
listen to the pronunciation of hypoxia
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu hasta hipoksi çekiyor. - This patient is suffering from hypoxia.

Sen hipoksinin etkilerini yaşamaya başlayacaksın. - You'll begin to experience the effects of hypoxia.

Aşırı yağış, yüksek taban suyu vb. gibi nedenlerle bitki köklerinin bulunduğu bölgede (toprak boşluklarının su ile dolu olmasından dolayı)oksijenin azalması, düşük havalanma koşulları
Oksijen yetersizliği
Oksijen azlığı
(Askeri) HİPOKSİYA (HV.): Kanda veya vücudun diğer hücrelerinde oksijen yetersizliği veya (tansiyon olarak ifade edilen) kısmi basınç. Hücreler; ciğerlere alınan havada oksijen tansiyonunun azlığı (hypoxic hypoxia), kanın oksijen basıncı kapasitesindeki noksanlık (hypemic hypoxia), kan dolaşımında azalma (stagnant hypoxia) veya vücut dokularının kandaki oksijenden faydalanamamaları (histotoxis hypoxia) gibi sebeplerden, bir dereceye kadar oksijen noksanlığından müteessir olurlar
{i} oksijen yetmezliği
(isim) oksijen yetmezliği
(Tıp) Oksijen azalması, oksijensizlik, hipoksi
(Denizbilim) hipoksik
(Tıp, İlaç) Hipoksi (oksijen azlığı) gösteren
(Tıp, İlaç) Hipoksi (oksijen azlığı) ile ilgili
ischemic hypoxia
iskemik hipoksi
(Tıp) Hipoksi gösteren
(Tıp) Hipoksi ile ilgili
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A condition in which tissues are deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen
the presence of an abnormally low amount of oxygen in the blood
abnormally low oxygen content in the organs and tissues of the body
abnormal oxygen content in the organs and tissues of the body
Reduction of oxygen supply to tissue
Insufficient oxygen reaching the tissues of the body
Decreased concentration of oxygen in the tissues While blood flow and pressure may be normal, a lowered oxygen saturation point can cause this condition in asthmatics Comes from hypo (lower than normal) and oxygen Normal oxygen concentration is called normoxia The organ most critically affected by hypoxia is, of course, the brain Not something we want to mess with in our little ones
Inadequate amounts of available oxygen in the blood
A condition of having low levels of oxygen, often too low to support animal life
Reduction of oxygen supply to tissue below physiological level
Oxygen want or deficiency; any state wherein a physiologically inadequate amount of oxygen is available to, or utilized by, tissue without respect to cause or degree Compare anoxia
A low oxygen condition in the water that may occur where a nutrient-laden free-flowing body of water (like a river) enters a lake or ocean The high nutrient content promotes rapid growth of plankton/phytoplankton that subsequently die and, in the process, consume large amounts of oxygen (see biochemical oxygen demand) While fish and shrimp can migrate away from a hypoxic area, less mobile bottom-dwelling organisms are unable to escape A Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Talk Force under the leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency (comprised of representatives from the scientific, economic, ecological and agricultural communities) is investigating the recurring and increasingly large hypoxia problem at the mouth of the Mississippi River Currently, scientists believe nitrogen making its way into tributaries that flow into the Mississippi River, and eventually the Gulf of Mexico, causes the hypoxia condition
insufficient oxygen in the tissues, even though blood flow is adequate
a very strong drive resulting from a deficiency of available oxygen in the blood and bodily tissues (short of anoxia)
the depletion of dissolved oxygen in water, a condition resulting from an overabundance of nutrients of human or natural origin that stimulates the growth of algae, which in turn die and require large amounts of oxygen as the algae decompose It was the most frequently cited direct cause of fishkills in the U S from 1980 to 1989
(high-pox-ee-ar) When the body is short of oxygen and therefore the level in the blood falls
When the body is short of oxygen and therefore the level in the blood falls
bnormal oxygen content in the organs and tissues of the body
Low oxygen content in the body
An inadequate supply of oxygen to the tissues
Abnormally low amount of oxygen in the body tissues
An oxygen deficiency (CMD 1997)
{i} lack of oxygen in the blood (Medicine)
—A reduced level of oxygen in tissues
A deficiency of oxygen supply to a tissue
Inadequate oxygen supply to the body tissues
deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues of the body
Condition in which tissues are starved of oxygen. The extreme is anoxia (absence of oxygen). There are four types: hypoxemic, from low blood oxygen content (e.g., in altitude sickness); anemic, from low blood oxygen-carrying capacity (e.g., in carbon monoxide poisoning); distributive, from low blood flow (e.g., generally in shock or locally in atherosclerosis); and histotoxic, from poisoning (e.g., with cyanide) that keeps cells from using oxygen. If not reversed quickly, hypoxia can lead to necrosis (tissue death), as in heart attack
hypoxic hypoxia
hypoxia resulting from defective oxygenation of the blood in the lungs
Describing a breathing gas mixture that contains less than 21% oxygen
anemic hypoxia
hypoxia resulting from a decreased concentration of hemoglobin
Oxygen deficiency in bodily tissue (short of anoxia)
{s} of hypoxia, lacking oxygen in the blood (Medicine)
Of, pertaining to, or suffering from hypoxia
training with a limited supply or intake of oxygen An example of hypoxic training is swimming 4 x 25 freestyle on 1: 00 without breathing during the swimming portion of the set
Oxygen deficient (CMD 1997)
Condition of low oxygen concentration in the blood The area most sensitive to hypoxia is the brain Return to Top
ischemic hypoxia
hypoxia resulting from slow peripheral circulation (such as follows congestive cardiac failure)



    التركية النطق



    /hīˈpäksēə/ /haɪˈpɑːksiːə/