
listen to the pronunciation of chart
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} çizelge

O çizelgeyi bana açıklar mısın? - Would you explain that chart to me?

Çizelgelere daha yakın bakmak istiyorum. - I want to take a closer look at those charts.

{f} planlamak
(Bilgisayar) çizim çizelge
(Gıda,Teknik) diyagram
(Bilgisayar) grafiği

Bu grafiği anlamıyorum. - I don't understand this chart.


Bunu neden söylediğini anlayamıyorum. Sayıları ve grafiklerin nasıl analiz edileceğini bilmiyorsun. - I can't understand why you said that. You don't know how to analyze numbers and charts.

Tom tabloları ve grafikleri sever. - Tom loves charts and graphs.

{f} taslağını çıkar
haritasını çizmek
{i} şema
{i} kroki
{f} plânını çizmek
{f} -in haritasını yapmak
chartless haritasız
{f} plan yapmak
{i} portolon
haritasını yap
{i} harita köşkü
(Askeri) ŞEMA: İstatistiki bilgilerin liste, resim, çizelge vesaire şeklinde veya başka vasıtalarla temsil edilmesi
{i} popüler müzik listesi
(Tıp) Hastalığın günlük seyri (ateş, nabız, kan basıncı v.s)'ni gösteren kağıt, gözlem kağıdı (Bulgular hergün çizelge halinde işlenir)
{i} deniz haritası
{i} plan
(Tıp) Kişide görme keskinliğini tesbitte kullanılan üzeirned matbu harfler bulunan karton, çeşitli testype'lardan biri
grafik,v.taslağını çıkar: n.şema
{f} haritasını yapmak
{f} çizelge ile göstermek
{i} tablo

Tom tabloları ve grafikleri sever. - Tom loves charts and graphs.

Bu tablo ozon tabakasının işlevini gösteriyor. - This chart illustrates the function of ozone layer.

(Bilgisayar) grafik çizelge
(Spor) istatistik
kayda geçirmek

Tablo vücudun nasıl çalıştığını göstermektedir. - The chart illustrates how the body works.

