
listen to the pronunciation of court
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Hukuk) mahkeme

Bay White onun için mahkemeye çıktı. - Mr White appeared for him in court.

O konuda Anayasa Mahkemesi tarafından karar verildi. - That matter was decided by the Supreme Court.

{i} oturum

Mahkeme oturumu üç saat sürdü. - The court session lasted for three hours.

{f} davet etmek
{i} kort

O şimdi kortta tenis oynuyor. - He is now playing tennis on the court.

Hakem, tenis kortunun yan tarafında yüksek bir sandalyede oturuyor. - The umpire sits in a high chair at the side of the court.

{i} oyun alanı
{f} fayda sağ
tenis kortu

Tenis kortuna gidiyor musun? - Are you going to the tennis court?

Hakem, tenis kortunun yan tarafında yüksek bir sandalyede oturuyor. - The umpire sits in a high chair at the side of the court.

{f} yaltaklanmak
{f} kur yapmak
{i} saltanat
hükümdar sarayı
(Kanun) yargıçlar

Yüksek mahkeme yargıçları kanunları yorumlarlar. - Judges on the Supreme Court interpret the laws.

hükümdar ve maiyeti
adliye binası

Onu adliye binasında alabilirsin, katip ekledi. - You can get it at the courthouse, the clerk added.

fayda sağlamak
gözüne girmeye çalışmak
spor sahası
ile flört etmek
(Kanun) mahkeme üyeleri

Yeni saray soytarısıyla tanıştın mı? - Have you met the new court jester?

Saray ziyaretçileri bugün hala bu tenis kortunu görebilirler. - Visitors to the palace can still see this tennis court today.

saray halkı
riskine girmek

Müşterimiz dışarıdan istenmeyen bakışları önlemek amacıyla iç avlusu olan bir ev inşa etmek istiyor. - Our client wants to build a house with an internal courtyard in order to avoid unwelcome gazes from the outside.

Yatak odamın pencereleri avluya bakar. - The windows of my bedroom face the courtyard.

dalkavukluk etmek

Tom topu sahaya sürdü. - Tom dribbled the ball down the court.

teveccühünü kazanmaya çalışmak

Elçilik, yargıtayın yanında yer almaktadır. - The embassy is located next to the Supreme Court.

Yargıtay yasanın yasa dışı olduğuna karar verdi. - The Supreme Court ruled that the law was illegal.

{f} aranmak
{i} hükümdarlık
{i} toplantı
{i} avlu, iç bahçe
{i} kur

Onun diğer talibinin olduğunu öğrendiğinde, ciddi olarak ona kur yapmaya başladı. - He began courting her in earnest when he found out that she had another suitor.

Kur yapmadan önce bilseydim hiç kur yapmazdım. - If I had known before I courted, I never would have courted none.

court fool saray soytarısı
{f} istemek
{i} huk. mahkeme
{i} celse
{i} konak
{f} tehlike, hastalık
teveccühünü kazanm
{i} dar sokak
Court of Common Pleas medeni hukuk mahkemesi
Court of Appeals istinaf mahkemesi
(Politika, Siyaset) kral sarayı
supreme court

Elçilik, yargıtayın yanında yer almaktadır. - The embassy is located next to the Supreme Court.

Bir yargıtay üyesiydi. - He was a member of the Supreme Court.

