
listen to the pronunciation of combined
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} karma
(Mukavele) birleştirilmiş
{f} birleştir

Onlar bir hediye almak için paralarını birleştirdi. - They combined their money to buy a present.

Yararlılık keyif ile birleştirilmelidir. - Usefulness must be combined with pleasantness.


Kombine bir çaba düşünmeliyiz. - We should consider a combined effort.

Tüm elli eyaletin kombine nüfusu nedir? - What is the combined population of all 50 states ?

{f} birleştir: adj.kom
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK, KOMBİNE KARMA: Birleşik iki veya daha fazla kuvvet veya teşkilat arasındaki ikili veya daha fazla ittifak (tüm müttefikler ve kuvvetler dahil olmadığı zaman katılan ülkeler ve kuvvetler belirtilmelidir. Örneğin; Müşterek Deniz Kuvvetleri). Ayrıca bakınız: "joint"
{f} birleştir: adj.birleştirilmiş
{s} bileşik
(Politika, Siyaset) ortak
{f} birleştirmek

İşi zevkle birleştirmek zordur. - It is hard to combine business with pleasure.

combined circuit
(Askeri) birleşik devre
combined communication board
(Askeri) birleşik muhabere kurulu
combined cut
(Mekanik) birleşik kesim
combined efforts
(Politika, Siyaset) ortak çabalar
combined file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) birleşik kütük
combined heat
birleşik ısı
combined heat and power
(Çevre) birleşik ısı ve güç
combined name
(Bilgisayar) birleşik ad
combined sewer
(Çevre) birleşik kanalizasyon
combined tour
(Turizm) bileşik tur
combined transport
(Askeri,Ticaret) birleşik taşıma
combined transport
(Ticaret) birleşik nakliye
combined bleaching
kombine ağartma
combined board
karma komisyon
combined carbon
kombine karbon
combined head
birleşik kafa
combined print
bileşik kopya
combined vessels
bileşik kaplar
combined bill of lading
kombine konşimento
combined cut
(Mühendislik) birleşik kesim, kombine kesim
combined cycle
kombine çevrim
combined cycle gas turbine
kombine çevrim gaz türbini (CCGT)
combined cycle power plant
Kombine çevrimli güç santrali
combined linear congruential generators
birleştirilmiş lineer eşleşiksel üreteçler
combined transport
birleşik nakliye, birleşik taşıma
combined transport document
birleşik nakliye belgesi
combined voyage
kombine seyahat
combined water
kombine su
combined with alumina
alümina ile birlikte
combined with extraneous elements
yabancı elemanları ile birlikte
Combined Forces Command, Korea
(Askeri) Kore Müşterek Kuvvet Komutanlığı
combined airspeed indicator
(Askeri) KOMBİNE HAVA SÜRATİ GÖSTERGESİ: Hem işari sürati hem mach sayısını gösteren cihaz
combined arms
(Askeri) karma sınıflar
combined arms
(Askeri) MUHTELİT TİM, MÜŞTEREK SINIFLAR: Kara Ordusu'nun harekatta müşterek kullanılan birden çok taktik sınıf
combined arms
(Askeri) Muhtelif muharip sınıfların birleşmesi
combined arms operation
(Askeri) Müşterek birlik harekatı
combined arms team
(Askeri) muhtelif tim
combined arms team
(Askeri) MUHTELİT TİM: Kara Ordusunun iki veya daha çok muharip sınıfından müteşekkil tim. Bu timde; her muharip sınıf, kendi kabiliyet ve imkanlarından faydalanarak, timin ileri hareketine yardım etmek suretiyle, diğer muharip sınıfları tamamlar. Tim; genel olarak, tank, piyade, istihkam ve topçudan mürekkeptir
combined arms team
(Askeri) tam teçhizatlı askeri tim
combined arms team
(Askeri) müşterek sınıf timi
combined arms training
(Askeri) MUHTELİT SINIFLAR EĞİTİMİ; MÜŞTEREK SINIFLAR EĞİTİMİ: Kara ordusunun piyade, topçu, zırhlı birlik, muhabere, istihkam vesaire gibi çeşitli sınıf ve hizmetlerine mensup birliklerin müşterek çalışmalarını temin için yapılan eğitim. Bu devrede, çeşitli sınıf ve hizmetler, birbirleriyle iş ve güç birliği yapmak suretiyle, muharebe vazifelerinin başarılması esası üzerinde yetiştirilirler. Bu eğitim devresine manevra ve tatbikatlar dahildir. Ayrıca bakınız: "training"
combined arms training
(Askeri) müşterek sınıflar eğitimi
combined bill of lading
(Ticaret) kombine taşıma konşimentosu
combined bleaching
(Tekstil) kombine ağartma, kombine beyazlatma
combined carbon
kombine kömür
combined chief of staff
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK KURMAY BAŞKANLIĞI: Harp zamanında A. B. D ve İngiltere'nin kara, hava ve deniz kuvvetlerine mensup yüksek rütbeli subaylardan müteşekkil ve plan ve koordinasyon işleriyle meşgul bir makamı
combined circuit
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK DEVRE: Bknz. "combination circuit"
combined circuit arrengement
birleşik devre düzenlemesi
combined common user items
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK HİZMETE ELVERİŞLİ MADDELER: İki veya daha çok millet tarafından müşterek olarak kullanılan değiş tokuş edilebilir mahiyette maddeler
combined communication board
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK MUHABERE KURULU: Birleşik Kurmay Başkanlığının muhabere işlerini düzenleyen bir müessese
combined communication board publications
combined defense improvement project
(Askeri) müşterek savunma geliştirme projesi
combined distribution frame
(Askeri) müşterek dağıtım çerçevesi
combined doctrine
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK DOKTRİN: Müşterek bir hedefe yönelik koordineli bir harekette iki veya daha fazla ülkenin kuvvetlerinin istihdamını yönlendiren temel prensipler. Katılan ülkeler tarafından onaylanır. Ayrıca bakınız: "joint doctrine; multi-service doctrine"
combined doctrine
(Askeri) müşterek doktrin
combined drainage system
birleşik kanalizasyon sistemi
combined effects munition
(Askeri) birleşik etkili askeri malzeme
combined entity
(Ticaret) birleşik banka
combined error
