Covered with fuzz or a large number of tiny loose fibres like a carpet or many stuffed animals. Mentioned in the popular nursery rhyme Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy logic is a type of computer logic that is supposed to imitate the way that humans think, for example by adapting to changing circumstances rather than always following the same procedure
A fuzzy situation is a one page scenario, usually set thirty to forty years in the future and based on the set topic This scenario takes the existing, present day situation and extrapolates it into the future It is full of possibilities rather than definitive predictions
As related to a variable, the opposite of crisp A fuzzy quantity represents a range of value as opposed to a single numeric value, e g , “hot” vs 89 4°
Description for the condition of greens that haven't been mowed recently Putting on fuzzy greens is more like putting in the fairway-slow! Also a nickname for PGA Tour golfer Frank Urban Zoeller