in front of somebody sth. (expressing directional movement)

listen to the pronunciation of in front of somebody sth. (expressing directional movement)
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف in front of somebody sth. (expressing directional movement) في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

in front of

Bahçe, evin önündedir. - The garden is in front of the house.

Evimin önünde bir göl var. - There is a lake in front of my house.

in front of

Televizyonun karşısında daldı. - She spaced out in front of the TV.

Her zaman TV'nin karşısındasın. - You're always in front of the TV.

in front of
in önünde
in front of

Araba, binanın önüne park edildi. - The car is parked in front of the building.

Bahçe, evin önündedir. - The garden is in front of the house.

in front of

Tom etmemesi gerektiğini bilmesine rağmen, arabasını yangın musluğunun önüne parketti. - Tom parked his car in front of a fire hydrant even though he knew he shouldn't.

Tom insanların onun evinin önüne park etmelerini sevmiyor. - Tom doesn't like it when people park in front of his house.

in front of
in front of
-in önünde
in front of
önünde: in front of the building binanın önünde
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف in front of somebody sth. (expressing directional movement) في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

in front of
At or near the front part of (something)

Both parties met in front of the Castle, the torch-bearers numbering nearly one hundred.

in front of
In the presence of, in view of (someone)

Not in front of the children!.

in front of
Located before, ahead of, previous to (someone or something)

Several people are in front of me in line. The woman next in front of me is older, probably in her fifties.

in front of
to the right of; under
in front of
prep [on the front side of something (He is standing ~ the house )] di depan
in front of
lobotomy n
in front of
before, located at the front of
in front of somebody sth. (expressing directional movement)