
listen to the pronunciation of gravity
الإنجليزية - التركية

Newton yerçekimi yasasını kanıtlamıştır. - Newton established the law of gravity.

Yerçekimi her şeyi dünyaya düşürür. - Gravity brings everything down to Earth.

{i} çekim

İki nesne arasındaki çekim kuvveti iki kütlenin ürünü ile orantılıdır ve onların kütle merkezleri arasındaki mesafeyle ters orantılıdır. - The force of gravity between two objects is proportional to the product of the two masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass.

Newton'un yer çekimi kanunu organların birbirini çekme tarzıyla ilgili birçok bilimsel deney ve gözlemlere dayalı matematiksel bir anlatımdır. - Newton's law of gravity is a mathematical description of the way bodies are observed to attract one another, based on many scientific experiments and observations.

(Fizik) kütleçekim
{i} ağırbaşlılık
(Fizik,Teknik) yerçekim kuvveti

Bu son derece bir yerçekimi sorunudur. - This is a matter of the utmost gravity.

Newton yerçekimi yasasını kanıtlamıştır. - Newton established the law of gravity.

(Otomotiv) yoğunluk
(Fizik) gravite

Tom durumun ciddiyetinin farkında değildi. - Tom wasn't aware of the gravity of the situation.


Zürafa yüzemez çünkü ağırlık merkezi çok yukarıda olduğundan baş aşağı döner. - The giraffe cannot swim because its centre of gravity is so high that it would topple over.

{i} peslik
gravity cell içinde elektrik cereyanı hasıl olan cam veya porselengravity rail road yerçekimi gücüyle işleyen demir
{i} ciddilik
i., fiz
(Tıp) Cazibe, çekim, yer çekimi
(İnşaat) yer çekimi

Yer çekimi etkisi her nesneden uzaya doğru her yönde ve sonsuz bir mesafede uzanır. - The effect of gravity extends from each object out into space in all directions, and for an infinite distance.

Mars'ın yer çekimi Dünya'nın yer çekiminin %38'idir. - Mars's gravity is 38% of Earth's gravity.

{i} ciddiyet

Bu, nihayet durumun ciddiyeti hakkında beni ikna etti. - This has finally convinced me of the seriousness of the situation.

Meselenin ciddiyetini anlayamıyorlardı. - They couldn't comprehend the seriousness of the matter.

