A gymnastic maneuver whereby the gymnast rotates to one side or the other while keeping arms and legs outstretched, spinning for one or more revolutions
The name of the project that is building a toolkit infrastructure for analysis of genomic DNA Includes a batch queueing system; a Web site for sequence analysis; a more general purpose Python library; a reader for the sister XML format; a data transfer mechanism for GUI intercommunication; and probably lots more
If you do a cartwheel, you do a fast, circular movement with your body. You fall sideways, put your hands on the ground, swing your legs over, and return to a standing position
the dazzling, swirling effect reflected when a coin is turned under a light source The more dazzling the "cartwheel," the more desirable the coin
The pattern of light reflected by flow lines of mint state coins, resembling spokes of a wheel; Name given to the British pennies and two pences of 1797 due to their unusually broad rims
acrobatic revolutions with the body turned sideways and the arms and legs outstretched like the spokes of a wheel a wheel that has wooden spokes and a metal rim do cartwheels: perform an acrobatic movement using both hands and feet
The pleasing effect seen on some coins when they are rotated in a good light source The luster rotates around like the spokes of a wagon wheel A term applied mainly to frosty Mint State coins, especially silver dollars, to describe their luster Also, a slang term for a silver dollar
The pattern of light reflected by flow lines of mint state coins, resembling spokes of a wheel; Name given to the British pennies and twopences of 1797 due to their unusually broad rims
el yardımı ile yanlamasına atılan takla, yana dayanmalı aşma, çemberleme
el yar·dı·mı i·le yan·la·ma·sı·na a·tı·lan tak·la, ya·na da·yan·ma·lı aş·ma, çem·ber·le·me