
listen to the pronunciation of error
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu telefon faturasında yanlışlıklar var. - There are errors in this phone bill.


Bu bir yanlış değildir. - This is not an error.

Dün oturum açmaya çalıştığımda bir hata mesajı aldım: Yanlış Şifre. - When I tried to log in yesterday, I got the error message: Incorrect password.


Herkes onun hatasına güldü. - Everybody laughed at his error.

Hata düzenli olarak mı yoksa ara sıra mı meydana geliyor? Hata yeniden üretilebilir mi? - Does the error occur regularly or sporadically? Is the error reproducible?

{i} suç

Hatasız kul olmaz. hataların için başka birini suçlamak daha insanidir. - To err is human. To blame somebody else for your errors is even more human.

Hata için onu suçlamayın. - Don't blame him for the error.

(Felsefe) yanılma

Biz deneme ve yanılma ile öğreniriz. - We learn by trial and error.

Deneme yanılma yoluyla doğru cevabı buldu. - Through trial and error, he found the right answer by chance.

(Tıp) erör
yanlış hareket
galat yanlışlık
yanlış (düşünce/görüş/vb.)
{i} falso
yanlış kanı
(Mukavele) hata, yanlış; usul hatası
Yanlış, özellikle bir soruna neden olan yahut sonucu etkileyen hata
yanlış fikir
(Askeri) HATA: Hedefe vurmayan bir atımın orta vuruş veya orta paralanma noktası ile hedef arasındaki mesafe; yani sapma
clerical error yazı hatası
elde edilen sonuçla gerçek ölçü arasındaki muhtemel fark
spor oyuncu hatası
(Bilgisayar) sorun
(Bilgisayar) sorun hata
error band
(Bilgisayar) hata kuşağı
error bar
(Bilgisayar) hata çubuğu
error bars
(Bilgisayar) hata çubukları
error burst
(Bilgisayar) hata çoğuşması
error count
(Bilgisayar) hata sayımı
error curve
(Bilgisayar) hata eğrisi
error of the first kind
yanlış alarm hatası
error of the second kind
ıskalama hatası
error of the second kind
(Bilgisayar) ikinci tür hata
error ratio
(Bilgisayar) hata oranı
error type
(Bilgisayar) hata tipi
error checking
hata denetimi
error control
hata denetimi
error correcting
hata düzeltme
error correction
hata düzeltme
error detecting
hata arama
error detection
hata bulma
error in calculation
hesap yanlışlığı
error limit
hata sınırı
error log
hata günlüğü
error message
hata mesajı
error of addition
toplama hatası
error of law
hukuki hata
error of observation
gözlem hatası
error percentage
hata yüzdesi
error rate
hata oranı
error recovery
hatadan kurtulma
error signal
hata sinyali
error amount
hata miktarı
error character
hata karakteri
error control
hata kontrolü
error corrections
hata düzeltmeleri
error detection routine
hata bulma yordamı
error file
hata dosyası, hata kütüğü
error free
error function
hata fonksiyonu, yanılgı işlevi
error handling
yanlışları işleme
error indication
hata göstergesi
error interrupts
hata yüzünden kesilmeler
error line
hata satırı
error note
hata notu
error of closure
kapanma hatası
error of second type
ikinci tür hata
error on subject
yükümlüde hata
error prone
Hata eğilimi olan, hata yapabilen, hatadan beri olmayan
error range
hata menzili
error rate damping
hata oranı sönümü
error recovery routine
hata kurtarma yordamı
error report
hata raporu
error routine
hata yordamı
error sum-of-squares
hata sum-of-kareler
error tape
hata şeridi
error term
hata terimi
error voltage
hata voltajı
Hatasız, hata içermeyen
error alert
Hata Uyarısı
error code
Hata Kodu
error curve
hata egrisi
error detection
hata sezimi
error file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hata dosyası
error file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hata kütüğü
error free seconds
hatasiz saniyeler
error function
yanlışlık işlevi
error function
yanılgı işlemcisi
error function
(Askeri,Gıda,Matematik) hata fonksiyonu
error function
(Matematik,Teknik) yanılgı işlevi
error handler options
Hata durumunda nasıl davranılacağının
error handling
Hata durumunda nasıl davranılacağı
error handling
Hata İşleme
error hits
(Bilgisayar) hata isabet sayısı
error inquiry
(Bilgisayar) hata sorgulama
error led
(Bilgisayar) hata ışığı
error list
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hata dizelgesi
error list
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hata listesi
error log
kocanın himayesinde olma
error messages
Hata mesajları
error model
sapma modeli, hata modeli
error multiplication
hata cogalimi
error multiplication factor
hata cogalim carpani
error of estimation
kestirim hatasi
error of first kind
(Bilgisayar) birinci tür hata
error of the first kind
(false alarm error) birinci tur hata, yanlis alarm hatasi
error of the second kind
(miss error) ikinci tur hata, iskalama hatasi
error of the third kind
(Havacılık) üçüncü cins hata
error of the third kind
(Bilgisayar) üçüncü tür hata
error performance parameter
hata basarim parametresi
error probability
(Nükleer Bilimler) hata olasılığı
error rate
{i} yanılgı payı
error ratio
hata orani
error recovering
Hata düzeltme
error recovery
Hata Giderme