gravity anomaly
(Çevre) gravite anomalisi
gravity circulation
(Fizik) doğal dolaşımı
gravity circulation
(Fizik) kendi ağırlığı ile devir
gravity feed
doğal akışlı besleme
gravity feed
çekim ile besleme
gravity flow
(Çevre) ağırlıksal akış
gravity meter
gravity model
(Çevre) gravite modeli
gravity wave
(Fizik) yeçekim dalgası
gravity well
(Bilgisayar) yerçekimi kuyusu
gravity well
(Askeri) çekim kuyusu
gravity meter
gravity meter
ağırlık ölçer
gravity bottle
yerçekimi şişe
gravity cast
dökme kalıp
gravity conveyor
desansör, yerçekimli taşıyıcı
gravity dam
ağırlık barajı
gravity davit
yer çekimi ile mataforadan düşmek
gravity drop hammer
yerçekimi tokmak
gravity force
Yerçekimi gücü
gravity irrigation
çekim sulamasi, yerçekimi sulamasi
gravity plane
vargel rampası
gravity sintering
(Mühendislik) ağdırmalı külçeleme
gravity wave
(Meteoroloji) Yerçekim DalgasıVerilen bir hava kütlesinin statitik denge yüzeyinden, kararlı hava kütlesi ile dikey olarak yer değiştirmesiyle karakterize edilen dalga
gravity waves
yerçekimi dalgaları
gravity abutment
(İnşaat) ağırlık dayanağı
gravity action
(Fizik) gravite hareketi
gravity anomalies
(Askeri) çekim aykırılıkları
gravity anomalies
(Askeri) ÇEKİM DÜZGÜNSÜZLÜKLERİ (HV.): Ölçünün yapıldığı yer civarında dağ, vadi, okyanus veya diğer anormal şekilde yüksek veya alçak yoğunluktaki maddelerin bulunması gibi mahalli topografik ve coğrafi şartlar yüzünden teorik yerçekimi ile fiili yerçekimi arasındaki fark
gravity arch dam
kemer ağırlık barajı
gravity arch dam
(İnşaat) kemerli ağırlık barajı
gravity assist
gravite asitsi/yardımı
gravity bar
ağırlık çubuğu
gravity braking system
(Otomotiv) ağırlıkla frenleme sistemi
gravity circulation heating
(Fizik,Teknik) tabii sirkülasyonlu ısıtma
gravity collapse structure
çekim çökmesi yapısı
gravity conveyor
gravity conveyor
(Madencilik) yerçekimli taşıyıcı
gravity correction
(Meteoroloji) yerçekimi düzeltmesi
gravity current
(Fizik) gravite akışı
gravity drainage
(Tarım) cazibe drenajı
gravity drainage
yerçekimi ile drenaj
gravity drainage
(Tarım) çekim drenajı
gravity drainage
(Tarım) gravite drenajı
gravity drainage system
cazibeli drenaj sistemi
gravity extraction
(Havacılık) gravite boşaltması
gravity extraction
(Askeri) KENDİ AĞIRLIĞIYLA ATMA (HV.): Uçaklardan yüklerin kendi ağırlıkları etkisiyle atılması. Ayrıca bakınız: " extraction parachute"
gravity extraction
(Askeri) kendi ağırlığıyla atma
gravity extraction
(Havacılık) ağırlıkla boşaltma
gravity fault
gravite fayı (normal fay)
gravity feed system
(Havacılık) ağırlık besleme sistemi
gravity filling
kendi ağırlığıyla ikmal
gravity filtration
gravite temizleme
gravity filtration
gravite süzme
gravity filtration
gravite filtreleme
gravity force
(İnşaat) yerçekimi kuvveti
gravity force
(Fizik) çekim gücü
gravity gliding
yerçekimi kayması
gravity gliding
gravite kayması
gravity gradient boom
(Telekom) hacıyatmaz çubuğu
gravity irrigation
yerçekimiyle sulama
gravity irrigation
(Tarım) yerçekimi sulaması
gravity irrigation
(Tarım,Teknik) cazibe sulaması
gravity irrigation
(Tarım) çekim sulaması
gravity irrigation
(Tarım) doğal akıntı sulaması
gravity irrigation
öz ağırlıkla sulama
gravity loading
yerçekimi yüklemesi
gravity masonry wall
(İnşaat) masif taş duvar
gravity method
gravite yöntemi
gravity of the electrolyte
asit yoğunluğu
gravity pipe
cazibeli boru
gravity pressure
çekim basıncı
gravity quay wall
(İnşaat) ağırlık rıhtımı duvarı
gravity retaining wall
ağırlık istinat duvarı
gravity retaining wall
(İnşaat) ağırlık dayanma duvarı
gravity retaining wall
ağırlık dayanma yapısı
gravity separation
gravite separasyonu/ayırması
gravity settling
gravite çökelmesi/tortusu
gravity simulation
(Askeri) çekim taklidi
gravity simulation