court house
court music
Saray müziği, klasik müzik
court tennis
court bailiff
mahkeme icra dairesi
court board
(Kanun) mahkeme heyeti
court cabin
saray kabini
court charges
muhakeme masrafları
court charges
mahkeme masrafları
court clerk
(Kanun) mahkeme katibi
court clerk
(Kanun) zabıt katibi
court costs
muhakeme masrafları
court costs
mahkeme masrafları
court costs
(Kanun) masarifi muhakeme
court danger
tehlikeye atılmak
court decree
(Ticaret) ilam
court expert
(Ticaret) bilirkişi
court fabric
(Tekstil) kort bezli
court favor
(deyim) yalakalık yapmak
court favor
(deyim) yaltaklanarak
court favor
(deyim) yalakalanmak
court favour
(deyim) yalakalanmak
court favour
(deyim) yaltaklanarak
court favour
(deyim) yalakalık yapmak
court fee
(Kanun) mahkeme ücreti
court fee
(Kanun) mahkeme harcı
court file
dava dosyası
court hall
(Kanun) mahkeme salonu
court hearing
court hearing
mahkeme celsesi
court house
(Kanun) adliye binası
court notice
mahkeme ilanı
court of inquiry
(Askeri) tahkik heyeti
court of law
(Kanun) adliye mahkemesi
court session
(Kanun) muhakeme celsesi
court shoe
topuklu ayakkabı
court style
(Gıda) saray usulü
court year
adli yıl
court danger
tehlike peşinde koşmak
court death
ölümüne susamak
court fees
mahkeme masrafları
court martial
askeri mahkeme
court of account
court of admiralty
deniz mahkemesi
court of appeal
court of appeal
Temyiz Mahkemesi
court of bankruptcy
iflas mahkemesi
court of first instance
asliye mahkemesi
court of human Rights
insan hakları mahkemesi
court of jurisdictional disputes
uyuşmazlık mahkemesi
court of justice
adalet divanı
court of peace
sulh mahkemesi
court of review
temyiz mahkemesi
court order
mahkeme ilamı
court plaster
court plaster
ingiliz yakısı
askeri mahkemede yargılamak
askeri mahkeme

Tom askeri mahkemede olmalıydı. - Tom should've been court-martialed.

O, görevden kaçtığı için askeri mahkemede yargılandı. - He was court-martialed for dereliction of duty.

court 2
Mahkeme 2
court cases
court favor
(deyim) Yalakalık ederek birinin gözüne girmeye çalışma, yalakalanmak, yaltaklanmak
court hearing
court jester
Soytarı, maskara; kralın soytarısı
court musician
saray müzisyeni
court of account
court of appeals
İstinaf mahkemesi
court of auditor
(Kanun) Sayıştay
court of cassation
court of common pleas
huk. medeni hukuk mahkemesi
court of criminal enforcement
icra ceza mahkemesi
court of first instance
huk. asliye mahkemesi
court of intellectual and industrial property right
fikri sınai haklar mahkemesi
court of justice
court reporter
mahkeme muhabiri
court room
mahkeme salonu
court ruling
mahkeme kararı
court session
mahkeme oturumu
mahkeme tarafından zorlanmış
mahkeme tarafından zorlanan
askeri mahkemeye
court card
resimli iskambil kâğıdı
court card
court disaster
(Fiili Deyim ) belasını aramak
court dress
saray kıyafeti
court fees
(Ticaret) mahkeme harçları
court house
mahkeme binası
court house
hükümet binası
court martial
divanı harp
court martial
askerı mahkeme
court martial order
(Askeri) ASKERİ MAHKEME KARARI: Bir genel veya özel askeri mahkemenin yargılama sonunda yayımlanmış kararı
court of appeals
huk. istinaf mahkemesi
court of common pleas
huk. medeni hukuk mahkemesi. court of first instance huk. asliye mahkemesi. court of first instance huk. asliye mahkemesi
court of first instance
bidayet mahkemesi
court of first instance of the european communities
(Avrupa Birliği) Avrupa Toplulukları İlk Derece Mahkemesi
court of inquiry
(Askeri) TAHKİK HEYETİ: Askeri şahıslara isnat olunan suçları ve bu şahıslar hakkında herhangi bir hususu tetkik etmek için Cumhurbaşkanı veya diğer yetkili bir makam tarafından tayin olunan ve en az üç subay ile bir katipten teşekkül eden kurul
court of justice of the european communities
(Avrupa Birliği) (CJEC) Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı (ATAD)
court of king's bench
(Kanun) yüksek temyiz mahkemesi
court of law
court of law

