dışa bağımsızlık

listen to the pronunciation of dışa bağımsızlık
التركية - الإنجليزية
The aim is not just that, in the absolute sense, people can make use of a building but that they can do so independently This means that everybody can open the doors without help from other people; they can use the lift by themselves; they can easily find their way about in the building itself as well as in the street outside
The island became an independent state in 1960, following a four-year liberation struggle against British colonial rule The Zurich and London agreements gave Cyprus a constitution which eventually proved to be inoperative The basic flaw being rather than promoting unity in the newly established Republic, it contained a recipe for infinite deadlock by granting extensive veto powers to the Turkish Cypriot minority
The state or quality of being free from subjection or from the influence, control, or guidance of individuals, things, or situations As applied to examining officials and their respective organizations, there is a responsibility for maintaining neutrality and exercising objectivity so that opinions, judgments, conclusions, and recommendations on examined allegations are impartial and shall be viewed as impartial by disinterested third parties Top
The state of having sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood
Genus: Virtue Differentia: Never requires or desires the unearned Link: Article
For most countries, this entry gives the date that sovereignty was achieved and from which nation, empire, or trusteeship For the other countries, the date given may not represent "independence" in the strict sense, but rather some significant nationhood event such as the traditional founding date or the date of unification, federation, confederation, establishment, fundamental change in the form of government, or state succession Dependent areas include the notation "none" followed by the nature of their dependency status Also see the Terminology note
the successful ending of the American Revolution; "they maintained close relations with England even after independence"
whether the system could be run on different hardware
An individual's relative freedom from the felt-need for positive response That is, the independent person is one who does not often feel the need to rely on others for emotional support, encouragement, reassurance, comfort, and so forth Emotionally healthy individuals are able to make these bids from time to time as needed The important issue is how often and how intensely they feel the need for such positive response Independence is distinguished in PARTheory from self-reliance (See dependence; defensive independence; personality subtheory)
Two events A and B are said to be statistically independent if Pr(B | A) = Pr(B) - i e whether or not A is a fact has no effect on the probability that B will occur Using Bayes' rule, this can be reformulated as Pr(A and B) = Pr(A) * Pr(B)
Someone's independence is the fact that they do not rely on other people. He was afraid of losing his independence. City (pop., 2000: 113,288), western Missouri, U.S. Settled in 1827, it served as the starting point for the Santa Fe Trail and the Oregon Trail and was a rendezvous for wagon trains during the California gold rush. Home of a Mormon colony (1831-33), it is now the world headquarters of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was occupied by Union troops during the American Civil War and was the scene of two skirmishes with Confederates. The hometown of Pres. Harry Truman, it is the site of the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Algerian War of Independence United States War of Independence Declaration of Independence Greek Independence War of Independence Day League for the Independence of Vietnam
In all matters relating to the audit work, the audit organization and the individual auditors, whether government or public, must be free from personal or external impairments to independence, must be organizationally independent, and shall maintain an independent attitude and appearance
Property of two events that holds if the occurrence of one does not affect the probability of the occurrence of the other; see also law of experimental independence and law of theoretical independence
the assumption that activity duration times are not related to each other and that each activity is on only one path
You're not stuck to any one vendor or any one program; you don't have to worry about bugs in a particular editing program or any companies going out of business and leaving you stranded
A situation in which a country has its own government, and rules itself The Americans fought a war of independence against Britain because they no longer wanted to be ruled by the British
The Declaration of Independence A declaration made July 4th 1776, by the American States, declaring the colonies free and independent, absolved from all allegiance to Great Britain
a city in western Missouri; the beginning of the Santa Fe Trail
ruling, guiding, or governing oneself; free of rule by any other government