hücre aralarındaki liflerin artması, lif dejenerasyonu, fibrozit

listen to the pronunciation of hücre aralarındaki liflerin artması, lif dejenerasyonu, fibrozit
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) fibrosis
{i} excessive growth of fibrous tissue in an organ (Medicine)
The process the body uses to create scar tissue
Scar formation resulting from the repair of tissue damage If it occurs extensively in the liver, it is called cirrhosis Fibrosis does not necessarily progress to cirrhosis
Formation of scar tissue FLAMMABLE (EXPLOSIVE) LIMITS - Those concentrations of a vapor in air below or above which a flame or explosion does not occur on contact with a source of ignition See also UEL and LEL FLAMMABLE - Any substance that is easily ignited, burns intensely, or has a rapid rate of flame spread A substance with a flashpoint below 100 øF is considered flammable See COMBUSTIBLE FLASH POINT - The lowest temperature at which a liquid produces enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture with the air FR - Federal Register FUME - Finely divided particles created when volatilized solids condense in cool air, such as a heated process like welding (Fumes are technically not vapors or gases ) Fumes have particle sizes of one micrometer or less FUME FEVER - An acute condition caused by a brief high exposure to the freshly generated fumes of metals
Formation of fibrous tissue, as in a reparative or reactive process, in excess of amounts normally present
An abnormal thickening of fibrous connective tissue, usually in the lungs
The formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ
replacement and disruption of the normal cellular pattern by fibrous (scar) tissue
Just means firm tissue, does not actually imply anything bad Back
Scar formation resulting from the repair of tissue damage If it occurs extensively in the liver, it is called cirrhosis Viral load: The amount of virus present in a person's blood stream It is usually measured by the PCR quantitative test and the result is given in number of virus particles per ml of blood
Formation of scar-like (fibrous) tissue top
formation of fibrous tissue as a reaction or as a repair process; may occur due to treatment and/or disease
The replacement of normal tissue with scar tissue
-A process producing scar tissue that forms as a reaction to injury or during a healing process
is the deposition of collagen, that forms a fibrose (scar) tissue, poor of blood vessels and of cells and that therefore impair liver function Liver fibrosis represents the wound healing response of the liver to a long term disease that damage it Liver fibrosis leads to cirrhosis
Scarring of tissue, making it stiffer and not as functional as normal tissue
Formation of scar tissue in response to injury
The formation of fibrous tissue, which may replace other tissue (BVD)
Refers to the presence of scar tissue or collagen fibers in any tissue In the liver, fibrosis or scarring of the liver damages the architecture and thus the functionality of the organ Fibrosis, combined with the liver's ability to regenerate, causes cirrhosis (regeneration within the scar tissue)
hücre aralarındaki liflerin artması, lif dejenerasyonu, fibrozit


    hüc·re a·ra·la·rın·da·ki lif·le·rin art·ma·sı, lif de·je·ne·ras·yo·nu, fib·ro·zit