Söylediğiniz her şey bir mahkemede size karşı kullanılabilir ve kullanılacaktır. - Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

court of military appeals
(Askeri) ASKERİ YARGITAY: A. B. D. Cumhurbaşkanı tarafından tayin ve Senato tarafından tasdik edilen üç sivil hakimden mürekkep mahkeme. Bu mahkeme Askeri Ceza ve Askeri Ceza Muhakemeleri Usulü Kanununun 67 ve 73. maddelerine göre askeri mahkemelerce verilmiş kararları, Silahlı Kuvvetler üstünde inceleme ve bozma yetkisine sahiptir
court of session
yüksek sivil mahkeme (İsk.)
court of sessions
sulh mahkemesi (amer.)
court order
mahkeme emri

Eski karısı, adamın kendisine 200 metreden fazla yaklaşmasını yasaklayan bir mahkeme emri çıkarttı. - His ex-wife obtained a court order that forbid him from coming closer than 200 yards.

court order
mahkeme kararı
court plaster
court shoes
zarif kadın ayakkabısı
commercial court
Ticaret Mahkemesi
constitutional court
anayasa mahkemesi
contempt of court
mahkemeye itaatsizlik

Ona mahkemeler karar verecek. - The courts will decide that.

Mahkemeler karar verecek. - The courts will decide.

Kur yapan

Courting couples.

the court
court of appeal
(Ticaret) temyiz veya istinaf mahkemesi
court of appeal
istinaf mahkemesi
üzerinde uğraşılan
evlilik yolunda
{i} kur yapma

Onun diğer talibinin olduğunu öğrendiğinde, ciddi olarak ona kur yapmaya başladı. - He began courting her in earnest when he found out that she had another suitor.