(Havacılık) birleşik hata
combined farmers
(Politika, Siyaset) karma çiftçiler
combined file
birlesik kutuk
combined flasher unit
(Otomotiv) birleşik sinyal verici
combined footing
(İnşaat) ikiz temel
combined footing
(Jeoloji) birleşik temel
combined force
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK KUVVET; KOMBİNE KUVVET: İki veya daha fazla müttefik ülkenin unsurlarından oluşan bir askeri kuvvet. Ayrıca bakınız: "force (s) "
combined force
(Askeri) birleşik kuvvet
combined force air component commander
(Askeri) birleşik kuvvetler hava unsuru komutanı
combined force land component commander
(Askeri) birleşik kuvvet kara unsuru komutanı
combined governor
(Otomotiv) birleşik governor
combined harvester
(Otomotiv) çok işlevli hasat makinası
combined head
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) okuma/yazma kafası
combined influence mine
(Askeri) Bknz. "combination influence mine"
combined information bureau
(Askeri) birleşik enformasyon bürosu
combined information bureau; controlled image base
(Askeri) birleşik enformasyon (danışma) bürosu; kontrol edilmiş görüntü temeli
combined injury
(Tıp) kombine yaralanma
combined intelligence
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK İSTİHBARAT; KOMBİNE İSTİHBARAT: A. B. D. Müttefikleri tarafından ortaya çıkarılan ve kombine komutanlıklar ile ittifakların plan ve politikalarını düzenleme bakımından lüzumlu olan istihbarat
combined joint special operations task force
(Askeri) birleşik müşterek özel harekat görev kuvveti
combined joint task force (NATO); commander, joint task force
(Askeri) birleşik müşterek görev kuvveti (nato); müşterek görev kuvveti komutanı
combined leverage effect
(Ticaret) bileşik kaldıraç etkisi
combined logistic support
(Askeri) birleşik lojistik destek
combined milling
(Tekstil) kombine dinkleme
combined modality therapy
(Tıp) kombine tedavi
combined nomenclature
(Politika, Siyaset) birleşik nomenklatür
combined observation
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK GÖZETLEME: Değişik noktalarda bulunan iki veya daha çok gözcü tarafından ateşin gözetlenmesi
combined observation
(Askeri) birleşik gözetleme
combined operation
(Askeri) birleşik harekat
combined operation
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK HAREKAT: Tek bir görevin tamamlanması için beraber hareket eden iki veya daha fazla müttefik ülkenin kuvvetleri tarafından icra edilen bir harekat
combined plot
(Havacılık) bileşik plot
combined policy
(Ticaret) kombine poliçe
combined print
(Sinema) (film) bileşik kopya
combined proposals
(Eğitim) müşterek teklifler
combined rescue coordination center
(Askeri) Bknz. "rescue coordination center"
combined sewerage system
(İnşaat) birleşik kanalizasyon sistemi
combined shop
(Askeri) MUHTELİF ONARIM ATÖLYESİ: Bir müessesedeki bütün bakım ve vasıtaların, bakım kademesi dikkate alınmaksızın, merkezi bir idare altında toplanmış şekli
combined shop
(Askeri) muhtelif onarım atölyesi
combined special operations area
(Askeri) müşterek özel harekat bölgesi
combined staff
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK KARARGAH; BİRLEŞİK KARARGAH HEYETİ: İki veya daha çok müttefik millet personelinden mürekkep karargah. Ayrıca bakınız: "integrated staff", "joint staff", "parallel staff", ve "staff"
combined staff
(Askeri) birleşik karargah heyeti
combined staff
(Askeri) birleşik karargah
combined strategic plans
(Askeri) birleşik stratejik planlar
combined strategic plans
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK STRATEJİK PLANLAR: İki veya daha çok milletin iştirak ettiği planlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "strategic plans"
combined stresses
birleşik gerilme
combined stresses
birleşik gerilmeler
combined stresses
kombine gerilmeler
combined system
kombine sistem
combined system
birleşik dizge
combined system
birleşik sistem
combined tank
kombine tank
combined tank unit
kombine tank ünitesi
combined task force
(Askeri) birleşik görev kuvveti (BGK)
combined task force
(Askeri) KOMBİNE ÖZEL GÖREV KUVVETİ: Birleşik özel görev için, iki veya daha çok müttefik devletin çeşitli unsurlarından teşkil edilen bir özel görev kuvveti. Ayrıca bakınız: "task force"
combined training
(Askeri) birleşik eğitim
combined training
(Askeri) MÜŞTEREK EĞİTİM; MUHTELİT EĞİTİM: Herhangi bir birliği, normal olarak, işbirliği yapacağı bir veya birkaç sınıf ile birlikte, eğitime tabi tutmak
combined transport documents
(Ticaret) karma taşıma vesaiki
combined trusses
birleşik kafes sistemler
combined trusses
karışık kafes sistemler
combined uncertainty
(Ticaret) birleştirilmiş belirsizlik
combined version
kombine versiyon
combined voyage
(Turizm) çeşitli araçlı seyahat
combined war plan
(Askeri) birleşik harp planı
combined war plan
combined with silicon
(Kimya) silisyumlu
combined woodworking machine
(Marangozluk) kombine marangoz tezgahı
Commander in Chief, Combined Forces Command
(Askeri) Müşterek Kuvvetler Komutanlığı Başkomutanı
combat air operations center; combined air operations center
(Askeri) muharebe hava harekat merkezi; Birleştirilmiş Hava Harekat Merkezi
combat information center; combat intelligence center (Marine Corps); combined i
(Askeri) muharebe bilgi merkezi; muharebe istihbarat merkezi (Deniz Piyadeleri Sınıfı); birleştirilmiş istihbarat merkezi; muhabere arayüz kontrolörü; içerik gösterge kodu; İKK merkezi
command combined communication center
commander, combined joint task force
(Askeri) birleşik müşterek görev kuvveti komutanı
biçerdöğer makinası
(Bilgisayar) kombinasyon
(Ticaret) tröst
(Kimya) kaynaşmak
(Kimya) bileşmek