(Askeri) ÇEKİM TAKLİDİ (HV.): Bir serbest düşüş durumunda çekim reaksiyonunu taklit için merkezcil kuvvetten yararlanma. Bu husus muhtemelen arz üzerinde denenmiş normal çekim reaksiyonu yerine araca santrifüj dönüş verilip, dış çevrenin araç içinde mevcut cisimler üzerindeki merkezcil kuvvetinden faydalanılarak elde edilmektedir
gravity simulation
(Askeri) çekim benzetimi
gravity slide
yerçekimi kayması
gravity slide
gravite kayması
gravity sliding
gravite kayması
gravity sliding
yerçekimi kayması
gravity spring
yerçekimi kaynağı
gravity survey
yerçekimi ölçümü
gravity survey
gravite ölçümü
gravity system
doğal akıntılı sistem
gravity system
yerçekimli sistem
gravity tank
doğal dağıtmalı su deposu
gravity tank
gravite tankı
gravity tectonics
gravite tektoniği (kayma tektoniği)
gravity turn
(Havacılık) ağırlık nedeniyle donuş
gravity units
gravite birimleri (gal, mgal gibi)
gravity wall
(İnşaat) ağırlık duvarı
gravity wall
(Jeoloji) ağırlık istinat duvarı
gravity waves
(Askeri) ağırlık dalgaları
gravity waves
(Meteoroloji) yerçekim dalgaları
gravity weir
ağırlık bendi
gravity well
(Askeri) ÇEKİM KUYUSU (HV.): Çekim sahası derin bir çukur kabul edilerek uzay aracının, gezegen bir cisimden kurtulmak için tırmanması lüzumunu belirten benzetiş
acceleration of gravity
yerçekimi ivmesi
zero gravity
(Askeri) SIFIR YERÇEKİMİ: Yerçekimi etkilerinin tam yokluğu. Böyle bir durum; belli başlı çekim kaynağı çekim kuvvetinin tamamen kaldırıldığı veya atalet kuvveti ile karşılandığı zaman meydana gelir. Örneğin; performanslı bir uçak veya yörüngedeki bir uydunun tam parabolik uçuş yolu üzerinde bulunduğu zamanki durum. Ayrıca bak "agravic"
attraction of gravity
earth gravity
pull of gravity
quantum gravity
kuantum yerçekimi
specific bulk gravity
birim hacim ağırlığı
specific bulk gravity
birim oylum ağırlığı
specific gravity
(Denizbilim,Meteoroloji) özgül yerçekimi
apparent specific gravity
zahiri özgül ağırlık
centre of gravity
ağırlık merkezi
centre of gravity
ağırlık özeği
force of gravity
ağırlık kuvveti
force of gravity
yerçekimi kuvveti
hollow gravity dam
boşluklu ağırlık barajı
specific gravity
özgül ağırlık
acceleration due to gravity
yerçekimi ivmesi
acceleration due to gravity
Yerçekimi ivmesi; bir vakum ortamı içerisinde serbest düşmeye bırakılan bir cismin hızında birim zamandaki artış miktarı; değeri enlem ve yükseltiye göre değişir; deniz düzeyinde ve 45° enlemdeki uluslar arası standart yer çekimi ivmesi 9.806 65 m/s2 ya da İP birim sisteminde 32.174 ft/s2 dir
anti gravity
anti yerçekimi
center of gravity
ağırlık merkezi
centre of gravity axis
ağırlık eksen merkezi
centres of gravity
ağırlık merkezleri
law of gravity
yer çekimi yasası
lowering of the center of gravity
Ağırlık merkezinin düşürülmesi
overcome the pull of gravity
ağırlık çekmek üstesinden
specific gravity bottle
özgül ağırlık şişe
the gravity of the situation
Durumun ciddiyetini
zero gravity
sıfır yerçekimi
acceleration of gravity
yercekimi ivmesi
apparent specific gravity
birim ağırlık
artificial gravity
(Askeri) SUNİ YER ÇEKİMİ: Bir hava uzay aracı içinde bir kabini, bu aracın uzunlamasına ekseni etrafında dön dürmek, böylece yer çekimi kuvvetine benzer bir merkezkaç kuvvet temin etmek suretiyle meydana getirilen taklit yer çekimi
bouguer gravity
bouguer gravitesi (bir referans yüzeydeki teorik bir gravite değerine serbest-hava gravite düzeltmesi ve bouguer gravite düzeltmesi eklenerek elde edilen, yüzeyde bir p noktasındaki gravite değeri)
center of gravity
(Askeri) AĞIRLIK MERKEZİ: bkz: "center of mass"
center of gravity
(Askeri) Siklet merkezi
center of gravity limits
(Askeri) AĞIRLIK MERKEZİ DEĞİŞME SINIRLARI: Ağırlık merkezinin hava aracında uçuş emniyetine zarar vermeyecek değişme sınırları. Yüklenmiş hava aracının ağırlık merkezi kalkışta, havada iken ve inişte bu sınırlar arasında bulunmak zorundadır. Bazı hallerde kalkış ve iniş sınırları da belirtilebilir
curved gravity dam
kemer ağırlık baraj
drainage by gravity
cazibe ile drenaj
force of gravity
force of gravity
force of gravity