(isim) kur yapma
yaşa/dikkat göster
[n] kibarlık
{s} dalkavukluk eden
{s} sarayla ilgili
{s} saraya uygun
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A surname for someone who worked or lived in a court
An abbreviated term of respect for any court ("the Court")
A tribunal established for the administration of justice
The persons officially assembled under authority of law, at the appropriate time and place, for the administration of justice; an official assembly, legally met together for the transaction of judicial business; a judge or judges sitting for the hearing or trial of causes
The collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority; all the surroundings of a sovereign in his regal state
The hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered
A place arranged for playing the game of tennis, basketball and some other games; also, one of the divisions of a tennis court
Attention directed to a person in power; conduct or address designed to gain favor; courtliness of manners; civility; compliment; flattery
To woo; to attempt to win over with social activities and displays of tact and affection
Any jurisdiction, civil, military, or ecclesiastical
The session of a judicial assembly
An enclosed space; a courtyard; an uncovered area shut in by the walls of a building, or by different building; also, a space opening from a street and nearly surrounded by houses; a blind alley
The residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary; a palace
The judge or judges; as distinguished from the counsel or jury, or both
Any formal assembling of the retinue of a sovereign; as, to hold a court
{v} to woo, make love to, seek, flatter
Australian tennis player who won 26 Grand Slam singles titles and, in 1970, the Grand Slam (Wimbledon, French, U.S., and Australian titles in the same year). In architecture, an outdoor room surrounded by buildings or walls. Courts have existed in all civilizations from the earliest recorded times. The small garden court (atrium) of a Roman house was the center of domestic activity. In medieval Europe the court was a feature of all major residential buildings, as the cloister of a monastery, ward of a castle, or quadrangle of a college. A courtyard is often a utilitarian court (as for stables). Official assembly with judicial authority to hear and determine disputes in particular cases. In early judicial tribunals, judges sat in enclosures (courts in an architectural sense), and lawyers and the general public remained outside a bar (hence the term bar in legal contexts). Modern British courts are divided into those trying criminal cases and those trying civil cases; a second distinction is made between inferior courts, or courts of first instance, and superior courts, or courts of appeal. In the U.S. each state has its own system of courts, usually consisting of a superior (appellate) court, trial courts of general jurisdiction, and specialized courts (e.g., probate courts). The U.S. also has a system of federal courts, established to adjudicate distinctively national questions and cases not appropriately tried in state courts. At the apex of the national system is the Supreme Court of the United States. The secondary level consists of the United States Courts of Appeals. United States District Courts form the tertiary level. Crimes committed by military figures may be tried in a court-martial. In the past, ecclesiastical courts had broad jurisdiction. See also International Court of Justice; judiciary. Appomattox Court House Common Pleas Court of Court Margaret Smith court martial European Court of Justice High Commission Court of High Court of Admiralty Inns of Court International Court of Justice World Court International Criminal Court juvenile court magistrates' court prerogative court Supreme Court of the United States Tennis Court Oath United States District Court United States Courts of Appeals
A surname
the session at which a judge presides
To attempt to gain; to solicit; to seek
engage in social activities leading to marriage; "We were courting for over ten years"
respectful deference; "pay court to the emperor" a yard wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings; "the house was built around an inner court" a specially marked area within which a game is played; "players had to reserve a court in advance" a room in which a law court sits; "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom" the residence of a sovereign or nobleman; "the king will visit the duke's court" the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business Australian woman tennis player who won many major championships (born in 1947) engage in social activities leading to marriage; "We were courting for over ten years
A body in government to which the administration of justice is delegated
a room in which a law court sits; "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom"
respectful deference; "pay court to the emperor"
Woo; attempt to win over with social activities and displays of breeding; tact and affection
the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
To play the lover; to woo; as, to go courting
An organ of the government, belonging to the judicial department, whose function is the application of the laws to controversies brought before it and the public administration of justice
A gathering of SCA folk where the royalty makes announcements and presentations, and gives out awards
a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area
a royal or noble household Physically, the medieval German court is located in a castle, either in a rural area or a relatively small town; the court was likely to move periodically from place to place within the ruler's or nobleman's territories In the romances, Arthur's court must often be imagined as a group of tents (as it is depicted in the Munich Parzival manuscript)
To endeavor to gain the favor of by attention or flattery; to try to ingratiate one's self with
To invite by attractions; to allure; to attract
seek someone's favor; "China is wooing Russia"