Tek parça yapmak için tüm parçaları birleştirin. - Combine all the parts to make one piece.

İşini aile hayatınla birleştirsen iyi olur. - You had better combine your work with your family life.

treated or combined with bichromate
tedavi veya bikromat ile birlikte
treated or combined with sulfur
tedavi ya da kombine kükürt
dili siyasi ve ticari çıkar sağlamak için bir araya gelen grup
bir araya g

Çok Fransızca kelime biliyorum ama cümle içinde bir araya getirmekte zorlanıyorum. - I know a lot of French words, but it's difficult for me to combine them into sentences.

(to) karmak / birleştirmek
{f} karışmak
{i} birlik
birleştir,v.birleştir: n.birlik
{f} toplamak
{i} uzlaşma
{i} biçerdöver

Bugünün modern traktörleri ve biçerdöverleri yüksek teknoloji ile donatılmıştır. - Today's modern tractors and combines are equipped with high technology.

{f} kombine etmek
(Tekstil) 1. birleştirmek 2. birleşmek
{f} kaynaştırmak
{i} tic. kartel
{f} toplanmak
developing country combined exercise program
(Askeri) ülke geliştirme birleşik tatbikat programı
joint combined exchange training; joint combined exercise for training
(Askeri) müşterek muhtelit değişim eğitimi; eğitim amaçlı müşterek muhtelit tatbikat
modified combined obstacle overlay
(Askeri) düzenlenmiş engel tatbik krokisi
nordic combined
kuzey alp disiplini
rectangular combined footing
dikdörtgen birleşik temel
trapezoidal combined footing
yamuk birleşik temel
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Total of parts; united

The combined efforts of the emergency workers kept the river from going over its banks, barely.

