the accessories that normally accompany (something or some activity); "an elaborate formal dinner with all the fixings"; "he bought a Christmas tree and trimmings to decorate it
Fixings are items such as nails and screws which are used to fix things such as furniture together. Have you got all the screws and fixings you need?
Fixings are extra items that are used to decorate or complete something, especially a meal. He bought a hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings
The "Fixing" rates are published daily on our Web Site at approximately 13 00 hours Western European Time These rates are based on the Bundesbank Deutsche Mark daily fixings, which are official rates made available to the local German financial markets for various commercial transactions The fixing rates will closely resemble current market prices available at that time and are used by Currency Trends as the fundamental comparison to our daily published Trend Reverse Levels These "Fixings" may be found on the home page of our Web Site www currencytrends com and are published daily
A method of determining rates by normally finding a rate that balances buyers to sellers Such a process occurs either once or twic daily at defined times Used by some currencies particularly for establishing tourist rates The system is also used in the London Bullion market
A method of determining rates by normally finding a rate that balances buyers to sellers Such a process occurs either once or twice daily at defined times The system is used in the London Bullion market
Chemical action following development to remove unexposed silver halides, to make the image stable and insensitive to further exposure It must be noted here that if inadequate washing is done after fixing it will accelerate the degeneration of the print or film quality more so than usually occur over a given length of time
Fixing describes the process of dye or paint attaching to fibers of the material This is done in many ways such as ironing, using soda ash fixer, steaming, using a fixative, etc Each dye and paint has its own method for fixing