the Babylonian god of wisdom; son of Apsu and father of Marduk; counterpart of the Sumerian Enki; as one of the supreme triad including Anu and Bel he was assigned control of the watery element
environmental assessment: an evaluation of environmental impacts to determine whether or not significant impacts would result from a project and, if so, what those impacts are and of what magnitude (can result in either a FONSI (finding of no significant impact) or an EIS)
A written environmental analysis that is prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act to determine whether a federal action would significantly affect the environment and thus require preparation of a more detailed environmental impact statement
Similar to an EIS, but not nearly as complex or rigorous Usually used on smaller projects with lesser impact (Sometimes Edward Abbey is referred to as EA )
Environment Australia, Department of Environment and Heritage, providing national leadership in the protection and conservation of the environment
Extended address Each octet in the Frame Relay frame header ends with an EA bit The EA bit is 1 in the last octet of the header and 0 in all other octets