Simple past tense and past participle of combine

The cook combined equal parts chocolate and vanilla batter in the cake.

{a} joined or united together, varied
involving the joint activity of two or more; "the attack was met by the combined strength of two divisions"; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong dring"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities"
made or joined or united into one
The combined size or quantity of two or more things is the total of their sizes or quantities added together. Such a merger would be the largest in US banking history, giving the two banks combined assets of some $146 billion = total
made or joined or united into one involving the joint activity of two or more; "the attack was met by the combined strength of two divisions"; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong dring"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities
added together -- " how many newspaper copies can they print combined?" (111)
past of combine
{s} integrated, merged, joined, united
ratio The sum of the expense ratio and the loss ratio A combined ratio under 100 percent indicates an underwriting profit; a combined ratio over 100 percent indicates an underwriting loss
Combined describes an outgoing trunk group that handles coin or non-coin 0+, 0-, and 1+ traffic
A combined effort or attack is made by two or more groups of people at the same time. These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations. = joint
Total of parts
United closely; confederated; chemically united
(deyim) all rolled up in one

His brother is president and vice-president all rolled up in one.

combined cycle
using multiple thermodynamic cycles so that the overall effect is greater than the sum of the parts
combined cycle
using multiple propulsion techniques in an interlinked synergistic way to give improved performance
combined gas law
a combination of Boyle's law and Charles's law which states that the product of the volume and pressure of an ideal gas divided by its temperature is constant
combined statistical area
A metropolitan area with one or more other metropolitan and or micropolitan area components defined with it
combined studies
A course, given at many universities and colleges, in which broad areas of study, rather than limited subjects are taught
combined cycle
A combined cycle is characteristic of a power producing engine or plant that employs more than one thermodynamic cycle. Heat engines are only able to use a portion of the energy their fuel generates (usually less than 50%). The remaining heat from combustion is generally wasted. Combining two or more "cycles" such as the Brayton cycle and Rankine cycle results in improved overall efficiency
combined battle
battle in which different military forces (ground, air and sea) are jointly used
combined cycle
An electric generating technology in which electricity is produced from otherwise lost waste heat exiting from one or more gas (combustion) turbines The exiting heat is routed to a conventional boiler or to a heat recovery steam generator for utilization by a steam turbine in the production of electricity Such designs increase the efficiency of the electric generating unit
combined cycle
Several generation processes in series or in parallel, configured to optimize the energy output of the system
combined cycle
Running two heat engines in a row The first heat engine generates electricity by using a gas turbine The second heat engine generates elecctricity by using the wast heat from the first heat engine to make steam, which turns a steam turbine By combining the two heat engines, more work can be extracted from the initial temperature difference, although implementing the second heat engine can often be costly
combined cycle
Two or more generation processes in series or in parallel, configured to optimize the energy output of the system
combined cycle
An electric generating technology in which electricity is produced from otherwise lost waste heat exiting from one more gas (combustion) turbines The exiting heat is routed to a conventional boiler or to a heat recovery steam generator for use by a steam turbine in the production of electricity This process increases the efficiency of the electric generating unit
combined cycle
Power plant for the production of electricity which joins a gas turbine cycle (q v ) with a condensed vapor turbine (q v ) It is characterized by: high yield level, low cost, speed of installation, low environmental impact, de facto limitation to the use of gaseous fuel
combined cycle
The combination of a gas turbine and steam turbine in an electric generating plant The waste heat from the first turbine cycle provides the heat energy for the second turbine cycle
combined cycle
a modern technology in which one or more combustion turbines are used to initially generate electricity, after which, waste heat recovered from the exhaust gases produces steam in a heat recovery steam generator The steam is then used in a steam turbine to produce additional electric power
combined cycle
A multi-stage electric generating technology in which electricity is produced first from one or more conventional gas (combustion) turbines and then from steam turbines, although typically about two-thirds of the total power is generated in the gas turbine portion of the plant A variety of fuels can supply the gas turbine stages, after which waste heat exiting the gas turbines is routed to a conventional boiler or a heat recovery steam generator for use by a steam turbine to produce additional electricity
combined cycle
An electric generating technology in which electricity is produced from otherwise lost waste heat exiting from one or more gas combustion turbines The exiting heat is routed to a conventional boiler or to a heat recovery steam generator for utilization by a steam turbine in the production of electricity This process increases the efficiency of the electric generating unit
combined cycle
