This Whyn Dyke is bare at the cliffs ſeveral yards in height, and is near nine feet in width. It conſiſts of an inner part of a granular and ſomewhat porous texture.
Often he wrote good ones on casual slips and fancied them his; names like Trevellyan or Montressor or Delancey, with musical prefixes; or a good, short, beautiful, but dignified name like Gordon Dane. He liked that one. It suggested something.
Well, it does have a nice ring to it, Fee admitted.
Hans Christian Andersen'in hikayeleri onu dünyanın en tanınmış Danimarkalısı yaptı.
- Hans Christian Andersen's stories made him the most famous Dane in the world.
Biz Danimarkalıların İsveçli komşularımızla özel bir aşk-nefret ilişkimiz vardır.
- We Danes have a special love-hate relationship with our Swedish neighbors.