(Din) Bir Roma Katolik ya da Anglikan piskoposluk bölgesinin resmi yönetimi tarafından kullanılan tüm yazılı belgeleri bulunduran ve saklayan idari birim. Dini belge arşivi
Only one letter issued by his diocesan chancery has been preserved.
someone or something under the control of the bishop of a diocese (e.g., a diocesan school, or a diocesan priest as opposed to a priest belonging to a religious order)
(Din) A diocesan chancery is the branch of administration which handles all written documents used in the official government of a Catholic diocese. It is in the diocesan chancery that, under the direction of the bishop or his representative, all documents which concern the diocese are drawn up, copied, forwarded, and a record kept of all official writings expedited or received. The official charged with the execution of these duties is known as the diocesan chancellor