Abd sömürgesi olduğundan beri Porto Riko'nun devlet başkanı Abd devlet başkanıdır ama Porto Riko sakinlerinin Abd devlet başkanlığı seçimlerinde oy kullanmasına izin verilmez.
- Since Puerto Rico is a US colony, Puerto Rico's head of state is the President of the USA, but inhabitants of Puerto Rico are not allowed to vote in US presidential elections.
Kenya bir İngiliz sömürgesiydi.
- Kenya used to be a British colony.
Zimbabve bir zamanlar İngiliz kolonisiydi.
- Zimbabwe was once a colony of Britain.
Kral George 1752'de koloninin kontrolünü aldı.
- King George took control of the colony in 1752.
Yıllar sonra Avrupalılar kıyı bölgelerinde sömürgeler kurdu.
- Years later, Europeans established colonies in the coastal areas.
Gazze dünyanın en aşırı kalabalık ve fakir sömürgelerinden biridir.
- Gaza is one of the most overcrowded and poorest colonies in the world.
It's a semi-colonial country.
As many as a quarter of the nation's commercially kept bees went missing last year, presumed dead, in a phenomenon now called colony collapse disorder. — Houston Chronicle, 5/12/2007.
Entire countries started as penal colonies, such as French Guyana.
... ant hive or ant colony of some sort. Now I wonder if you could speak to that. ...
... It won't just be some type of permanent colony on Mars? ...