chart fonts
(Bilgisayar) grafik yazıtipleri
chart fonts
(Bilgisayar) grafik yazı tipleri
chart in
(Bilgisayar) içindeki grafik
chart title
(Bilgisayar) şema başlığı
chart comparison unit
harita karşılaştırma ünitesi
chart of accounts
hesap şeması
chart of accounts
hesap cetveli
chart of account
Hesap planı
chart paper
sema kağıdı
chart plotter
grafik çizici
chart review
tablonun gözden geçirilmesi
chart topping
süper grafik
liste başı
chart (pie
chart area
çizim alanı
chart base
(Askeri) DENİZ HARİTASI; ŞEMA BAZI: Derleme için temel bir kaynak olarak veya yeni bir ayrıntının basıldığı bir çerçeve olarak kullanılan bir şema. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
chart base
(Askeri) şema bazı
chart datum
(Askeri) harita verisi
chart depth
(Bilgisayar) grafik derinliği
chart direction of wind
(Askeri) RÜZGAR PLAN İSTİKAMETİ: Atış hattından balistik rüzgarın esmekte olduğu yöne doğru, saat yelkovanı istikametinde ölçülen yatay açı. Bu istikamet; atış hattı istikamet açısı, rüzgar istikamet açısından çıkarılarak bulunur. Ayrıca bakınız: "wind-fire angle"
chart format
çizim biçimi
chart house
(Askeri) harita kamarası
chart index
(Askeri) HARİTA/ŞEMA İNDEKSİ: Bak. "map index"
chart index
(Askeri) harita indeksi
chart info
(Bilgisayar) şema bilgisi
chart layout
çizim yerleşim düzeni
chart location of the battery
(Askeri) BATARYA YERLEŞKESİ ŞEMASI: Bak. "battery center"
chart menu bar
Grafik Menü Çubuğu
chart of the nuclides
(Nükleer Bilimler) nüklit kartı
chart series
(Askeri) HARİTA/ŞEMA SERİLERİ: Bak. "map series"
chart sheet
(Askeri) ŞEMA LEVHASI: Bak. "map sheet"
chart tips
(Bilgisayar) grafik ipuçları
chart trend
(Bilgisayar) grafik eğilim
chart utility
çizim olanağı
chart window
Grafik Penceresi
chart wizard
Grafik Sihirbazı
uniform chart of accounts
Tekdüzen hesap planı
bubble chart
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık grafiği
bubble chart
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık grafik
(Bilgisayar) grafik
circular chart
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) değirmi çizenek
colour chart
renk katalogu
column chart
(Bilgisayar) sütun grafik
combo chart
(Bilgisayar) açılır grafik
course chart
(Askeri) kurs eğitim planı
entire chart
(Bilgisayar) tüm grafik
entire chart
(Bilgisayar) bütün grafik
flip chart
kağıt tahtası
flow chart
(Bilgisayar) akış çizelgesi