error recovery
Hata Düzeltme
error spread
hatalarin yayilmasi
error trapping
Hata yakalama
error while copying files
(Bilgisayar) dosyaları kopyalama hatası
error while recording
(Bilgisayar) kayıt yapılırken hata
err on (error on)
'deki hata
erratic error
(Havacılık) eksik parça hatası
induced error
(Fonetik, Ses Bilimi) Fazla hata düzeltme ve yanlış öğretme/öğrenme sonucu oluşan hata türü
read error
okumada hata
trial and error
deneme ve yanılma
access error
(Bilgisayar) erişim hatası
accidental error
tesadüfi hata
angular error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) açısal hata
approval error
(Bilgisayar) onaylama hatası
balanced error
(Bilgisayar) sıfır toplamlı hata
bit error
(Bilgisayar) bit hatası
bite error rate
(Havacılık) bayt hata oranı
circular error probable
(Askeri) dairevi hata ihtimali
configuration error
(Bilgisayar) yapılandırma hatası
connect error
(Bilgisayar) bağlantı hatası
connection error
(Bilgisayar) bağlantı hatası
correct the error
hatayı gidermek
corrected error
(Bilgisayar) hata düzeltildi
cumulative error
(Bilgisayar) birikimsel hata
custom error
(Bilgisayar) özel hata
detection error
(Bilgisayar) algılama hatası
download error
(Bilgisayar) yükleme hatası
driver error
(Bilgisayar) sürücü hatası
encounter an error
hatayla karşılaşmak
execution error
(Bilgisayar) yürütme hatası
extended attribute error
(Bilgisayar) ek öznitelik hatası
extended error
(Bilgisayar) uzatılmış hata
false alarm error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yanlış alarm hatası
fatal error
(Bilgisayar) ölümcül hata
fatal error
(Bilgisayar) sonul hata
fatal error
(Bilgisayar) onulmaz hata
format error
(Bilgisayar) biçim hatası
gross error
(Askeri) kaba hata
ignore error
(Bilgisayar) hatayı yoksay
import error
(Bilgisayar) alma hatası
inherited error
(Bilgisayar) kalıtsal hata
input error
(Bilgisayar) giriş hatası
install error
(Bilgisayar) yükleme hatası
last error
(Bilgisayar) son hata
literal error
baskı hatası
logging error
(Bilgisayar) hata günlüğü
measuring error
ölçüm hatası
measuring error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik,Ticaret) ölçme hatası
miss error
ikinci tür hata
miss error
ıskalama hatası
move error
(Bilgisayar) taşıma hatası
network error
(Bilgisayar) ağ hatası
other api error
(Bilgisayar) diğer apı hatası
overflow error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) taşma hatası
overwrite error
(Bilgisayar) çiğneme hatası
parity error
(Bilgisayar) eşlik hatası
parse error
(Bilgisayar) çözümleme hatası
percent error
(Matematik) hata yüzdesi
percent error
(Biyokimya) yanılgı yüzdesi
percentage error
hata yüzdesi
post error
(Bilgisayar) gönderme hatası
prediction error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öngörü hatası
print error
(Bilgisayar) yazdırma hatası
prior period error
(Ticaret) önceki dönem hatası
probable error
olası hata
processing error
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işleme hatası
propagation error
yayılım hatası
query error
(Bilgisayar) sorgulama hatası
random error
(Matematik) seçkisiz hata
random error
(Gıda,İstatistik,Teknik) rasgele hata
ranging error
(Bilgisayar) uzaklık ölçümü hatası
registry error
(Bilgisayar) kayıt hatası
relative error
(Matematik,Teknik) göreli hata
relative error
(Matematik,Teknik,Ticaret) bağıl hata
remote error
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan hata
remote system error
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki sistem hatası
resource error
(Bilgisayar) kaynak hatası
sampling error
örnekleme yanılgısı
script error
(Bilgisayar) komut dosyası hatası
seek error
(Bilgisayar) arama hatası
semantic error
(Dilbilim) anlambilimsel hata
serious error
(Bilgisayar) önemli hata
software error
(Antika) yazılım hatası
software error
(Antika) program hatası
solid error
kalıcı hata
syntax error
(Bilgisayar) yazım hatası
tendency error
eğilim hatası
trace error
(Bilgisayar) hata izle
trial and error
sınama ve yanılma
trial and error
deneme-yanılma yöntemi
type of error
hata türü
undetected error rate
sezilmemiş hata oranı
unspecified error
(Bilgisayar) belirtilmeyen hata
user error
kullanıcı hatası
writing error
(Kanun) yazım hatası
zero error
(Bilgisayar) alt değer hatası
accidental error
arızi hata
aeroplane error
uçak hatası
automatic error correction
otomatik hata düzeltme
automatically corrected error
otomatik düzeltilen hata
barometric error
barometre hatası
by trial and error
deneme yanılma yoluyla
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A mistake; an accidental wrong action or a false statement not made deliberately
A failure to complete a task, usually involving a premature termination
The difference between a measured or calculated value and a true one
One or more mistakes in a trial that could be grounds for review of the judgement
A play which is scored as having been made incorrectly
To show or contain an error or fault

