(Askeri) PERİYODİK MADDE; DEVRİ MADDE: Her ikmal süresinin aynı devresinde yüksek bir talep oranı gösteren bir madde. Mevsimlik talep durumundaki bir maddeye benzetilebilir
(Askeri) OTOMATİK ATIŞ SÜRATİ TANZİM MEKANİZMASI: Bir otomatik silahla örneğin; Browning otomatik tüfeğinde, atış süratini azaltıp çoğaltmak suretiyle kontrol altına alan tertibat. Buna "cyclic change mechanism" de denir
(Askeri) PERİYODİK DENEY: Bir şeyin çalışıp çalışmadığından emin olmak için muntazam aralıklarla yapılan deney. Periyodik deney, elektronik lambalar, yanma odaları ve diğer parçalar üzerinde roketi fırlatmak için ters sayışa geçilmeden önce yapılır
recurring in cycles of a compound having atoms arranged in a ring structure botany; forming a whorl or having parts arranged in a whorl; "cyclic petals"; "cyclic flowers"
Describes the controls which adjust the horizontal attitude of the helicopter, as in roll left-right and pitch forward and backward Both of these movements are controlled by the right stick
A cyclic nucleotide of guanosine that acts at the cellular level to regulate various metabolic processes and mediate the action of certain hormones, possibly as an antagonist to cyclic AMP
{s} periodical, repeating, recurrent; (about a stock) quickly reacting to market trends,tending to rise quickly when the market rises and fall quickly when the market falls (Economics)
{i} stock whose prices fluctuates quickly according to market trends, stock whose value rises quickly when the market rises and falls quickly when the market falls (Economics)
workers gain and lose jobs according to the boom and bust cycles of the economy For example, the oil workers have lots of work when the price of oil is up; when prices fall, workers are out of work
Short-to-medium term (3-5 years), demand-side economic effects on the business environment Typical cyclical influences are the operation of monetary and fiscal policy, and capacity utilisation