to a manufacturing base
industrial revolution
process of transfer from agriculture to industry that began in Britain in the 18th century
industrial revolution
A period of inventive activity, beginning around 1750 in Great Britain During this period, industrial and technological changes resulted in mechanized machinery that replaced much of which was previously manual work The Industrial Revolution was responsible for many social changes, as well as changes in the way things were manufactured
industrial revolution
Noun An era, usually dated from 1750 to 1900, when industry took off, first in the United Kingdom and then spreading to the rest of the world (including the United States) During this time, there were many industrial innovations and discoveries The wool industry, for instance, went from the small Cottage Industry, to full blown mass production
industrial revolution
the time, roughly between the 1700s and mid 1800s, when the hand crafting economy changed to a machine manufacturing economy
industrial revolution
A period of rapid industrial growth with far-reaching social and economic consequences, beginning in England during the second half of the eighteenth century and spreading to Europe and later to other countries including the United States The invention of the steam engine was an important trigger of this development The industrial revolution marks the beginning of a strong increase in the use of fossil fuels and emission of, in particular, fossil carbon dioxide In this Report the terms pre-industrial and industrial refer, somewhat arbitrarily, to the periods before and after 1750, respectively
industrial revolution
The rapid changes in the transition from medieval methods of production to those of the free enterprise system which took place from about 1760 to 1830, primarily in England A term of Marxian origin loaded with emotional connotations in order to fit economic history into the theories of Fabianism (q v ), Marxism (q v ), Historicism (q v ) and Institutionalism (q v ) B 18; HA 8,617-23; 0G 101-02; PF 136, 168
industrial revolution
A major change in goods production that began in England in the mid-eighteenth century and was characterized by a shift to the factory system, mass production, and specialization of labour
industrial revolution
Series of changes in economy of Western Europe between 1740 and 20th century; stimulated by rapid population growth, increase in agricultural productivity, commercial revolution of 17th century, and development of new means of transportation; in essence involved technological change and the application of machines to the process of production (p 704)
industrial revolution
A period commonly dated 1760-1830 in Britain during which technological advances were made that changed the nature of production Human skills and strength were replaced by machines; new sources of power were developed (e g fossil fuels); new materials were used in production (e g replacement of wood with iron); and the introduction of a factory system as the major mode of production
industrial revolution
the Industrial Revolution is the stream of new technology and the resulting growth of output that began in England toward the end of the 18th century
industrial revolution
The development of mechanical and industrial production of goods that began in Great Britain in the mid-1700s and then spread through Europe and North America
industrial revolution
a period of industrial and social change that began in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and later spread to other regions of the world The revolution was accelerated in the U S where it took hold in the 1870s Many new cities were founded and the building of factories for turning raw materials into manufactured goods gave these centres an industrial focus Between 1870 and 1914, the U S experienced unprecedented immigration from Europe, providing new labour for the factories Cities were linked by a new network of railways This period lay the foundation for urbanization, a trend that continues in the U S today
industrial revolution
Major change in the economy and society of humans brought on by the use of machines This period in human history began in England in the late 18th century
industrial revolution
The complex of radical socioeconomic changes, such as the ones that took place in England in the late 18th century, that are brought about when extensive mechanization of production systems results in a shift from home-based hand manufacturing to large-scale factory production. the Industrial Revolution the period in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe and the USA when machines were invented and the first factories were established. Process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacture. It began in England in the 18th century. Technological changes included the use of iron and steel, new energy sources, invention of new machines that increased production (including the spinning jenny), development of the factory system, and important developments in transportation and communication (including the steam engine and telegraph). Other changes included agricultural improvements, a wider distribution of wealth, political changes reflecting the shift in economic power, and sweeping social changes. The Industrial Revolution was largely confined to Britain from 1760 to 1830, then spread to Belgium and France. Other nations lagged behind, but once Germany, the U.S., and Japan achieved industrial power they outstripped Britain's initial successes. Eastern European countries lagged into the 20th century, and not until the mid-20th century did the Industrial Revolution spread to such countries as China and India. Many analysts saw evidence of a second, or new, industrial revolution in the later 20th century, with the use of new materials and energy sources, automated factories, new ownership of the means of production, and a shift away from laissez-faire government
industrial revolution
a major change in the economy during the 1700s that resulted from the increased use of energy for new power-driven machinery
industrial revolution
the movement of different countries from a society based largely on agriculture to one based more upon the mechanized production of manufactured goods
industrial revolution
The replacement of hand tools by machine and power tools that led to the development of large-scale industrial production Dating to about 1760 in England, it transformed centuries-old social and economic systems and is believed to be the primary cause of the historical rise in the air's CO2 content that has closely tracked its progression
industrial revolution
the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation
industrial robot
machine which is used in industry
industrial sabotage
theft of industrial and technical knowledge or information
industrial structures
structures which are used for manufacturing purposes
industrial superpower
country exceptionally advanced in industry
industrial tribunal
a court which judges disagreements between workers and their employers
industrial union
A labor union to which all the workers of a particular industry can belong regardless of their occupation or trade
industrial union
a labor union that admits all workers in a given industry irrespective of their craft
industrial waste
waste resulting from industrial activity
industrial watercourse
a canal that is operated by one or more industries
industrial workers of the world
a former international labor union and radical labor movement in the United States; founded in Chicago in 1905 and dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism; its membership declined after World War I
industrial zone
area with a heavy concentration of factories
industrial-organizational psychology
or I-O psychology Application of the concepts and methods of experimental, clinical, and social psychology to the workplace. I-O psychologists are concerned with such matters as personnel evaluation and placement, job analysis, worker-management relations (including morale and job satisfaction), workforce training and development (including leadership training), and productivity improvement. They may work closely with business managers, industrial engineers, and human-resources professionals
an industrial-strength substance is very strong - often used humorously
extremely strong or concentrated or durable; "industrial-strength detergent"; "weapons-grade salsa
In an industrial manner
leadership-industrial complex
The self-propagating relationship between the leadership industry, organizations and individuals in leadership positions within those organizations. The term is reflective of the pejorative military-industrial complex
military-industrial complex
the armed forces of a nation together with the industries that supply their weapons and materiel
by industrial means; in an industrial manner
by industrial means; "industrially produced"
Concerning industry
With reference to industry
by industrial means; "industrially produced
General term used in the financial markets to refer to companies manufacturing, producing, or distributing goods and services
{i} stocks and bonds belonging to an industrial company
In stock market language, this is a general category of firms in the business of manufacturing products Industrials exclude utility, transportation and financial services companies