
listen to the pronunciation of havuzu
التركية - الإنجليزية
A mutual arrangement between competing lines, by which the receipts of all are aggregated, and then distributed pro rata according to agreement
combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial,speculative, or gambling transaction
An aggregation of properties or rights, belonging to different people in a community, in a common fund, to be charged with common liabilities
{n} a standing water, pond, term used at cards
any communal combination of funds; "everyone contributed to the pool"
A defined account (e g , defined by size, geographic location, claim dollars that exceed "x" level per individual, etc ) to which revenue and expenses are posted A risk pool attempts to define expected claim liabilities of a given defined account as well as required funding to support the claim liability
A collection of mortgage loans assembled by an originator or master servicer as the basis for a security Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac pass-through securities are identified by a number assigned by the issuing agency
To put together; to contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of; as, the companies pooled their traffic
an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"
A method of distributing insurance risk, whereby, the individual participants share overall risk with the other participants
A community of persons or companies with common interests which combine to carry out common measures, contribute to a common fund of resources or further a common effort (e g shipping pools, insurance company pools) A stockholder's pool combines the shareholdings of several or a number of shareholders in order to better represent common interests at stockholders' meetings The rights and duties of pool members are usually governed by a contract
A relatively deep, still section in a stream
1) (noun) An underground reservoir containing or appearing to contain a common accumulation of oil and natural gas A zone of a structure which is completely separated from any other zone in the same structure is a pool 2) (verb) To combine two or more tracts of land into one unit for drilling purposes This may be accomplished voluntarily, or through compulsion
{i} communal fund; treasury, general financial fund; any of a number of games played on a cloth covered table with cues and balls, billiards
the combined stakes of the betters
A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon
The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc
A separate account which includes entries for income and expenses It is used when a number of groups are put together for the purposes of combining their premium and paying their losses (H)
(broadcast usage) The unpackaged program feed from which several networks or distributors may take and add their own packaging (ID's, announcer etc ) It is called the "pool feed" because the users share the costs and take turns providing the resources (the crew, equipment, connections, etc )
An organization of insurers or reinsurers through which pool members underwrite particular types of risks with premiums, losses, and expenses shared in agreed amounts

Tom and Mary aren't interested in buying a house with a pool. - Tom ve Mary havuzu olan bir ev satın almakla ilgilenmiyorlar.

This hotel has a gym and a swimming pool. - Bu otelin bir spor salonu ve bir yüzme havuzu vardır.

havalandırma havuzu
aeration basin
kapalı yüzme havuzu
indoor swimming pool
pond, pool; (kapalı) baths; dock
{i} piscine
adres havuzu
(Bilgisayar) address pool
depolama havuzu
(Denizbilim) storage pond
gelgit havuzu
(Coğrafya) tide lock
(Askeri) well deck
ortam havuzu
(Bilgisayar) media pool

Do not use this product near a bathtub, sink, shower, swimming pool, or anywhere else where water or moisture are present. - Bu ürünü küvet, lavabo, duş, yüzme havuzu ya da su ve rutubetin olduğu başka herhangi bir yerin yanında kullanmayınız.


There are a lot of trees around the pond. - Havuzun etrafında bir sürü ağaç var.

The pond is too shallow for swimming. - Havuz yüzülemiyecek kadar çok sığ.

çöktürme havuzu
precipitation pool
aday havuzu
candidate pool
arıtma havuzu
clearing pool
açık yüzme havuzu
open air swimming pool
balık havuzu
balık havuzu
balık havuzu
balık üretme havuzu
balıkları canlı saklama havuzu
biriktirme havuzu
storage reservoir
dalma havuzu
demirleme havuzu
(Askeri) mooring basin
dengeleme havuzu
(Denizbilim) compensating pool
dengeleme havuzu
balancing pond
dengeleme havuzu
(Denizbilim) balancing pool
dinlendirme havuzu
stilling poll
dinlendirme havuzu
stilling basin
dinlendirme havuzu
water stilling device
dinlenme havuzu
resting pool
dinlenme havuzu
resting basin
filtre havuzu
filter bed
filtre havuzu
filter basin
fon havuzu tekniği
(Ticaret) pool-of-funds approach
gel-git havuzu
(Askeri) tidal pool
gel-git havuzu
(Askeri) tide tank
gelgit havuzu
tidal dock, tide lock
gemi havuzu
repair dock
gemi havuzu
pool , repository
(man-made) basin or pool
istiridye havuzu
jet difüzyon havuzu
jet diffusion basin
kanal havuzu
kanal havuzu
canal lock
kanal havuzu kapağı
lock gate
kereste havuzu
(Askeri) timber basin
kum havuzu

We've got a sandbox at home. - Evde kum havuzumuz var.

Tom and Mary played in the sandbox together and made sand castles. - Tom ve Mary birlikte kum havuzunda oynadılar ve kum kaleler yaptılar.

kum havuzu sandbox
(for children)
liman havuzu
(Askeri) lag window
liman havuzu
harbour basin
modelleme ve simülasyon kaynak bilgi havuzu
(Askeri) modeling and simulation resource repository
modem havuzu
(Bilgisayar) modem pool
numara havuzu
(Telekom) number pooling
otelinizin havuzu var mı
Does the hotel have a swimming pool
oyun havuzu
paddling pool
savak havuzu alt kapağı
silt havuzu
silt basin
silt tutma havuzu
silt basin
tabak havuzu
(Askeri) skinner basin
teminat havuzu
(Ticaret) cover pool
tersip havuzu
settling basin
tesviye havuzu lock
(in a canal, river, or dock)
toplama havuzu
storage reservoir
toplama havuzu
collecting pond
toplama havuzu
tuzlu su havuzu
salt-water basin
tuzlu su havuzu
salt-water pool
uyum havuzu
(Denizbilim) acclimation pond
yem havuzu
(Denizbilim) feed pond
yüzme havuzu
swimming pool, swimming bath
yüzme havuzu
yüzme havuzu
çamur havuzu
clay pit
çamur havuzu
mud pond
çocuk havuzu
kiddy pool
çocuk havuzu
paddling pool
çökeltme havuzu
settling basin
çöktürme havuzu
settling basin
üretim havuzu
(Denizbilim) production pond
التركية - التركية

تعريف havuzu في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) MİL'E
(Osmanlı Dönemi) BÜRKE
(Osmanlı Dönemi) ECÜME
Kum, asit vb. konulan çukur yer
Su biriktirmek, yüzmek veya çevreyi güzelleştirmek gibi amaçlarla altı ve yanları mermer, beton ve benzeri şeylerden yapılarak içine su doldurulan, genellikle üstü açık yer: "Asıl binanın iki yanındaki kuru havuzlara ve havuzların hemen yanı başındaki kameriyelere doğru daha seyrek, daha bol çiçekli bitkiler yayılıyor."- A. İlhan
Büyük gemilerin onarılmak için çekildikleri yer
(Osmanlı Dönemi) havz
kapalı yüzme havuzu
Kapalı bir mekân içine alınmış, suyu ısıtılan, yüzme sporunun yapıldığı havuz
kum havuzu
Atletlerin atlamada incinmemeleri için düştükleri yere yapılmış, içi kumla doldurulmuş alan
yüzme havuzu
Spor, sağlık ve eğlence amacıyla yapılmış, belirli derinlikleri bulunan, suyla dolu olan yer
çöktürme havuzu
Pis suyu temizleme döşemelerine, yabancı maddelerin çöktürüldüğü havuz