İki nesne arasındaki çekim kuvveti iki kütlenin ürünü ile orantılıdır ve onların kütle merkezleri arasındaki mesafeyle ters orantılıdır. - The force of gravity between two objects is proportional to the product of the two masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass.

force of gravity
çekilme şiddeti
hollow gravity dam
boşluktu ağırlık barajı
incongruous with gravity
yerçekimine aykırı
lunar gravity
(Askeri) ay çekim kuvveti
lunar gravity
(Askeri) AY ÇEKİM KUVVETİ: Zerre ve kitlelerin ay çekim merkezine doğru çekilmesi
non gravity
(Fizik) yerçekimsizlik
{i} vakar
{i} ağırbaşlılık
theoretical gravity
teorik yer çekimi
theoretical gravity
(Askeri) TEORİK YER ÇEKİMİ: Dünyanın aykırılıklara (anomalilere) sebep olan kitle değişikliğinden mahrum tam bir küre halinde bulunduğu kabul edildiği takdirde yer çekiminin, arz yüzeyindeki değeri. Ayrıca bak "gravity anomalies"
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Gravitation, universal force exercised by two bodies onto each other (In casual discussion, gravity and gravitation are often used interchangeably)
Specific gravity
Resultant force on Earth's surface, of the attraction by the Earth's masses, and the centrifugal pseudo-force caused by the Earth's rotation
The state or condition of having weight; weight; heaviness
The state or condition of being grave (graveness)
{i} attractive force which causes all bodies to move toward the center of the earth; weight, heaviness; severity; seriousness; solemnity
A mutual physical force attracting two bodies
{n} weight, seriousness, solemnity
One of the fundamental forces of nature, defined as the constant force of attraction between all objects in the universe The gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects and proportional to the masses
Force that attempts to pull objects back to the surface of the earth
Lowness of tone; opposed to acuteness
In Newtonian physics, the universal, mutual attraction of all massive objects for one another Its force is directly proportional to the mass of each object, and decreases by the square of the distance separating the objects In Einstein's general relativity, gravity is viewed as a consequence of the curvature of space induced by the presence of a massive object greenhouse effect - The warming effect caused by the Earth's atmosphere allowing easy entry of visible light, but difficult escape of infrared radiation (heat)
The gravity of a situation or event is its extreme importance or seriousness. They deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime Not all acts of vengeance are of equal gravity
The gravitational attraction of the earth's mass for bodies at or near its surface i e the downward force acting on each molecule in the air pulling it towards the earth
the tendency of a body toward the center of the earth; terrestrial gravitation
a solemn and dignified feeling
The tendency of a mass of matter toward a center of attraction; esp
Sobriety of character or demeanor
The force which attracts all particles to the Earth, thus giving them weight It is a resultant of two opposing forces: gravitation and centrifugal force due to rotation of the Earth
a manner that is serious and solemn
1 The force of attraction exerted by one body in the universe on another Gravity is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two attracted bodies 2 The force of attraction exerted by the Earth on bodies on or near its surface, tending to pull them toward the Earth's center
The attraction between two masses, such as the earth and an object on its surface Commonly referred to as the acceleration of gravity Changes in the gravity field can be used to infer information about the structure of the earth's lithosphere and upper mantle
Gravity is the mutual force of attraction between all particles or bodies that have mass Gravity often refers to the vector sum of the gravitational attraction of various masses within the planet plus the centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the Earth
a solemn and dignified feeling (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface; "the more remote the body the less the gravity"; "the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them"; "gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love"--Albert Einstein
A mutual physical force of nature that causes two bodies to attract each other
attractive force directly proportional to the product of the masses of and inversely proportional to the distance between two objects; infinite field that determines curvature of spacetime; the only force that has not been mathematically unified with others
The gravity of someone's behaviour or speech is the extremely serious way in which they behave or speak. There was an appealing gravity to everything she said
The state of having weight; beaviness; as, the gravity of lead
Gravity is the force which causes things to drop to the ground. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth. see also centre of gravity
