Albay Yuri A. Gagarin 9 Mart 1934'te Rusya'da Moskova'nın batısındaki bölgede bulunan bir kolektif çiftlikte doğdu.
- Colonel Yuri A. Gagarin was born on a collective farm in a region west of Moscow, Russia on March 9, 1934.
Toplu çıkarlar korunmalıdır.
- Collective interests must be protected.
Rol Dili, Japonca'da erkek ve kadın toplu isimler içerir.
- Role-Language includes male and female collective nouns in Japanese.
Bireysel suçların sonucunun ortak cezalandırma olması gerekir.
- The consequence of individual crimes should be collective punishment.
There are, however, a number of contemporary artists and art collectives that have defined their practice precisely around the facilitation of dialogue among diverse communities.
Local is his throne . . . to fix a point, A central point, collective of his sons. -Young.
CHARLIE 6: Commmander of the 1098th Transportation Company (Medium Boat) in Vietnam.
... it violates a fundamental expectation of humans to be individuals rather than part of a collective ...
... we have put those things aside and placed our collective shoulder ...