Vagonları onlar sürmüştü.
- They had driven wagons.
Keşke arabamı sürmeseydin.
- You'd better not have driven my car.
Roger batıda şehirden şehire seyahat etti.
- Roger traveled from town to town in the west.
Babam hava yoluyla dünyanın her yerine seyahat etti.
- My father traveled all over the world by air.
İnsan ilişkilerinde en büyük tehlikelerden biri bencillik.
- One of the greatest dangers in your human relations is self-centeredness.
Tehlikeler bir maceraya zevk verir.
- Dangers give relish to an adventure.
Like most of the lawyers that I know, Rachel is driven.
Tom çok azimli, değil mi?
- Tom is very driven, isn't he?
Tom azimli, değil mi?
- Tom is driven, isn't he?
Test driven development.
The mathematicians of the time was driven by curiosity.
Senin tehditlerin beni korkutmuyor.
- Your threats don't frighten me.
Ölüm tehditleri alıyorum.
- I've been getting death threats.
In this forest, at every step, we may face the most terrible perils that you can ever imagine. So let's go ahead.
- In diesem Wald könnten wir uns bei jedem Schritt den schrecklichsten Gefahren gegenübersehen, die du dir überhaupt vorstellen kannst. Also lass uns weitergehen.
How can you avoid the dangers of the Internet?
- Wie kann man die Gefahren des Internets meiden?
I had difficulty convincing her of the dangers of smoking.
- Ich hatte Schwierigkeiten, sie von den Gefahren des Rauchens zu überzeugen.