flow chart
(Askeri) akım şeması
flow chart
(Denizbilim) akış çizemi
flow chart
(Bilgisayar) akış grafiği
format chart
(Bilgisayar) grafiği biçimle
navigation chart
(Askeri) seyrüsefer haritası
network chart
(Askeri) ağ şeması
organization chart
(Bilgisayar) kuruluş şeması
pie chart
değirmi çizenek
pie chart
(Bilgisayar) çember grafik
pie chart
dairesel çizge
piece chart
(Askeri) dairevi grafik
piece chart
(Askeri) dairesel grafik
pilot chart
(Askeri) gözlem haritası
pilot chart
(Askeri) rasat haritası
plot chart on
(Bilgisayar) grafik çizim yeri
scatter chart
(Bilgisayar) dağılım grafiği
surface chart
(Bilgisayar) yüzey grafik
surface chart
yüzey grafiği
synoptic chart
(Askeri) sinoptik hava durumu haritası
synoptic chart
(Meteoroloji) hava haritası
uniform chart of accounts
(Sigorta,Ticaret) tek düzen hesap planı
view chart
(Bilgisayar) grafiği göster
view chart
(Bilgisayar) çizelgeyi görüntüle
view chart
(Bilgisayar) grafik görüntüle
adiabatic chart
adiyabatik grafik
area chart
alan grafiği
azimuthal chart
azimut haritası
bar chart
sütun grafiği
bar chart
çubuk grafik
barometric chart
hava basıncı haritası
breakeven chart
dayanma çizelgesi
calorie chart
kalori şeması
{f} taslağı çıkar
cloud chart
bulut haritası
colour chart
renk kataloğu
constant level chart
sabit seviye kartı
control chart
kontrol grafiği
control chart
denetim grafiği
curve chart
eğri grafiği
definition chart
tanıtma kartı
flow chart
akış şeması
gantt chart
gantt çizelgesi
gnomonic chart
nomonik harita
hierarchical input process output chart
basamaklı girdi işlem çıktı çizimi
hipo chart
hıpo çizimi
indicator chart
gösterge çizelgesi
isobaric chart
izobar haritası
isobarometric chart
izobarometrik harita
isobrontal chart
izobront haritası
linguistic chart
dil haritası
loss chart
kayıp çizelgesi
lubrication chart
yağlama çizelgesi
mixed chart
karma grafik
nautical chart
deniz haritası
organization chart
örgüt çizelgesi
pie chart
pıe grafik
pie chart
yuvarlak diyagram
pilot chart
kılavuz harita
pilotage chart
seyrüsefer haritası
weather chart
hava haritası
candlestick chart
mum grafiği
taslağı çıkar(mak)

Sevgili dil öğrenicisi, bir gün, uluslararası sesletim derneği çizelgelerini tetkik etmekten vazgeçmelisin ve insanları dinlemeye başlamalısın. - Someday, dear language learner, you must stop poring over IPA charts and start listening to people.