the force of attraction between two objects (such as the force between an airplane and the Earth)
The force of attraction of the earth on an object The direction is downward relative to the earth, and it decreases with elevation or altitude away from the earth's surface
The force of attraction due to mass All matter has gravity which influences its surroundings The amount of gravity between two objects is dependent on their masses and the distance between their centers The greater the mass, the greater the force due to gravity
force that tends to draw all bodies in the earth's sphere toward the center of the earth
A force with infinite range which acts between objects, such as planets,according to their mass
a fundamental force of nature between two objects that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their respective centers It depends on nothing else
(physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface; "the more remote the body the less the gravity"; "the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them"; "gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love"--Albert Einstein
one of the fundamental physical forces of nature attracting two bodies to each other
The most feeble of the four fundamental forces in the universe that affect all matter Gravity is an attractive force The magnitude of gravitational attraction depends directly on mass and inversely on distance squared For instance, the gravitational attraction between you and the Earth is much greater than that between you and the Sun, even though the Sun is far more massive than the Earth (333,000 times) The distance separating you from the Sun weakens the mutual gravitational attraction so that the Earth's gravitational pull on you at Earth's surface is 1653 times greater than the Sun's
Is the process where any body of mass found in the universe attracts other bodies with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance that separates them First proposed by Sir Issac Newton in 1686
The natural force that causes objects to move or tend to move toward the center of the earth The cause of weight A constant force that pulls vertical down on all objects at all times
resultant force on Earths surface, of the attraction by the Earths masses, and the centrifugal pseudo-force caused by the Earths rotation
n the force of attraction exerted by a planet, moon, or star on other objects; the force that keeps objects from floating off the earth
Importance, significance, dignity, etc; hence, seriousness; enormity; as, the gravity of an offense
One of the fundamental forces of nature It was described by Newton in terms of the masses of the objects experiencing the force and the distance of separation of the objects It was described by Einstein as a distortion of space and time
gravity bong
A homemade device used to smoke marijuana, consisting of a plastic jug with the bottom cut out and immersed in a vat of water, which is then raised to create a vacuum beneath its bowl of lit marijuana
gravity bongs
plural form of gravity bong
gravity boots
Boots designed to enable a person to hang upside-down for inversion therapy
gravity meter
An instrument that measures the local acceleration due to gravity (strength of the gravitational field)
gravity meters
plural form of gravity meter
gravity wind
See air drainage and katabatic wind
gravity bottle
The pycnometer (from the Greek puknos, meaning "density", also called pyknometer or specific gravity bottle), is a flask with a close-fitting ground glass stopper with a fine hole through it, so that a given volume can be accurately obtained. This enables the density of a fluid to be measured accurately, by reference to an appropriate working fluid such as water or mercury, using an analytical balance
gravity assist
The use of the energy obtained from a gravitational field to change the speed or shape of a spacecraft's orbit
gravity gradient
a gradient in the gravitational forces acting on different parts of a nonspherical object; "the gravity gradient of the moon causes the ocean tides on Earth
gravity rack
(Ticaret) A storage system where items are stocked on an inclined rack and move to the front via gravity as picks are made. Replenishment is made from an aisle at the rear of the rack
gravity wave
(physics) a wave that is hypothesized to propagate gravity and to travel at the speed of light
(spaceflight) a trajectory that passes close to a planetary body in order to gain energy from its gravitational field
API gravity
A specific gravity scale measuring the relative density of various petroleum liquids, expressed in degrees
Any of various concepts, systems or devices that would oppose or cancel out the force of gravity
center of gravity
a point, near or within a body, through which its weight can be assumed to act when considering forces on the body and its motion under gravity. This coincides with the center of mass in a uniform gravitational field
center of gravity
any pivotal or central idea or group
Attributive form of center of gravity, noun