An electric generating technology in which electricity and process steam is produced from otherwise lost waste heat exiting from one or more combustion turbines The exiting heat is routed to a conventional boiler or to a heat recovery steam generator for use by a steam turbine in the production of electricity This process increases the efficiency of the electric generating unit
combined demand
(Ticaret) Demand for an item composed of both dependent demand (the item is required by an upper-level assembly) and independent demand (the item is required on its own for a sales or interplant order)
combined index
combined rates of inflation, index that takes rates of inflation of different market sectors into account
combined list
joint inventory, joint register
combined operation
operation which is made of several integrated tasks
combined operation
a military operation carried out cooperatively by two or more allied nations or a military operation carried out by coordination of sea, land, and air forces
London Underground
Nordic combined
a winter sport in which competitors involve in both cross-country skiing and ski jumping
A short form for combine harvester
to have two or more things or properties that function together
A concern, consortium or syndicate
to bring (two or more things or activities) together; to unite
To join together or unite
{v} to unite, agree, link, join
If someone or something combines two qualities or features, they have both those qualities or features at the same time. Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation. a clever, far-sighted lawyer who combines legal expertise with social concern Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour
To bind; to hold by a moral tie
put or add together; "combine resources"
To stir together two or more ingredients until blended
gather in a mass, sum, or whole
mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
To unite or join; to link closely together; to bring into harmonious union; to cause or unite so as to form a homogeneous substance, as by chemical union
A large self-propelled machine which harvests grain crops It has various attachments called headers designed for use in harvesting specific crops Wheat is harvested using the reel-type header; corn is harvested using a corn head; soybeans are harvested using a bean head
If two or more groups or organizations combine or if someone combines them, they join to form a single group or organization. an announcement by Steetley and Tarmac of a joint venture that would combine their operations Different states or groups can combine to enlarge their markets. = amalgamate
To mix thoroughly two or more ingredients
To combine ingredients, either mix or toss so that the ingredients are evenly distributed You can use a wooden spoon to toss
a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly"
join for a common purpose or in a common action; "These forces combined with others"
A combine is a group of people or organizations that are working or acting together. Veba, an energy-and-chemicals combine that is Germany's fourth-biggest company
If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together. The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility Relief workers say it's worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the US
join; unite
combine so as to form a whole; mix; "compound the ingredients"
In the game of casino, to play a card which will take two or more cards whose aggregate number of pips equals those of the card played
{i} harvesting machine; combination (especially of political or business interests)
an occurrence that results in things being united
harvester that heads and threshes and cleans grain while moving across the field add together from different sources; "combine resources"
Add together two or more fields that are on the same domain; e g , latent heat flux plus sensible heat flux on a T42 grid with the same land mask
join for a common purpose or in a common action; "These forces combined with others
add together from different sources; "combine resources"
{f} unite, join; come together; become one
If someone combines two activities, they do them both at the same time. It is possible to combine a career with being a mother He will combine the two jobs over the next three years
If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they join together to make a single thing. David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study Combine the flour with 3 tablespoons water to make a paste Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb
harvester that heads and threshes and cleans grain while moving across the field
harvester that heads and threshes and cleans grain while moving across the field add together from different sources; "combine resources" join for a common purpose or in a common action; "These forces combined with others
To unite by affinity or natural attraction; as, two substances, which will not combine of themselves, may be made to combine by the intervention of a third
To form a union; to agree; to coalesce; to confederate
have or possess in combination; "she unites charm with a good business sense"
Community Business in the North East
In the Part/Assembly environment, you can parametrically combine two parts, a base part (active part) and a toolbody part, by cutting, combining, or intersecting Before combining two parts, you position one instance of the toolbody part relative to the base part using assembly constraints, Move, or Rotate AMCOMBINE
severe combined immunodeficiency
a congenital disease affecting T cells that can result from a mutation in any one of several different genes; children with it are susceptible to infectious disease; if untreated it is lethal within the first year or two of life
severe combined immunodeficiency
A usually fatal congenital disorder of the immune system in which the body is unable to produce enough B cells and T cells to resist infection



    التركية النطق



    mingled, connected, joined, mixed, united


    /kəmˈbīnd/ /kəmˈbaɪnd/

    رصف المشتركة

    combined with


    ... to his regulatory policies, these policies combined have not let this economy take off ...
    ... as in the previous 2,000 years of human history combined. ...