
listen to the pronunciation of hören
ألمانية - التركية
{'hö: rın} işitmek, duymak
v. 'hö: rın işitmek, duymak
(Gramer) (akk. + infinitiv) işitmek, duymak
(Gramer) (auf) bnin sözünü dinlemek(akk.)
(Gramer) işitmek, duymak(TEK NESNE İSTEYEN FİİL)
(Gramer) (etwas über) akk. bri veya bş hakkında bir şey işitmek
(Gramer) (von) bnden bşden haber almak (dativ)
(Gramer) (etwas von) dat. bnden bşden haber almak, bnden bşi duymak, işitmek

Ben onu duymaktan usandım. - Ich bin es müde, das zu hören.

Çoğu insan, sadece kendi gerçeklerini duymak ister. - Die meisten Leute wollen nur ihre eigene Wahrheit hören.


Öğretmenin dediğini dinleyin. - Hören Sie zu, was der Lehrer sagt.

kulak verin
kulak ver
mektup almak
auf jdn hören
sözünü dinlemek
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف hören في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{f} dinlemek

Kimse benim fikirlerimi dinlemek istemiyor. - No one wants to listen to my opinions.

Linda müzik dinlemek için parka gitti. - Linda went to the park to listen to the music.


Dinle! Favori müziğimi çalıyorlar. - Listen! They're playing my favorite music.

Kimse benim fikirlerimi dinlemek istemiyor. - No one wants to listen to my opinions.

hear about
haberi olmak
hear about
haberini almak
hear about
haberi ol
hear about
haberdar olmak

Bütün eski kız arkadaşlarından haberdar olmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to hear about all your ex-girlfriends.

Bu konudan haberdar olmak istiyorum. - I want to hear about it.

hear about

Evlilik planlamanın nasıl gittiğini duymak istiyorum! - I would love to hear about how your wedding planning is going!

Tom Mary'nin problemlerinin tamamını duymak istemiyordu fakat sessizce oturdu ve dinledi. - Tom didn't want to hear about all of Mary's problems, but he sat quietly and listened.

hear about
kulak verme

Baylar bayanlar, görüşüme kulak vermenizi istiyorum. - Ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to listen to my opinion.

O, öğretmene hiç kulak vermez. - He never listens to the teacher.

hear about
(Fiili Deyim ) -den haberi olmak
kulak misafiri olmak
radyo dinlemek

Radyo dinlemek hoşuma gidiyor. - I like listening to the radio.

Radyo dinlemek ister misin? - Do you want to listen to the radio?

listening post düşman hattına yakın dinleme noktası

Kimse benim fikirlerimi dinlemek istemiyor. - No one wants to listen to my opinions.

Çocuklar masal dinlemeyi sever. - The children love listening to fairy tales.

{f} kulak asmak
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
to learn something (from something)
to find out something {found
to listen to somebody/sth

Listening to music is lots of fun. - Musik zu hören macht sehr viel Spaß.

He wouldn't listen to my advice. - Er wollte nicht auf meinen Rat hören.

listening to
hear about

I'm sorry to hear about what happened to Tom. - Es tut mir leid zu hören, was Tom zugestoßen ist.

It was horrible to hear about the crime. - Es war schrecklich, von dem Verbrechen zu hören.

Hören Sie auf meinen Rat!
Take my advice!
Hören Sie auf zu drängeln!
Stop pushing!
Hören Sie, können Sie mir helfen?
I say (there). Can you help me?
hören {vi}
to listen (to)
hören {vt} (von)
to hear {heard
hören {vt} (von)
heard} (of)
Dann bekam ich die übliche Leier von der Frau und den Kindern zu hören, die er e
What followed was the usual recital of the wife and children he had to support
Das lässt sich hören.
That sounds reasonable
Die ganze Nachbarschaft konnte das Geschrei hören.
The whole neighbourhood could hear the shouting
Du solltest auf deine Mutter hören.
You should listen to your mother
Es beruhigt mich, das zu hören.
I'm relieved to hear that
Es freut mich, zu hören/sehen, dass …
I'm pleased to hear/see that …
Es herrschte vollkommene Stille, nur der Wind war in den Bäumen zu hören.
All was silent but for the sound of the wind in the trees
Es ist so still, dass man eine Stecknadel fallen hören könnte.
It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop
Ich freue mich so, das zu hören.
I'm really wrapped to hear that
Ich habe geglaubt, eine Stimme zu hören, aber das war wohl nur Einbildung.
I thought I heard a voice, but I guess it was just a figment of my fantasy
Ich habe ihm gesagt, er soll aufpassen, aber er wollte nicht auf mich hören.
I told him to be more careful, but he wouldn't listen to me
Ich kann das schon nicht mehr hören!
I can't stand listening to that any longer
Ich will kein Aber hören, räum jetzt dein Zimmer auf.
I want no ifs and buts / ifs, ands or buts , tidy your room now
Ich will nichts davon hören.
I won't hear of it
Jemanden als Zeugen in eigener Sache zu hören, ist problematisch.
Hearing a person as a witness in support of his own case is problematic
Radio hören
to listen to the radio
Sie möchte gern ein Kompliment hören.
She's fishing for compliments
Tschüss, und lass wieder von dir hören!
Ciao, and don't be a stranger!
Tschüss, und lass wieder von dir hören!
Bye, bye, and keep in touch! /KIT/
Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen.
He that will not hear must feel
Wie hören Sie mich, kommen? (Funkjargon)
Are you reading me, over? (radio jargon)
auf die Stimme seines Herzens hören
to follow the leadings of your heart
auf die Vernunft hören
to listen to reason
auf jemanden hören
to listen to somebody (take somebody's advice)
bei einer Diskussion etwas Neues hören/lernen
to find out something new from a discussion
beim Sport Musik hören
to listen to music while exercising
durch Hören lernen
to learn by ear
eine Vorlesung besuchen/hören
to attend a lecture
eine Vorlesung besuchen/hören
to go to a lecture
etw. aus/von sicherer Quelle hören
to get something straight from the horse's mouth
falsch hören
to mishear {misheard
falsch hören
im Radio hören
to hear on the radio
ist zu hören
rings out
nichts hören wollen (von)
to turn a deaf ear (to)
sie vermeinte, eine Stimme zu hören
she thought she heard a voice
von jemandem hören, dass …
to understand from somebody that …
war zu hören
rang out
zu hören gewesen
rung out
zu hören seiend
ringing out
zu hören sein
to ring out
zufällig hören
zufällig hören
to overhear {overheard