genaues arbeiten

listen to the pronunciation of genaues arbeiten
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف genaues arbeiten في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} zanaat
{i} usta işi
{i} işçilik, bir işe verilen emeğin niteliği: The workmanship in this snuffbox is excellent. Bu enfiye kutusunun işçiliği çok iyi
{i} işçilik

Bu cihazlar özellikle yüksek kaliteli işçilikle ayırt edilir. - These devices are distinguished by particularly high-quality workmanship.

Bu makineler, özellikle yüksek kaliteli işçilik ile ayırt edilir. - These machines are distinguished by particularly high-quality workmanship.

ألمانية - الإنجليزية
The skill of an artisan or craftsman
{n} work, manufacture, skill, art
the art or skill of a workman
The quality of something made by an artisan or craftsman
The art or skill of a workman; the execution or manner of making anything
{i} artistry; skillfulness; manner of execution; something produced by careful work
Workmanship is the skill with which something is made and which affects the appearance and quality of the finished object. The problem may be due to poor workmanship The standard of workmanship is very high. = craftsmanship. skill in making things, especially in a way that makes them look good = craftsmanship
skill in an occupation or trade
That which is effected, made, or produced; manufacture, something made by manual labor