
listen to the pronunciation of enver
التركية - الإنجليزية
(isim) Lights; radiance
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف enver في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Enver Hoxha
born Oct. 16, 1908, Gjirokastë r, Alb. died April 11, 1985, Tiranë Albanian leader, first Albanian communist chief of state (1944-85). A schoolteacher, he opposed the Albanian fascists in World War II and in 1941 helped found the Albanian Communist Party, which he controlled until his death. He became prime minister (1944-54), and in 1946 he forced King Zog to abdicate. Albania's economy was revolutionized under Hoxha's rule, and he transformed the country from a semifeudal relic of the Ottoman Empire into an industrialized economy. To enforce his radical programs he resorted to brutal Stalinist tactics, making Albania the most tightly controlled society in Europe. An ardent nationalist, he broke with the Soviet Union in 1961 and with China in 1978, declaring that Albania would become a model socialist republic on its own
Enver Pasha
born Nov. 22, 1881, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire died Aug. 4, 1922, Baldzhuan, Turkistan Soldier and politician in the Ottoman Empire. He was one of the Young Turks who deposed the Ottoman sultan Abdülhamid II in 1908. He later served as governor of Banghz, Libya (1912), chief of staff of the Ottoman army in the Second Balkan War (1913), and minister of war during World War I (1914-18). A rival of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the postwar period, he unsuccessfully sought Soviet help to overthrow him (1920). The Soviets permitted him to help organize the Turkic and Muslim Central Asian republics, but he joined Basmachi rebels against the Soviet Union and was killed fighting the Red Army
التركية - التركية
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