get in on

listen to the pronunciation of get in on
الإنجليزية - التركية
paydaş olmak
(deyim) Katılma hakkı olmak, iştirak etmek

This is your chance to get in on a wonderful deal with the new company if you're willing to make an investment.

get on

Otobüse binmek için bir bilet almalısın. - You must buy a ticket to get on the bus.

Bir sonraki uçağa binmek mümkün mü? - Is it possible to get on the next flight?

get on
geçinmek: They get on well. Birbiriyle iyi geçiniyorlar
get on
(taşıta) binmek
get on
(deyim) anlaşmak. get on to someone
Get on
(Getting on [in years]) Yaşlanmak
get on
get on
get on
trene binmek

Bu trene binmek zorundayım. - I've got to get on this train.

O trene binmek zorundayım. - I have to get on that train.

get on
get on
otobüse binmek

Otobüse binmek için bir bilet almalısın. - You must buy a ticket to get on the bus.

get on
ayrılıp gitmek
get on
idare etmek
get on
iyi gitmek
get on
get on
get on
get on
get on
birbiriyle geçinmek
get on

Hadi otobüse binelim. - Let's get on the bus.

JR Chuo Line'a binersin. - You get on the JR Chuo Line.

get on
get on
get on
ayağa kalkmak
get on
(bir konuya) girmek
get on
with (bir iş) ile meşgul olmak
get on
gitmek: "We'd better be getting on. -Gitmeliyiz."
get on
konuşma dili -i azarlamak, -e çıkışmak
get on
(zaman) ilerlemek; towards (belirli bir zaman) yaklaşmak; towards (saat) (belirli bir saate) gelmek/yaklaşmak
get on
birbiriyle iyi geçinmek
get on
idare etmek, yapmak; ile arası ... olmak: "How will he get on over there? - Orada nasıl yapacak?", "He'll get on fine. - İyi olacak./Becerir o.", "How's she getting on in French? - Fransızcayla arası nasıl?"
get on
(-e) binmek; (-e) çıkmak
get on
get on
(Fiili Deyim ) binmek , bindirmek
get on
(deyim) izini araştirip bulmak
get on
(deyim) temas kurup gorüşmek. get on with sth. devam etmek. get a move on (kd) acele etmek get on someone's nerves sinirine dokunmak get on top of someone/sth. 1.birine ağır gelmek 2.bir işi kontrol altına almak,bir şeyi başarıyla yapmakya da zor kısmını bitirmek
get on
get on
(deyim) 1.ilerlemek,iyileşmek. 2.becermek,başarmak. 3.geç kalmak,yaşlanmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
(deyim) To be permitted to participate; become privy to; be included

This is your chance to get in on a wonderful deal with the new company if you're willing to make an investment.

get on
To have a good relationship; to get along

I wish you and I could learn to get on.

get on
To progress (with)

It's time to get on with improving quality.

get on
To commence (an action)

The dishes need washing, the floor needs vacuuming, the laundry needs folding. Get on it!.

get on
To become late

Time is getting on.

get on
To board or mount (something), especially a vehicle

Please get on the bus as quickly as possible.

get on
To be successful

She's getting on very well at school.

get on
To become old

My parents are visibly getting on a bit these days.

get on
To enter a vehicle

She has no trouble getting off a bus but has difficulty getting on.

Get on
(Getting on [in years]) Get old
get on
grow old or older; "She aged gracefully"; "we age every day--what a depressing thought!"; "Young men senesce"
get on
radio, etc
get on
If you get on with someone, you like them and have a friendly relationship with them. The host fears the guests won't get on What are your neighbours like? Do you get on with them? = get along
get on
grow late or (of time) elapse; "It is getting on midnight--let's all go to bed!"
get on
"The news won't be on tonight" grow late or (of time) elapse; "It is getting on midnight--let's all go to bed!
get on
If you get on with something, you continue doing it or start doing it. Jane got on with her work Let's get on
get on
"The news won't be on tonight"
get on
appear in a show, on T
get on
grow late or (of time) elapse; "It is getting on midnight--let's all go to bed!
get on
{f} embark; enter a bus or train or plane (e.g. "She got on the bus about 40 minutes ago")
get on
get on the back of; "mount a horse"
get on
appear in a show, on T V , radio, etc ; "The news won't be on tonight"
get on
have smooth relations; "My boss and I get along very well"
get on
If you try to get on, you try to be successful in your career. Politics is seen as a man's world. It is very difficult for women to get on
get on
develop in a positive way; "He progressed well in school"; "My plants are coming along"; "Plans are shaping up"
get on
If you say how someone is getting on, you are saying how much success they are having with what they are trying to do. Livy's getting on very well in Russian. She learns very quickly When he came back to see me I asked how he had got on
get on
If someone is getting on, they are getting old. I'm nearly 31 and that's getting on a bit for a footballer
get on
{f} proceed, advance; succeed, manage well; agree with
get on
get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc )
get in on

    التركية النطق

    get în ôn


    /ˈget ən ˈôn/ /ˈɡɛt ɪn ˈɔːn/


    ... VINT CERF: Can I get in on that one? ...