go together;

listen to the pronunciation of go together;
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف go together; في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

go together

Birlikte gitmek istiyor musun? - Do you want to go together?

Eğer gitmek istiyorsan, hep birlikte gidelim. - If you want to, let's all go together.

go together
birbirine uymak
go together
go together
go together
go together
go together
flört etmek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف go together; في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

go together
Of two or more things, to correspond or fit well

Purple and blue are two colors that go together well.

go together
Of two people, to accompany each other (e.g. to an event)

Should we go separate, or should we go together?.

go together
To be inseparable; to go hand in hand

Exercise and sweat often go together.

go together
Of two people, to be in a relationship

Everybody knows now that Richard and Betsy go together.

go together;


    go to·geth·er


    ... a few moments about how much we have accomplished together. ...
    ... together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a Republican or a Democrat. ...