Bu denklemi kullanarak elektrik alanını hesaplarsan sonuç aşağıdaki gibi çıkar.
- If you calculate the electric field using this equation, the result comes out like the following.
İki bilinmeyenli bir denklem gibiydi hepsi.
- It was all like a single equation with two unknowns.
Bu diferansiyel denklemler Laplace dönüşümüyle kolayca çözülebilir.
- This differential equation can be easily solved by Laplace transform.
Bu denklemin tüm kökleri negatif olduğundan stabildir.
- It's stable because all the roots of this equation are negative.
... two most interesting places in the universe are beyond our reach using Einstein's equations, ...
... rings of Saturn, we use exactly the same equations that Isaac Newton unraveled in the 1600's. ...