An open uncovered space surrounded by walls or buildings
The smooth, flat area on which a game of tennis is played For singles, a court is 78 feet long by 27 feet; it is 78 feet long by 36 feet wide for doubles The court is divided in half by a net that is 36 inches high at the center and 42 inches high at each end Boundary lines and other markings are painted in white on any of three surfaces: concrete, grass or clay
the Supreme Court of British Columbia
A forum for deciding legal issues
The residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or other dignitary; a palace
the 94' x 50' area bounded by 2 sidelines and 2 end lines containing a basket at each end, on which a basketball game is played
A place arranged for playing the game of tennis; also, one of the divisions of a tennis court
The Court means the High Court or any other court in England and Wales having concurrent jurisdiction or any judge or officer exercising that jurisdiction
The center squares of the first rank on the King's Level between the Senate and Stable, including the opening stations of the Cabinet, Heirs, and Baronial game pieces [The Court is equivalent to the Cabinet in a Common setup ] This term is also used to refer to the game pieces that open from these stations
{f} seek to please, flatter; woo, seek to gain the affections of
Australian woman tennis player who won many major championships (born in 1947)
To endeavor to gain the affections of; to seek in marriage; to woo
When used without qualifiers, the word generally refers to a formal gathering of an SCA chapter, presided over by its ceremonial leaders The primary activities of a court include announcements, presentations to the leaders and to the group, and awards from the leaders to individuals in the group The leading herald of the group serves as announcer and master of ceremonies, and must review and approve all business for the court in advance
An inclosed space; a courtyard; an uncovered area shut in by the walls of a building, or by different building; also, a space opening from a street and nearly surrounded by houses; a blind alley
A branch of the government that provides a forum for the resolution of lawsuits State courts have general jurisdiction over state crimes, civil lawsuits, domestic cases and probate matters Federal courts have limited jurisdiction to claims arising under federal criminal or civil law and certain civil lawsuits between citizens of different states
gathering for announcements and awards called by a King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Baron or Baroness
{i} yard; law court; king's palace; king's attendants; formal reception; area where basketball or tennis is played
Government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes Judges sometimes use "court" to refer to themselves in the third person, as in "the court has read the briefs "
the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince
Most colleges are organised in a series of courts (courtyards), most containing staircases of rooms for students and Fellows
Where a game would be played Must consist of a building name and court number (many buildings contain more than one court) Add a New Court Modify Existing Court
Area of play, as defined by the outer boundary lines
the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business Australian woman tennis player who won many major championships (born in 1947) engage in social activities leading to marriage; "We were courting for over ten years
make amorous advances towards; "John is courting Mary"
The playing area on one side of the net, which is 5 feet wide and 4 ½ feet long Sometimes used to mean the entire surface of the table
an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
a specially marked area within which a game is played; "players had to reserve a court in advance"
A 78 ft (23 8 m) long area, divided into two equal sides by a net standing 3 ft (0 9 m) high at the center of the court For singles the court is 27 ft (8 2 m) wide For doubles the addition of alleys 4 5 ft (1 4 m) wide along the two longer sides increases the width to 36 ft (11 m) Courts may be of grass, clay, asphalt, concrete, wood, artificial grass, or other synthetic materials
a yard wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings; "the house was built around an inner court"
Train extends approximately 1 yard from the waistline
Refers to a specific court, such as the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, or may also refer to a judge
a gathering of the royalty to make announcements and present awards at events
A judge or body of judges whose task is to hear cases and administer justice (see Bench) General Jurisdiction-A court that has original trial jurisdiction over all subject matter or persons within its geographical limits except those that may be assigned by law to a limited jurisdiction court, such as a municipal court (see Superior Court) Limited Jurisdiction-A court that has jurisdiction over only specific subject matter or persons (as opposed to all subject matter or persons) assigned by law or statute to that court (see Municipal Court) Of Record-A court whose proceedings are permanently recorded All California courts are courts of record
the residence of a sovereign or nobleman; "the king will visit the duke's court"
court appearance
An event in which a person who has been charged with a crime or named as a party to a lawsuit appears in court, either in person or through an attorney
court appearances
plural form of court appearance
court baron
A form of manorial court that administered the common law for free tenants
court bouillon
A seasoned, aromatic liquid, such as a mixture of water with wine or vinegar and spices and vegetables, used for poaching fish, meat, seafood, or vegetables
court card
A postcard measuring approximately 4·75″ × 3·5″, in use mainly in the United Kingdom circa 1894–1902
court card
The higher-value “face” cards in a deck of playing cards; in an ordinary 52-card deck, namely any one of the jacks (a.k.a. knaves), queens, or kings