eye chart
Göz doktorlarının kullandığı göz kontrol çizelgesi
face of a map or chart
bir harita veya şemanın görüntüsünün basılı olduğu yüzü
flow chart
akış dıagramı
graphic chart
grafik tablosu
grid chart
ag haritası, ag diyagramı, ag çizenegi
hipo chart
hipo çizimi
historical chart
tarihsel grafiği
off the chart
grafik kapalı
organisation chart
organizasyon şeması
organization chart
örgüt şeması
organizational chart
organizasyon şeması
overlay chart
yardımcı grafik
patient medical chart
sağlık kontrol kağıdı
pie chart
pie grafik
pie chart
Yuvarlak pasta şeklini ve dilimlerini andıran daire şeklinde ve dilimli grafik
psychrometric chart
psikrometrik tablo, nemlihava çizelgesi
quality control chart
kalite kontrol grafiği, nitelik denetim çizenegi
radar chart
Radar grafik: Radar ekranlarında görünene benzer, dairesel grafik
run chart
uygulama çizelgesi, işlem çizelgesi
sectional chart
kesit şeması
system chart
sistem kuruluş şeması
tide chart
gelgit grafiği
variable control chart
değişken kontrol grafiği
wind chart
rüzgâr haritası
work flow chart
(İdari Yönetim) İş akış şeması
zenithal chart
azimut haritası
adjustment chart
(Askeri) ATIŞ TANZİM PLANI: Atış tanzimi veya düzeltmesi için gerekli bilgilere ait kayıtlar; atışın tanziminde kullanılan cetvel. Bu terim halen kullanılmamaktadır
adjustment chart
(Askeri) Atış tanzim planı
approach chart
(Askeri) yaklaşma planı
area chart
alan grafik
bar chart
çubuk çizim
birefringence chart
(Jeoloji) çift-kırılma grafiği
calibration chart
(Havacılık) ayar çizelgesi
taslagi çikar
(Tıp) Hastalığın seyrini (ateş, nabız, kan basıncı vs) gözlem ağıtı üzerinde çizelge halinde gösterme, gözlem kağıdına işleme
circuit routing chart; control and reporting center, CONUS replacement center; C
(Askeri) devre yönlendirme haritası; kontrol ve raporlama merkezi, Kıta Amerikası (CONUS) İkame Merkezi
column chart
Dikeç Grafiği
column chart
Sütun Grafiği
compatibility chart
(Çevre) uyuşabilme tablosu
cone chart
Koni Grafiği
copy chart
(Bilgisayar) kopyala grafik
copy chart
(Bilgisayar) grafiği kopyala
default chart
(Bilgisayar) varsayılan grafik
entropy chart
entropi kartı
fire chart
(Askeri) Ateş planı
flow chart
(Tekstil) sinyal akış şeması
frequency chart
(Ticaret) frekans grafiği
functional chart
(Askeri) ÇALIŞMA ŞEMASI: Bir teşkilatın kısımlarını, birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerini ve herbirine ait işlerin kısa tariflerini gösteren şekil
fuse chart
(Otomotiv) sigorta tablosu
grid chart
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ağ çizeneği
issue chart
(Askeri) DAĞITIM PUSULASI: Bir yemek listesinin (genellikle on beş günlük) uygulandığı süre içinde, her yiyecek maddesinin günlük dağıtımını, birim veya libre olarak gösteren liste
line chart
çizgisel çizim Çizgi Grafik
long range air navigation chart
(Askeri) UZAK MESAFE HAVA SEYRÜSEFER HARİTASI: Astronomik seyrüsefer için, seyrüseferci ve pilotlar tarafından kullanılan dünya haritası. Uzak mesafe hava seyrüsefer haritası, hava haritalarının bir şeklidir
map chart
(Askeri) SAHİL KROKİSİ, MÜŞTEREK KARADENİZ HARİTASI: Müşterek bir kara-deniz bölgesinin; kara sahasında bir kara haritasına, deniz sahasında bir deniz haritasına ait nitelikleri kullanarak, askeri harekat, özellikle amfibik hareketçinin en çok fayda sağlayacak özel niteliklerle temsil edilmiş şekli. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
military chart
(Askeri) askeri harita
military chart
(Askeri) ASKERİ HARİTA: Bak. "military map"
mine warfare chart
(Askeri) (NAVAL) MAYIN HARBİ PLANI (KROKİ) - (DENİZ): Mevcut standart deniz şemalarına veya kendine has vasıflara dayanarak, mayın harbi harekatını planlamak ve icra etmek için tasarlanmış 1: 50.000 veya daha büyük (tercihen 1: 25.000) veya daha büyük) ölçekli özel bir plan (kroki de olabilir) (Not: NATO " (Deniz) " niteleyicisini kullanmamaktır.)
mixed chart
Karma Çizge
multiple axis chart
çok eksenli çizim
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A subspace of a manifold used as part of an atlas
A graphical presentation of something
To draw or figure out a route or plan