The block transmission errored near the start and could not be received.

To function improperly due to an error, especially accompanied by error message

This directory errors with a Permission denied message.

To err

Many other celebrities errored in the political comments area.

{i} mistake, something that is incorrect
{n} a mistake, blunder, sin, crime, offense
part of a statement that is not correct; "the book was full of errors"
The difference between a measurement and the true value of the quantity beingmeasured
Errors are defined as pages that visitors attempted to view, but that returned an error message instead Often these errors occur because of broken links (links to pages that do not exist anymore) or when an unauthorized visitor attempts to access restricted pages (for example, if the visitor does not have a password to access the page)
When there is line noise and one or more characters are changed This is especially noticeable when downloading or uploading a program In this case the error must be detected, and the data must be re-sent
In the context of GIS this means the difference between the real world and its digital representation
If you do something in error or if it happens in error, you do it or it happens because you have made a mistake, especially in your judgment. The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile
The difference between a measurement and the true value of the quantity being measured
(computer science) the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer
A SAX parsing error is generally a validation error-in other words, it occurs when an XML document is not valid, although it can also occur if the declaration specifies an XML version that the parser cannot handle See also: fatal error, warning
(baseball) a failure of a defensive player to make an out when normal play would have sufficed
The distance of results of observations, computations, or estimates from the true values or to values that are accepted as being true Also refers to the misclassification of thematic data Contrast with accuracy
The absolute difference between the payoff and the prediction as a proportion of the total prediction range
A mistake in the proceedings of a court of record in matters of law or of fact
The algebraic difference between the indication by an instrument and the true value of the measured signal
The difference between an individual result and the true value of the quantity being measured
A fault of a player of the side in the field which results in failure to put out a player on the other side, or gives him an unearned base
The difference between the output state and the commanded state of a servo-controlled system ESC Electronic Speed Control A device that connects the throttle function to the motor and provides proportional control over motor speed Expo Exponential throw A feature of control linkages or Tx programming that provides more sensitivity as stick displacement increases See also reverse expo
A wandering or deviation from the right course or standard; irregularity; mistake; inaccuracy; something made wrong or left wrong; as, an error in writing or in printing; a clerical error
A request which resulted in an error code being sent to the browser The most common error is code 404 - File Not Found This usualy occurs when a request is mistyped There are also many other possible causes of errors Any HTTP result code, 400 or higher, is treated as an error by Summary
The difference between the observed value of a quantity and that which is taken or computed to be the true value; sometimes called residual error
A departing or deviation from the truth; falsity; false notion; wrong opinion; mistake; misapprehension
The difference between the approximate result and the true result; used particularly in the rule of double position
A mistake

Without music, life would be a mistake. - Without music, life would be an error.