There are fifty-two outcomes possible when we turn up a card, and if we do it from a freshly and fairly shuffled pack, each possibility has an equal chance. Probabilistic reasoning can then go forward: we can solve, for instance, for whether most draws of seven cards involve two court cards, or whatever.

court cards
plural form of court card
court costs
: Expenses other than attorney's fees associated with the prosecution or defense of a lawsuit for which, in some jurisdictions, the prevailing party may demand repayment
court customary
A form of manorial court for unfree tenants or villeins
court fee
A fee paid purportedly to cover administrative costs, at the start of each new court filing
court fee
Adhesive stamps, attached to court papers to pay fees. Previously common in India and now popular with collectors
court fees
plural form of court fee
court jester
a person in bright garb and fool's cap who served as amusement in a mediaeval royal court
court martial
A court where cases of military law are heard
court martial
To bring court martial proceedings against somebody
court martialed
Simple past tense and past participle of court martial
court martialing
Present participle of court martial
court martialled
Simple past tense and past participle of court martial
court martialling
Present participle of court martial
court martials
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of court martial
court of cassation
In many legal systems, the highest court of appeal
court of equity
A court empowered to provide only equitable relief, but not to make rulings on questions of law, nor to award monetary damages
court of last resort
The final court of appeal in a jurisdiction; a supreme court
court of law
A court presided over by a judge which is empowered to decide all aspects of legal disputes
court of law
A court which was empowered to decide questions of law and award monetary damages, but could not provide equitable relief, which was reserved for a court of equity
court order
A written command, issued by a judge, requiring whomever it is served upon to do whatever the order says, under penalty of being held in contempt of court
court orders
plural form of court order
court poor box
System used informally in lower Irish courts, where a defendant can be directed to make a donation to charity in lieu of conviction
court reporter
A person whose occupation is to transcribe spoken or recorded speech into written form, typically using a stenotype or stenomask to produce official transcripts of court hearings, depositions and other official proceedings
court reporters
plural form of court reporter
court sense
A player's knowledge of all that is occurring in the game
court shoe
A shoe with no fastening and a low-cut front, formerly worn by men in formal situations but now usually with reference to women's footwear
court shoes
plural form of court shoe
To undergo trial in a military court
A military court of law
A trial before such a tribunal
Simple past tense and past participle of court-martial
Of or pertaining to one who has undergone a court-martial
court jester
Who is a clown or buffoon employed in the service of a king or other ruling monarch for entertainment