Let's chart how we're going to get from here to there..

A map for a very particular purpose, such as shipping or aeroplanes/airplanes, showing information useful for that purpose and ignoring most other information
To appear on a hit-recording chart

The song has charted for 1500 weeks!.

To draw a chart or map
{n} a delineation of coasts, islands
graphics term
The charts are the official lists that show which CDs have sold the most copies each week. This album confirmed The Orb's status as national stars, going straight to Number One in the charts They topped both the US singles and album charts at the same time. = hit parade
Graphic representation of worksheet data
To lay down in a chart; to map; to delineate; as, to chart a coast
a hydrographic or marine map; a map on which is projected a portion of water and the land which it surrounds, or by which it is surrounded, intended especially for the use of seamen; as, the United States Coast Survey charts; the English Admiralty charts
A chart is a map of the sea or stars. charts of Greek waters
Navigational map
Special-purpose map designed for navigation or to present specific data or information The term "chart" is applied chiefly to maps made primarily for nautical and aeronautical navigation, and to maps of the heavens, although the term is sometimes used to describe other special-purpose maps
a drawing that compares numbers -- "The four charts below are different ways of showing the information " (273)
{i} graph, diagram
A chart is a data structure used in parsing It consists of a collection of active arcs (sometimes also called edges), together with a collection of constituents, (sometimes also called inactive arcs or inactive edges See also chart parsing
Part of the so-called technical analysis Graphic representation of price fluctuations of individual securities or even of trade and stock market indices The chartist, namely the compiler of the so-called 'technical analysis', makes use of past price curves in order to produce a price forecast based on specific, typical, recurrent situations
represent by means of a graph; "chart the data"
A graphical representation of data in a form, report, or data access page
A map of a body of water that contains piloting information
a map designed to assist navigation by air or sea a visual display of information plan in detail; "Bush is charting a course to destroy Saddam Hussein"
A map of the heavens with emphasis on the Solar System The modern Astrological Chart shows the Eastern horizon as the ascendant and the location of all the planets in relation to where the subject was born
A graphical representation of data
a visual display of information
A chart is a graphical representation of the data stored in the cells selected
If you chart the development or progress of something, you observe it and record or show it. You can also say that a report or graph charts the development or progress of something. Bulletin boards charted each executive's progress. = record
Chesapeake Highway Advisories Routing Traffic; provides traffic information to motorists traveling between the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area and Maryland's Eastern Shore
A chart is a diagram, picture, or graph which is intended to make information easier to understand. Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women The chart below shows our top 10 choices. see also bar chart, flow chart, pie chart = diagram
make a chart of; "chart the territory
{f} make a graph, diagram
A map for use by navigators
A map displaying various graphic representations Often these are maps of waterways Early versions of these water charts were called portolans
A tool for organizing, summarizing and depicting data in graphic form
A map; esp
[intrans.] (of a record) appear on a hit-recording chart
plan in detail; "Bush is charting a course to destroy Saddam Hussein"
A graph showing how the price of a given stock has changed over time Other data is often included, such as volume data Many people claim to be able to divine extraordinary information about the future performance of a stock by consulting charts about the past Fools don't believe this can be done on a consistent basis
a map designed to assist navigation by air or sea
A two dimensional representation of the change in price and turnover or volume of a stock or index
A written deed; a charter
A sheet of paper, pasteboard, or the like, on which information is exhibited, esp
A special-purpose map that is used for navigating on water or in the air A nautical chart is a map used by sailors to show the depth of the water, coastlines, and aids to navigation
If you chart an area of land, sea, or sky, or a feature in that area, you make a map of the area or show the feature in it. Ptolemy charted more than 1000 stars in 48 constellations These seas have been well charted. = map
when the information is arranged in tabular form; as, an historical chart
The paper a hospital uses to keep track of your health A set of paper sheets of facts set up as a diagram, group, graph, table, picture and usually on a clipboard at the foot of the bed
A class of map designed primarily for use in air or water navigation The term also applies to astronomical maps
make a chart of; "chart the territory"
A visual representation showing the distribution of data across a set of categories for the purpose of comparing values
A tool for organization and summarization; aids in the analysis of data and displays organized information in graphic form
chart datum
the level below which depths are indicated and above which heights of the tides are expressed; usually mean level of low water at a spring tide
chart of accounts
(Ticaret) A structured set of general ledger accounts that fills an organization's requirements in gathering, reporting and analyzing financial entries. Detail G/L accounts are normally rolled-up, or summarized at higher levels for reporting purposes
chart-topping record/group/hit etc a record, group etc that has sold the most records in a particular week
E chart
A placard with the capital letter E printed on it in various orientations and sizes, designed to test distance vision
Gantt chart
A graphical representation of the tasks and resources needed to complete a job or project; may show ranges of possible start and end dates and the relationships between tasks; used to pinpoint bottlenecks and assign priorities
Nolan Chart
A two-dimensional chart that graphs the political spectrum, mapping cultural issues on one axis and economic issues on another axis to represent liberalism, libertarianism, conservatism and the opposite of libertarianism (populism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism or communitarianism)
PERT chart
A diagram which uses the symbols and notations of program evaluation and review technique to depict the flow of dependent tasks and other events in a project
ancestral chart
A family tree or pedigree in which the ancestors, rather than the descendants of a particular person are shown
control chart
A tool used to determine whether a manufacturing or business process is in a state of statistical control or not
eye chart
a sign or poster showing letters or symbols in progressively smaller lines of type, used to test distance vision

The doctor said I needed glasses after I failed to read past the fourth line on the eye chart.

