Arabic for the struggle in the path of Allah Its primary meaning is the inward discipline in pursuit of well-being and prosperity; only secondarily does it have the meaning of a struggle for or defense of Islam Some Moslems consider the call to jihad to be a sixth pillar, but it does not officially have that status
The struggle to establish the law of God on earth, often interpreted to mean holy war
the obligation which is incumbent on Muslims to engage in "struggle" or "exertion" in behalf of Islam, to bring the entire world into the "Household of Islam "
Arabic term meaning holy war It is regarded by Muslims as a meritorious work that ensures entry into Paradise The word is derived from jahada which means to strive for something
Centuries-old Arabic term translated literally as "holy war" or "struggle " In recent years, Muslim fighters, especially in the Arab-Israeli conflict, have used the term almost solely to mean "holy war," often waged through terrorist attacks on civilians