Great, now I was the court jester. "Badabing" I mumbled in weak rim-shot impression.

court jester
A man in the past whose job was to tell jokes and make people laugh
court of honour
A court of honor (or, court of honour) is a semi-official or unofficial tribunal constituted to determine various questions of social protocol, breaches of etiquette, and other allegations of breaches of honor, or entitlement to various honors. In English the term is also a homophone for the architectural term Cour d'Honneur
Court of Appeal
Court of Ap·peal Courts of Appeal in AM, usually use Court of Appeals A Court of Appeal is a court which deals with appeals against legal judgments. The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal. the highest law court in Britain apart from the House of Lords
Court of Common Pleas
English court of law founded in 1178 to hear civil disputes. Under the Magna Carta (1215), it attained jurisdiction separate from the King's (Queen's) Court, though its decisions were subject to review by the latter. Beginning in the 15th century, it competed with the King's (Queen's) Court and the Court of Exchequer for common-law business. By the 19th century, the complexity of overlapping jurisdictional rules had become unbearable, and all three courts were replaced (under the Judicature Act of 1873) by the Supreme Court of Judicature, which remains the court of general jurisdiction in England and Wales
Court of Exchequer
A former superior court in Great Britain dealing with matters of revenue, now merged with the King's or Queen's Bench
Court of High Commission
English ecclesiastical court instituted by Henry VIII to enforce the Act of Supremacy (1534). It became a controversial instrument of repression, used against those who refused to acknowledge the authority of the Church of England. Its main function, and the most controversial, was administration of the oath ex officio, committing one to answer even self-incriminating questions; those who refused to take the oath were turned over to the feared Court of Star Chamber. Opposition, mainly from the Puritans and the common lawyers, resulted in the court's abolishment by Parliament in 1641. See also prerogative court
Court of Session
the most important civil court of law in the Scottish legal system
Court of St James
one of the old names of the official home of the British king or queen. Formally, an ambassador (=the official representative of a country) who is sent to the UK from a foreign country is called the 'Ambassador to the Court of St James'
court 1
A court is an area in which you play a game such as tennis, basketball, badminton, or squash. The hotel has several tennis and squash courts She watched a few of the games while waiting to go on court
court 1
If someone holds court in a place, they are surrounded by a lot of people who are paying them a lot of attention because they are interesting or famous. in the days when Marlene Dietrich and Ernest Hemingway held court in the famous El Floridita club
court 1
If a legal matter is decided or settled out of court, it is decided without legal action being taken in a court of (Hukuk) a payment of two million pounds in an out of court settlement
court 1
You can refer to the people in a court, especially the judge, jury, or magistrates, as a court. A court at Tampa, Florida has convicted five officials on drugs charges
court 1
A court is a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate. At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts! a county court judge He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery The 28-year-old striker was in court last week for breaking a rival player's jaw
court 1
If you go to court or take someone to court, you take legal action against them. They have received at least twenty thousand pounds each but had gone to court to demand more. members of trade associations who want to take bad debtors to court
court 1
The court of a king or queen is the place where he or she lives and carries out ceremonial or administrative duties. She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I see also Crown Court, High Court, kangaroo court
court 2
To court a particular person, group, or country means to try to please them or improve your relations with them, often so that they will do something that you want them to do. Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot
court 2
If you court something unpleasant such as disaster or unpopularity, you act in a way that makes it likely to happen. If he thinks he can remain in power by force he is courting disaster = invite
court 2
If you court something such as publicity or popularity, you try to attract it. Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive
court bard
poet of a royal court
court below
lower court, court of first instance (Law)
court card
the king, queen, or jack in a set of playing cards American Equivalent: face card
court card
face card, any one of the cards in a deck of playing cards that has a picture of a face (king, queen or jack), picture card
court composer
person who composes music for a royal court
court correspondent
someone who reports the news relating to a royal family for a newspaper or television company
court costs
the costs of taking a case to court
court etiquette
manners observed by members of a royal court
court fees
fee paid for using a court's services
court game
an athletic game played on a court
court is adjourned
this court session is concluded until further notice
court judgement
verdict, court ruling, decision made by a court of law
court liaison
representative of a court of law
court manners
manners observed by members of a royal court
court martial
A court martial is a trial in a military court of a member of the armed forces who is charged with breaking a military (Hukuk) He is due to face a court-martial on drugs charges He was arrested, tried by court martial and shot
court martial
A military court set up to try and punish offenses taken by members of the army, navy or air force
court martial
military or naval court to try offenses against military law; trial by such a court
court martial
If a member of the armed forces is court martialled, he or she is tried in a military court. I was court-martialled and sentenced to six months in a military prison
court martial
A military court set up to try and punish offences committed by members of the army, navy or air force
court martial
The spellings court martialing and court martialed are used in American English; courts martial is also used as a plural form for the noun
court of appeal
court that rehears a legal case
court of appeals
The Colorado Court of Appeals is an appellate judicial body which hears appeals of cases from several courts and administrative agencies The Court of Appeals is required to review appeals of decisions from the state administrative appellate body for workers' compensation cases, the Industrial Claims Appeal Panel (Section 8-43-307 through 312, C R S )
court of appeals
The Court of Appeals originated in the seventeenth century During the early years of the settlement of Maryland, the General Assembly sat as a court of law as well as a legislature When the assembly divided into two houses in 1650, the upper house, or governor and council, became the Court of Appeals The Court of Appeals was reformed by the Maryland Constitution of 1776 Judges were appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the council The court sat on the Western Shore in Annapolis By 1805, chief justices of the six judicial districts of the state constituted the Court of Appeals From 1805 to 1851, the court sat at Easton on the Eastern Shore as well as at Annapolis The Constitution of 1851 provided for a single Court of Appeals, which sat at Annapolis Judges were chosen by the electorate
court of appeals
a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies
court of appeals
A court to which appeals are made on points of law resulting from the judgment of a lower court. one of 12 law courts in the US that deals with cases when people are not satisfied with the judgment given by a lower court appellate court