flip chart
A set of large pieces of paper, bound together, used for presentations
flow chart
A schematic representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected
knitting chart
A graphical method for depicting a knitted fabric
music chart
A ranking of music (songs, albums etc) according to popularity during a given period of time
navigational chart
A map of a maritime area showing characteristics which are relevant for navigation
org chart
Abbreviation of organization chart
organisation chart
Alternative spelling of organization chart
organisational chart
Alternative form of organization chart
organization chart
A graphic display of reporting relationships in an organization, sometimes displaying position titles and position holders
organizational chart
Alternative form of organization chart
penta chart
A single page or viewgraph which describes a proposed research project and why the research should be conducted
pie chart
A pictorial graph in the shape of a circle, with segments representing related proportions
psychrometric chart
A graph or chart showing the relationships of the thermodynamic properties of moist air
record chart
(often plural) A ranking of music (songs, albums etc) according to popularity during a given period of time
star chart
A map of the night sky used to identify and locate astronomical objects such as stars, constellations and galaxies
step chart
A chart similar to a line graph, but with the line forming a series of steps between data points
step chart
A sequence of steps in a dancing video game
weather chart
a weather map
uniform chart of accounts
An orderly arrangement of assets, liability, capital, revenues, and expense accounts making up the general ledger
candlestick chart
In descriptive statistics, a boxplot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram or box and whisker plot or plot or candlestick chart) is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five-number summaries (the smallest observation, lower quartile (Q1), median, upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation). A boxplot also indicates which observations, if any, might be considered outliers. The boxplot was invented in 1977 by the American statistician John Tukey
pie chart
A pie chart (also known as pie graph) is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating relative magnitudes or frequencies or percents. In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector (and consequently its central angle and area), is proportional to the quantity it represents. Together, the sectors create a full disk. It is named for its resemblance to a pie which has been sliced
strip chart
A long paper roll on which a recording pen traces changes of a measured quantity as the paper moves past the pen at a constant rate
Gantt chart
(Ticaret) A time-phased bar chart display that lists tasks or activities along the left side and a corresponding bar for each task. The length of the bar represents the duration of the activity, and may include both scheduled and actual duration information
bar chart
Usually used for categoric independent variables only Usually drawn with bars separated by spaces
bar chart
A graphic presentation of work activities shown by a time-scaled bar line (sometimes referred to as a Gantt Chart)
bar chart
A chart that graphs the high, low, and settlement prices for a specific trading session over a given period of time
bar chart
A graphic representation of quantitative information by means of a drawing made up of parallel bars with lengths that are proportional to the data being compared
bar chart
Compares individual items Categories are organized vertically, values horizontally to place more emphasis on comparing values than on time
past of chart
- The use of charts and/or graphs in the analysis of market behavior
Another term for technical analysis, this refers to the graphing of market variables in order to identify trends and, flowing from this, future buy and sell opportunities
The use of graphs and charts in the technical analysis of futures markets to plot trends of price movements, average movements of price, volume of trading and open interest See Technical Analysis
An analysis technique to track price trends to determine patterns and price movement
Another name for technical analysis
The use of graphs and charts in the technical analysis of futures markets to plot price movements, volume, open interest, or other statistical indicators of price movement See also Technical Analysis
The use of charts to analyze market behavior and anticipate future price movements Those who use charting as a trading method plot such factors as high, low, and settlement prices; average price movements; volume; and open interest Two basic price charts are bar charts and point-and-figure charts See Technical Analysis
The study of historical price patterns / action in order to determine likely future movements
The use of graphs and charts in the analysis of market behavior, so as to plot trends of price movements, average movements of price, volume, and open interest, in the hope that such graphs and charts will help one to anticipate and profit from price trends Contrasts with Fundamental Analysis
Price history of a share presented in the form of graphs, which can be interpreted to indicate potential movements in the price (The charting of share prices, known as technical analysis, is considered by many to be an important adjuct to fundamental investment analysis )
Using past and present information and trends to try to determine the future of a security (stock)
present participle of chart
{i} mapping, planning, diagraming
The use of graphs and charts in the technical analysis of futures markets to plot price movements, volume, open interest or other statistical indicators of price movement See also Technical Analysis
Making charts and maps of a specific area
A chart is a graphic presentation of worksheet data Microsoft Excel offers numerous types of charts When you create a chart, Microsoft Excel plots the chart based on the shape of the selected range of data and on the types of data in the row and columns
