(Film) Ah! Tanrıçam (Oh My Goddess!, Ah! My Goddess, ああっ女神さまっ - Aa! Megami-şama!) Kosuke Fujişima tarafından hazırlanan bir seinen manga serisidir. Seri olarak Kodanşa'nin aylık Afternoon dergisinde yayımlanmıştır. Önceleri, sihirli bir kız arkadaşla romantik komedi olarak başlayan manga, zaman içinde aksiyona ve içinde geçtiği dünyanın mistik yanını incelemeye ağırlık vermiştir. Manga ilk yayımlandığından beri dört sefer anime olarak uyarlanmıştır
n 1 The Earth, also called the Mother and the Great Goddess, because the Earth is literally the source of life and when people die their bodies return to the Earth Through the Earth people are connected to the mystery and beauty of the cosmos and Witches consider Her sacred, to be cherished, and worth dedicating their lives to protecting Qualities of the Goddess are those associated with the Earth, such as endurance, fertility, abundance, sustenance, compassion, creativity (birth), destruction (decay) and rebirth 2 A particular deity from any of many religious traditions and cultures, ancient and modern See deity
The female aspect of the creative, divine force that is present in every aspect of the universe The Goddess can take on many forms and have many names, but she is always in balance with, and complementary to the God Most often she is seen as having a triple aspect: Mother, Maiden and Crone
God's female counterpart I'm more inclinced to believe in a great Female Diety rather than a male I mean, isn't it kind of embarrassing to ask for certain things from a Guy? I take Her name in vain several times too Forgive me, dear Lady
In many religions, a goddess is a female spirit or being that is believed to have power over a particular part of the world or nature. Diana, the goddess of war
Generic terms for the many deities of ancient and modern polytheistic religions. There may be deities of earthly and celestial phenomena as well as deities related to human values, pastimes, and institutions, including love, marriage, hunting, war, and the arts. They may be capable of being killed but are often immortal and always more powerful than humans, though they are often described in human terms, with all the flaws, thoughts, and emotions of humans. See also polytheism
If you refer to a woman, especially a film star, as a sex goddess, you mean that many people consider her to be sexually attractive. Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess
[ 'gä-d&s also ' ] (noun.) 14th century. From Middle English feminine nouns, after the gender of the neuter word god was shifted to masculine by Christianity. See God for further etymology.