court of appeals
A court with appellate jurisdiction that hears appeals from the decisions of lower courts http: //www ca9 uscourts gov/ is a web site of the 9th Circuit Federal Appeals Court which includes California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Alaska and Montana
court of appeals
An intermediate federal court, inferior to the U S Supreme Court but higher than the U S District Court Its function is to review the final decisions of the district courts, if challenged There is a Court of Appeals for the circuit in each of the judicial circuits
court of chancery
A court with jurisdiction in equity
court of claims
A U.S. federal court that determines claims brought by individuals against the government
court of criminal assize
{i} court of law dealing with criminal matters
court of domestic relations
A court having the judicial authority to investigate and decide on cases involving marital and especially parental rights and obligations, including child custody, support, and well-being
court of first instance
court that deals with a first legal instance of a matter
court of inquiry
A court of inquiry is a group of people who are officially appointed to investigate a serious accident or incident, or an official investigation into a serious accident or incident. The government has instituted a court of inquiry to look into the allegations. A military court that inquires into and reports on questionable actions involving military personnel or property. courts of inquiry a group of people chosen to discover the facts about something such as a serious accident grand jury
court of inquiry
investigative committee
court of justice
legal court; religious court
court of law
When you refer to a court of law, you are referring to a legal court, especially when talking about the evidence that might be given in a trial. We have a witness who would swear to it in a court of law. A court that hears cases and makes decisions based on statutes or the common law. law court courts of law a place where law cases are judged = court
court of law
tribunal, law court, place where trials are held
court of record
A court whose actions are recorded, possessing the authority to levy sanctions
court of record
Law A court whose proceedings and decisions are retained on permanent record
court of record
A court in which the proceedings are recorded, transcribed, and maintained as permanent records
court of record
A court in which all proceedings are recorded word for word in a way which permits everything to be put in a written record called a transcript
court of record
A court whose proceedings and decisions are retained on permanent record
court of record
1 A court that, like most modern courts, is required by law to keep a record of its proceedings, including the orders and judgments it enters, and that has the authority to imprison and to levy fines
court of saint james's
the British royal court
court of the first instance
low-level court which hears the first round of trials (not appeals)
court order
a direction from the court on some matter
court order
A document prepared by and signed under the seal of a court to give effect to a decision of a judge of the court
court order
A court document, signed by a Judge and the sheriff is responsible to carry out the order
court order
means a direction or command delivered by a court and entered into the court record
court order
An order issued by a court that requires a person to do or refrain from doing something. an order or decision made by a law court
court order
A legal decision made by a court that commands or directs that something be done or not done Can be made by a judge, commissioner, court referee, or magistrate
court order
a writ issued by a court of law requiring a person to do something or to refrain from doing something
court order
A document prepared and signed by a court, to give effect to a decision of a Judge of that court
court order
Any judgment, decree or order of court of this state or any other state A court order is a judicial order and may or may not order child support A support order can be either judicial or administrative and does order child support
court order
legislative command, very strong request by the courts
court order
A legally binding ruling issued by a Magistrate, Judge, or properly empowered administrative officer A court order related to child support can dictate how often, how much, and what kind of support a non-custodial parent is to pay, how long he or she is to pay it, and whether an employer must withhold support payments from their wages
court plaster
a plaster composed of isinglass on silk; formerly used to dress superficial wounds
court plaster
Cloth coated with an adhesive substance and used to cover cuts or scratches on the skin
court recess
vacation or break time for courts of law
court record
official record of statements made in a trial
court registrar
clerk who provides official court certificates
court reporter
one who records what is said and occurred during a trial; news reporter who writes about legal and court cases
court reporter
A stenographer who makes a verbatim record and transcription of proceedings, as in a court. someone whose job is to record everything that is said during a court case
court rule
verdict, sentence, judgment
court session
{i} session in a court of law
court shoe
Court shoes are women's shoes that do not cover the top part of the foot and are usually made of plain leather with no design. a type of plain formal shoe worn by women American Equivalent: pump
court shoe
pump, low cut shoe
court tennis
A form of tennis played in a large indoor court with a specially marked-out floor and high cement walls off which the ball may be played
court tennis
an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled court
court tennis
See under Tennis
court tomb
A Neolithic tomb found chiefly in the British Isles consisting of a chamber tomb adjoined by an open space marked off by large standing stones
a trial by court martial
a court that judges soldiers etc who may have broken military law, or an occasion when this judgment is made. court-martialled court-martialling court-martialed court-martialing to hear and judge someone's case in a military court. Military court for hearing charges brought against members of the armed forces or others within its jurisdiction; also, the legal proceeding of such a court. Most countries today have military codes of justice administered by military courts, often subject to civilian appellate review. Courts-martial are generally convened as ad hoc courts to try one or more cases referred by some high military authority. The convening officer chooses officers, and sometimes enlisted personnel, from his or her command to sit on the court, determine guilt or innocence, and hand down sentences. See also military law
a trial by court martial a military court to try serious breaches of martial law subject to trial by court-martial
a military court to try serious breaches of martial law
subject to trial by court-martial
court-martial board
military court set up to try soldiers who have broken military law
{s} put on trial in a military court, tried in a court-martial
influencing the composition of the judges or jury members in a court of law
contempt of court
A court order which, in the context of a court trial or hearing, declares a person or organization to have disobeyed or been disrespectful of the court's authority
Obsequious, flattering
{n} civility, complasance, form
{a} in the manner of courts, politely
{a} polite, flattering, elegant, spruce, soft
Court order
past of court
a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage); "its was a brief and intense courtship"
present participle of court
{s} wooing, pursuing
{i} courtship, suit, wooing
comparative of courtly
superlative of courtly
The quality of being courtly; elegance or dignity of manners
{i} quality of being courtly, politeness, quality of having elegant manners