Sometimes called graphs, they are a graphical representation of data
Uses vertical bar charts, horizontal bar charts, block charts, pie charts and star charts to visually represent the values of simple statistics Allows the plotting of error bars on the bar charts
third-person singular of chart
Paper or electronic navigation maps
Draws or exhibits in a chart or a graph
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Charts are graphic presentations of data from a worksheet
Records kept by bowlers to remind them of which shot to play on a given lane
ArcView's charts offer a powerful business graphics and data visualization capability that is fully integrated into ArcView's geographic environment You can simply click on features on a view to add them to the chart ArcView lets you work simultaneously with geographic, tabular and chart representations of your data
In counted cross-stitch, the pattern is printed on paper It may be a Full Colored or Symboled chart Each symbol represents a color and each square represents the number of threads on the fabric that you should stitch over To follow a chart, you must carefully count the stitches you make in each color
plural of chart
Graphs on which individual share prices and price indices are plotted Used by stock market analysts (chartists) to predict stock price movements over the short and medium term, taking into account trading volumes and other factors
exploded pie chart
chart which plots data as a circle which is divided into separate segments
eye chart
a chart that is read from a fixed distance; used as a test of vision
flip chart
visual aid comprised of a pad of paper placed on an easel and used to present information in sequence (after each sheet is presented, it is flipped over the top of the easel to reveal the next)
flow chart
A grahicly chart of analgorithm
flow chart
A concept map that shows a step-by-step procedure in which boxes represent actions and arrows connect boxes to show the flow of the action (Lesson 5 6)
flow chart
A diagram showing the control paths through a program segment
flow chart
These charts are used to visually represent a task or procedure, traditionally used by programmers to visualize the flow within their programs Steps of a process are represented in boxes and flow is represented by arrows connecting the boxes Flow charts are used to describe business methods, electrical and plumbing circuits, and software functionality
flow chart
a way of planning how to carry out a task by drawing a sequence of boxes joined by arrows Each box contains a short statement about one stage
natal chart
Horoscope drawn for the Nativity Birth Chart
natal chart
A map of the placement of all the planets in our solar system at the time a specific person was born
naval chart
a chart for a navigator showing the prevailing meteorological and hydrographic and navigational conditions
np chart
(Ticaret) A measurement of the number of nonconforming values in a constant or fixed sample size
organization chart
A diagram of the various jobs and functions that are found in a company, and their relationship to one another
organization chart
An organization chart is a diagram or map that shows the hierarchy of a group or business It usually shows a person's name, and the position that person holds within the group or business
organization chart
Traditional way of showing the relationships between departmental and functional units or the reporting relationships between managers within an organization Organization charts tend to emphasize that each department is independent and to ignore the many relationships that exist when activities in one department interact with activities in other departments
organization chart
a graphic representation of the organization, positions, and reporting relationships of a company
p chart
(Ticaret) An attribute control chart showing the fraction or percent of nonconforming data out of a given population
pie chart
A pie chart is a circle divided into sections to show the relative proportions of a set of things. A circular graph having radii dividing the circle into sectors proportional in angle and area to the relative size of the quantities represented. Also called circle graph. a circle divided into parts by lines coming from the centre to show how big the different parts of a total amount are
pie chart
segmented chart, diagram which shows the break up of figures or statistics in the form of a circle that is sliced into separate segments
pie chart
A circular chart cut into segments illustrating relative magnitudes or frequencies
pie chart
Shows the relationship of items that make up data series to the sum of the items
pie chart
A chart which displays the data as parts of a whole circle
pie chart
A visual representation of information showing parts as a proportion, percentage or fraction of the whole Pie charts are circles divided into sections resembling pies cut into pieces of different sizes A pie chart is an alternative format of displaying information that could be presented in a simple table
pie chart
The graphical representation of information via a circle divided into wedges The width of each wedge is determined by what percentage of the circle it represents
r chart
(Ticaret) A range control chart
run chart
A type of line graph used to monitor the performance of a process Data values are plotted over a given period of time
run chart
A chart showing a line connecting numerous data points collected from a process running over a period of time
run chart
Data plotted on a line graph over time; used to detect patterns in the data
snellen chart
display consisting of a printed card with letters and numbers in lines of decreasing size; used to test visual acuity
synoptic weather chart
map that shows the weather at a given moment (Meteorology)
tide chart
A chart listing the predicted times and heights of the high and low tides for a given location, throughout one year
weather chart
map that indicates the state of weather at a given moment