
listen to the pronunciation of hike
الإنجليزية - التركية
engebeli arazide uzun yürüyüş yapmak
hike yükselt/yürüyüşe çık
{f} yürümek

Ben dağlarda yürümekten hoşlanırım. - I like to hike in the mountains.

{f} gezmek
fiyatı yükseltmek
yükseltmek (fiyatı)
toplamak (eteğini)
uzun yürüyüşe çıkmak
(kırda) uzun yürüyüş
{f} kırlarda yürüyüşe çık
{f} (fiyatı) yükseltmek, artırmak
{f} gezinti yapmak
{f} yukarı çekmek
{f} uzun yürüyüş yapmak
{i} uzun ve çetin yürüyüş
{f} yürüyüşe çıkmak

Yürüyüşe çıkmak için tatilden faydalanalım. - Let's take advantage of the vacation to go on a hike.

Yürüyüşe çıkmak için en iyi mevsim sonbahardır. - Autumn is the best season for going on hikes.

{i} yükselme
{i} gezinti

Muhtemelen gezintiden sonra biraz yorgun olacağız. - We'll probably be a bit tired after the hike.

Tom, Mary'ye bir gezintiye çıkmayı söyledi. - Tom told Mary to take a hike.

{f} (eteğini) toplamak
{i} yürüyüş

O, hasta olduğu için yürüyüşe gidemedi. - He could not go on the hike because he was ill.

Yürüyüşü iptal etsek iyi olur. - We'd better cancel the hike.

{f} dolaşmak
{i} uzun yürüyüş

Leyla uzun yürüyüşünü bitirdi. - Layla finished her long hike.

{i} yukarıya çıkma
hike up
yürüyüş yapmak
hike up
yürüyüş yap
hike up
yukarı çekmek
hike up
jungle hike
Balta girmemiş ormanda yapılan yürüyüş
yürüyüşe çıkan kimse
{i} uzun yürüyüşe çıkan kimse
(Spor) yürüyüş yapma

Tom'un yürüyüş yapmaktan hoşlandığını düşünmüyorum. - I don't think Tom enjoys hiking.

(Ticaret) fiyatları yükseltme
price hike
(Ticaret) zam
uzun yürüyüş yapan
tax hike
vergi artırımı
take a hike
bir zam almak
the hitch hike
to hike
zam için
{i} uzun yürüyüş yapan kimse
(isim) uzun yürüyüşe çıkan kimse
hike yükselt/yürüyüşe çık
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To lean out to the windward side of a sailboat in order to counter-balance the effects of the wind on the sails
A command to a dog sled team, given by a musher
The snap of the ball to start a play
To pull up or tug upwards sharply
A long walk
To unfairly or suddenly raise a price
An abrupt increase

The tenants were not happy with the rent hike.

To snap the ball to start a play
To walk along a hiking trail, especially a nature/scenic long walk, usually without overnight camping gear
increase; "The landlord hiked up the rents"
to go with exertion or effort; to tramp; to march laboriously
the amount a salary is increased; "he got a 3% raise"; "he got a wage hike"
To hike one's self; specif
a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure
To move with a swing, toss, throw, jerk, or the like
{f} make a long journey by foot, walk or march over long distances, trek, backpack; make higher, increase (i.e. prices)
{i} long walk, march, trip; increase, raise (as in wages)
A hike is a sudden or large increase in prices, rates, taxes, or quantities. a sudden 1.75 per cent hike in Italian interest rates = rise, increase
a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure walk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise; "We were hiking in Colorado"; "hike the Rockies"
If you hike, you go for a long walk in the country. You could hike through the Fish River Canyon We plan to hike the Samaria Gorge. + hiking hik·ing heavy hiking boots
A hike is a long walk in the country, especially one that you go on for pleasure. = walk
increase; "The landlord hiked up the rents
a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure walk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise; "We were hiking in Colorado"; "hike the Rockies" increase; "The landlord hiked up the rents
walk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise; "We were hiking in Colorado"; "hike the Rockies"
To hike prices, rates, taxes, or quantities means to increase them suddenly or by a large amount. It has now been forced to hike its rates by 5.25 per cent = raise Hike up means the same as hike. The insurers have started hiking up premiums by huge amounts Big banks were hiking their rates up
an increase in cost; "they asked for a 10% rise in rates"
The act of hiking; a tramp; a march
hike up
To lift; to tug or pull upwards

He hiked up his sagging trousers.

hike up
To raise or increase sharply

They tried to make more money by putting lots of salt in the popcorn and hiking up the price of drinks.

hike up
pull up; "hitch socks and pants"
hike up
increase; "The landlord hiked up the rents"
hike up
pull up; "hitch socks and pants
hitch hike
{i} journey made by hitchhiking
Present participle of hike
walking in the countryside for pleasure or sport
take a hike
Used to tell someone to go away
take a hike
To go hiking
take a hike
To go away; to leave or depart

I wish that pest would just take a hike.

{i} walking, trekking, journeying on foot; making higher, increasing (i.e. prices)
past of hike
One who hikes, especially frequently
a foot traveler; someone who goes on an extended walk (for pleasure)
A hiker is a person who is going for a long walk in the countryside for pleasure
{i} one who makes a long journey by foot
plural of hiker
plural of hike
third person singular, present tense of the verb to hike
the activity of taking long walks in the mountains or country walking. Walking, often among hills or mountains, as recreational sport. It represents an activity in its own right and also figures in backpacking, camping, hunting, mountaineering, and orienteering. Hiking programs are offered by youth groups and other organizations, such as the U.S. Wilderness Society. Trails are preserved in most U.S. federal and state parklands. Most European cities have hiking trails outside them. One of the longest U.S. hiking trails is the Appalachian National Scenic Trail
price hike
rise in price, price increase
take a hike
go away, get out of here, scram