As their name suggest, bitters are a bitter additive made from dozens, if not hundreds of herbs, spices and plants Bitters are often called for to flavor cocktails Use bitters in moderation, as too much can ruin the cocktail
A liquid combination of cloves, cinnamon, quinine, nutmeg, rum, dried fruits, and other root and herbal extracts Primarily used in cocktails
plural only: A liquid used in mixed drinks or as a tonic into which bitter herbs have been steeped, (can also be found in powdered form for adding to mixed drinks)
is a combination of aromatic herbs, barks, and plants As a liquid bitters is used to flavor cocktails and food
spirits of varying strengths flavoured with roots and herbs, used in cocktails to add a kick or depth of flavour, or for medicinal purposes Most common are Amer Picon, angostura, Campari, Fernet Branca, orange and peach bitters, Cinzano, Underberg
A very concentrated flavoring agent made from roots, barks, herbs and/or berries
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