center-of-gravity data for the structures.

centers of gravity
plural form of center of gravity
centre of gravity
any pivotal or central idea or group
centre of gravity
a point, near or within a body, through which its weight can be assumed to act when considering forces on the body and its motion under gravity. This coincides with the centre of mass in a uniform gravitational field
centres of gravity
plural form of centre of gravity
intelligent falling
loop quantum gravity
A proposed quantum theory of spacetime which attempts to reconcile the seemingly incompatible theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity
quantum gravity
A branch of theoretical physics aiming to unite quantum mechanics with general relativity
specific gravity
The ratio of the mass of a substance to that of an equal volume of water at 4°C (or to some other reference substance)
zero gravity
A state/shuttle/simulator which produces weightlessness
zero gravity
The state of apparent weightlessness which occurs when in free fall
Anti-gravity is the hypothetical idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity
Anti-gravity is the hypothetical idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. It does not refer to countering the gravitational force by an opposing force of a different nature, as a helium balloon does; instead, anti-gravity requires that the fundamental causes of the force of gravity be made either not present or not applicable to the place or object through some kind of technological intervention. Anti-gravity is a recurring theme in science fiction, particularly in the context of spacecraft propulsion. The concept was first introduced formally as "Carvorite" in H. G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon, and has been a favorite deus ex machina since that day
specific gravity bottle
The pycnometer (from the Greek puknos, meaning "density", also called pyknometer or specific gravity bottle), is a flask with a close-fitting ground glass stopper with a fine hole through it, so that a given volume can be accurately obtained. This enables the density of a fluid to be measured accurately, by reference to an appropriate working fluid such as water or mercury, using an analytical balance
acceleration due to gravity
increase in rate of speed due to the effects of gravity
acceleration of gravity
The acceleration of a body, equal to 9 8 meters per second per second (m/s2), caused by the force of gravity near the surface of the Earth
acceleration of gravity
acceleration of a free falling body under the influence of gravity (equal to approximately 32 feet per second)
acceleration of gravity
the gravitational acceleration of a freely falling object, expressed in terms of the rate of increase of velocity per second: on earth 980 665 cm (32 l7 ft ) per second per second is the standard
acceleration of gravity
The acceleration of freely falling bodies under the influence of terrestrial gravity, equal to approximately 9.81 meters (32 feet) per second per second
acceleration of gravity
Any acceleration due entirely to gravity, e g , in a vacuum a freely falling body falls toward the earth's center at a velocity of 32 2 feet the first second, and an increased velocity of 32 2 feet per second the second second (velocity at the end of the second second is 64 4 feet per second, etc ) This is commonly expressed as 32 2 feet per second per second, or 32 2 feet per second square In air the rate of acceleration is modified by the force due to tair resistance A freely falling body will finally reach a speed at which the force of gravity and air resistance are equal and no greater speed is gained, i e , terminal velocity
acceleration of gravity
The acceleration imparted to a body by the gravitational field of some small body, planet, star, galaxy, or cluster of galaxies; a measure of the intensity of a gravitational field
center of gravity
the point within something at which gravity can be considered to act; in uniform gravity it is equal to the center of mass
center of gravity
point where the force of gravity has the most effect
centre of gravity
The centre of gravity of an object is a point in it. If this point is above the base of the object, it stays stable, rather than falling over. the point in any object on which it can balance. Imaginary point where the total weight of a material body may be thought to be concentrated. Since weight and mass are proportional, the same point may also be called the centre of mass, but the centre of mass does not require a gravitational field. A body's centre of gravity may coincide with its geometric centre, especially if the body is symmetric and composed of homogeneous material. In asymmetric, unhomogeneous, or hollow objects, the centre of gravity may be at some distance from the geometric centre or even at a point in space external to the object, such as between the legs of a chair
law of gravity
scientific description of the natural force that pulls objects towards the center of the earth
solar gravity
the gravity of the sun; "solar gravity creates extreme pressures and temperatures
specific gravity
the ratio of the density of any substance to the density of water
specific gravity
The ratio of the density of any substance to the density of some other substance taken as standard, with water being the standard for solids
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of a given substance to the weight of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature
specific gravity