a misconception resulting from incorrect information
A SAX parsing error is generally a validation error -- in other words, it occurs when an XML document is not valid, although it can also occur if the declaration specifies an XML version that the parser cannot handle See also: fatal error, warning
a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention; "he made a bad mistake"; "she was quick to point out my errors"; "I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults"
departure from what is ethically acceptable
A moral offense; violation of duty; a sin or transgression; iniquity; fault
A wandering; a roving or irregular course
The difference between an observed value and the true value of a quantity
The difference between the value indicated by the transducer and the true value of the measurand being sensed Usually expressed in percent of full scale output
The difference between the indicated and the true values of a variable being measured
An error occurs when an Emacs command cannot execute in the current circumstances When an error occurs, execution of the command stops (unless the command has been programmed to do otherwise) and Emacs reports the error by printing an error message (q v ) Type-ahead is discarded Then Emacs is ready to read another editing command
refers to: neural net, output A value that indicates the "quality" of a neural net's learning process Used by neural nets with supervised learning, by comparing the current output values with the desired output values of the net The smaller the net's error is, the better the net had been trained Usually the error is always a value greater than zero
a mistake made in the design, sculpting, or execution of a lighthouse See also variation In collectibles, an error refers to something that should not have been released while a variation or modification is a change during production More about modifications
A condition that may occur within an application that is not correct, such as an invalid data value If detected by the application logic, the error should be properly handled within error-handling specifications If undetected, the error usually identifies a program defect and may result in an abnormal termination of the application processing and/or loss of data integrity
A shot that fails to cross the net or lands out of the court, resulting in loss of the point See forced error; unforced error
inadvertent incorrectness
A nonrecoverable condition that causes the currently executing QuickDraw 3D routine to fail See also fatal error, notice, warning
An error is something you have done which is considered to be incorrect or wrong, or which should not have been done. NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment
The difference between the value indicated by the transducer and the true value of the measured being sensed Usually expressed in percent of full-scale output
n 1 (only in the phrase "is an error") a situation in which the semantics of a program are not specified, and in which the consequences are undefined 2 a condition which represents an error situation See section Error Terminology 3 an object of type error
If someone sees the error of their ways, they realize or admit that they have made a mistake or behaved badly. I wanted an opportunity to talk some sense into him and try to make him see the error of his ways. In applied mathematics, the difference between a value and an estimate of that value. In statistics, a common example is the difference between the mean age of a given group of people (see mean, median, and mode) and that of a sample drawn from the group. In numerical analysis, an example of round-off error is the difference between the true value of pi and commonly substituted expressions like 22 7 and shorter versions like 3.14159. Truncation error results from using only the first few terms of an infinite series. Relative error is the ratio of the size of an error to the size of the quantity measured, and percentage error is relative error expressed as a percent
(1) The difference between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition and the true specified, or theoretically correct value or condition (2) An incorrect step, process, or data definition Also: fault (3) An incorrect result Also: failure (4) A human action that produces an incorrect result Also: mistake [6]
(baseball) a failure of a defensive player to make an out when normal play would have sufficed departure from what is ethically acceptable a misconception resulting from incorrect information part of a statement that is not correct; "the book was full of errors"
error bar
A bar used on a graphs to indicate the range of one standard deviation in the result of an experimental measurement
error catastrophe
The extinction of an organism (usually microorganisms) due to excessive RNA mutations
error message
A message displayed when an unexpected condition occurs, usually on a computer or device
error of the first kind
type I error
error of the second kind
type II error
error rate
(Bilgisayar) Error Rate is a term that describes the degree of errors encountered during data transmission over a communications or network connection. The higher the Error Rate the less reliable the connection or data transfer will be. It can also refer to a physical hardware device as well as a software application where in many cases, it may be acceptable if a certain number of errors are generated. This is often referred to as the Error Rate and the acceptable level will vary according to the device being used. For instance, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software, at present will have an error rate around five to ten percent
error sum-of-squares
The stochastic component of the variation of the dependent variable, residual sum of squares
Capable of making an error; "all men are error-prone", (synonym) erring
Error Correction Code
code that checks identifies and corrects data errors in a computer (by joining it to each unit of data that is stored in memory and checking the data again on repeat reads), ECC
error amendment
change made to correct an error
error control
automatic location of mistakes in the reception of electronic communications
error correcting protocol
protocol for transferring data without errors through a modem
error correction
transfer of data which includes a mechanism for correcting transmission errors
error correction code
(telecommunication) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors
error handler
This module handles all the Messaging Server errors It issues error messages and processes error action forms after the postmaster fills them out
error handler
¾ the error handler either does UI (putting up an alert box or dialog), logs the error to a file, or it delegates the handling of the error to a parent error hander, if any exists For more information, see Appendix D, "Hardcopy "
error handling
manner in which a program deals with hardware errors or errors by a user
error in judgement
mistake in assessment, error in appraisal or evaluation, miscalculation
error in persona
mistaken identity
error message
printed message informing the user of an error which has occurred
error rate
A measure of data integrity, expressed as a fraction of corrupted bits over transmission bits per second
error rate
  Deprecated term   See error ratio
error rate
Ratio of the number of signal elements (or data) incorrectly received to the total number transmitted (2) The probability of an error occurring during the transmission of a message
error rate
The number of errors per number of transactions
error rate
Either the number of defective transactions or the number of defective steps in a transaction
error rate
In many cases, it may be acceptable if an input device generates a certain number of errors This is often referred to as the error rate and the acceptable level will vary according to the input device being used and the business application Optical character recognition, for example, is generally considered a comparatively unreliable means of entering data At present, a typical OCR software package will have an error rate of between five and ten per cent
error rate
A measure of the accuracy of information given and transactions processed
error rate
The percentage of records within a file that contain validation errors The maximum error rate permitted in files added to the database is 2%
error rate
A measure of data integrity, given as the fraction of bits which are flawed Often expressed as a negative power of 10
error rate
{i} ratio of incorrect assignments to categories or classes of a classification (Archaeology)
error rate
The ratio of all of the selected error packets to the total number of packets
error rate
A measure of data integrity, given as the fraction of bits which are flawed Often expressed as a negative power of 10, as in 10-6 (a rate of one error in every one million bits)
error rate
The ratio of incorrectly received (bits, characters or blocks) to the total amount of transmitted data
error report
itemization of the errors found on a computer
error signal
symbol which shows that an error has occurred (Computers)
capable of making an error; "all men are error-prone"
absolute error
Error of a sight consisting of its error in relation to a master service sight with which it is tested, including the known error of the master service sight
absolute error
Shortest distance between the center of impact or the center of burst of a group of shots, and the point of impact or burst of a single shot within the group
alpha error
type I error
beta error
type II error
compass error
The combination of variation and deviation which is the horizontal angle between the direction indicated by a magnetic compass and true north
margin of error
An expression of the lack of precision in the results obtained from a sample
margin of error
An amount, beyond the calculated minimum, added for safety
margins of error
plural form of margin of error
plaintiff in error
A party who appeals the decision of a lower court
sampling error
The error caused by observing a sample instead of the whole population
standard error
A measure of how spread out data values are around the mean, defined as the square root of the variance
trial and error
The process of finding a solution to a problem by trying many possible solutions and learning from mistakes until a way is found

Navigating by trial and error may get you there eventually, but using a map is faster.

type I error
Rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true
type II error
Accepting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is false
typographical error
A mistake made during the process of typing, especially one caused by a slip of the fingers resulting in the placement of a letter laying adjacent to the correct one into a word; often shortened to typo
unforced error
A basic error committed in a tactical game, where errors are usually forced by the game strategy
α error
type I error
β error
type II error
induced error
(Fizik) A mistake of law caused by reliance upon erroneous legal advice obtained from an appropriate official
officially induced error
(Fizik) A mistake of law caused by reliance upon erroneous legal advice obtained from an appropriate official
an error
{s} without a single mistake, totally correct
free from error; "an errorless baseball game"
Free from errors; accurate, correct
free from error; "an errorless baseball game
Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of this document, and many checks have been carried out, the possibility of an error is always present in a work like this and that must be borne in mind by all users The author would be glad to be told of any errors detected
Mistakes made during the manufacturing process causing a product to be adulterated
Errors (primary position)
Any of the following are counted as an "error": gettimeofday() returns a failure (the new NT gettimeofday() can fail) socket() fails (shortage of local resources) connect() fails (could be due to local system networking error, network error such as cables or router, or web server system error) error sending request to web server (could be due to local system error such as lack of memory, or network error Not caused by web server ) read() error while reading response from web server (could be cause by local system, network error, or web server) malformed response or HTTP error response code ( 300) from web server If the "-s" (save file) option is used then the data received by each request is saved in a file If there is an error opening this file (directory or disk full) then its an error
Many times when you get an ERROR, such as the wrong stuff showing up in your shopping cart, or pages just not working right, it is due to cached pages A number of search engines will cache web pages instead of running back and forth to retrieve new ones each time This often results in quicker loading pages but often they are outdated Try clicking REFRESH in your BROWSER Often you can simply try again!
plural of error
third-person singular of error
Every care has been taken in the compilation of this document, and many checks have been carried out, the possibility of an error is always present in a work like this and that must be borne in mind by all users