The ratio of the mass of a solid or liquid to the mass of an equal volume of distilled water at 4°C (39°F) or of a gas to an equal volume of air or hydrogen under prescribed conditions of temperature and pressure. Also called relative density. the weight of a substance divided by the weight of the amount of water that would fill the same space. or relative density Ratio of the density of a substance to that of a standard substance. For solids and liquids, the standard substance is usually water at 39.2°F (4.0°C), which has a density of 1.00 kg/liter. Gases are usually compared to dry air, which has a density of 1.29 g/liter at 32°F (0°C) and 1 atmosphere pressure. Because it is a ratio of two quantities that have the same dimensions (mass per unit volume), specific gravity has no dimension. For example, the specific gravity of liquid mercury is 13.6, because its actual density is 13.6 kg/liter, 13.6 times that of water
specific gravity
A measure of the density of a material usually obtained by comparing it with water
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of wood to an equal volume of water The higher the specific gravity, the heavier the wood
specific gravity
The ratio of the density (mass per unit volume) of a material to that of water
specific gravity
A measurement of a liquid's density relative to the density of water (specific gravity of water at 60°F is 1 000)
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of a given volume of liquid to the weight of an equal volume of water
specific gravity
The weight of a material compared to the weight of an equal volume of water is an expression of the density (or heaviness) of a material Insoluble materials with specific gravity of less than 1 0 will float in (or on) water Insoluble materials with specific gravity greater than 1 0 will sink in water Most (but not all) flammable liquids have specific gravity less than 1 0 and, if not soluble, will float on water--an important consideration for fire suppression
specific gravity
The ratio of density of a given liquid to that of pure water Specific gravity is used to measure the salinity of seawater as compared to distilled water Distilled water has a specific gravity of 1 000 while natural seawater has a S G of about 1 025
specific gravity
In the case of liquids, the ratio between the weight of equal volumes of water and another substance measured at standard temperature, where the weight of the water is assigned the value 1
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of a particular volume of a given substance to the weight of an equal volume of pure water
specific gravity
The density of a liquid compared to the density of an equal amount of water
specific gravity
the ratio of the weight of a given volume of material to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at a specified temperature
specific gravity
The ratio of the mass density of a substance to that of water
specific gravity
Specific Gravity is the ratio of the density of a material to the density of water The density of water is about 1 gram per cubic centimeter (g/cc) Materials which are lighter than water (specific gravity less than 1 0) will float Most materials have specific gravities exceeding 1 0, which means they are heavier than water and will sink Knowing the specific gravity is important for planning spill clean-up and fire fighting procedures For example, a light flammable liquid such as gasoline may spread and if ignited burn on top of a water surface
specific gravity
relative weight of matter in contrast to the weight of the water in the volume
specific gravity
A comparison of the weights of equal volumes of a given liquid and water A ceramic slurry with a specific gravity of 1 8 is thus 1 8 times heavier than water The best way to measure specific gravity is to weigh a container and record its weight, then weigh the container full of water and then full of the liquid of unknown specific gravity Subtract the weight of the container from each weight and divide the weight of the liquid being measured by the weight of the water
specific gravity
The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of a specific volume of a substance to the weight of the same volume of pure water at 4 C
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of any volume to the weight of an equal volume of another substance taken as a standard For solids or liquids, the standards are usually water and for gases the standard is air
specific gravity
The ratio of the mass of a body to the mass of an identical volume of water at a specific temperature
specific gravity
The density (mass per unit volume) of a material divided by that of water at a standard temperature
specific gravity
the density of a substance relative to the density of water
specific gravity
The ratio of the specific weight of air or a gas to that of dry air at the same temperature and pressure
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at 4oC Water at that temperature has a specific gravity of 1 If the specific gravity of the other substance is greater than 1 it floats in water; if less than 1 it sinks
specific gravity
The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of water
specific gravity
(Ticaret) A measure of density that compares a given item or substance to the density of water
the gravity of the situation
intensity of the state of being
zero gravity
The condition of apparent weightlessness occurring when the centrifugal force on a body exactly counterbalances the gravitational attraction on it