(Askeri) CHAPARRAL: Kısa menzilli, alçak irtifalı, karadan havaya, kara kuvvetleri hava savunma topçu sistemi. MIM-72 olarak bilinmektedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "Sidewinder"
A region of shrubs, typically dry in the summer and rainy in the winter. The coast of the Mediterranean is such a region
A type of plant community common to areas of the world that have a Mediterranean climate (for example, California and Italy) It is characterized by shrubs, shrubby thickets and small trees that are adapted to seasonal dry conditions Also called Mediterranean Scrubland
Referring to the vegetation in an area with a Mediterranean climate where the vegetation is dominated by broad-leafed evergreen shrubs with hard or waxy leaves In South America it includes the scrub ecotone between forest and paramo
land on which small oak trees grow close together (chaparro type of small oak tree, from txapar). Vegetation composed of broad-leaved evergreen shrubs, bushes, and small trees, often forming dense thickets. Chaparral is found in regions with a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The name is applied mainly to the coastal and inland mountain vegetation of southwestern North America. Chaparral vegetation becomes extremely dry by late summer. The fires that commonly occur during this period are necessary for the germination of many shrub seeds, and they clear away dense ground cover, thus maintaining the shrubby growth form of the vegetation by preventing the spread of trees. New chaparral growth provides good grazing for domestic livestock, and chaparral vegetation also is valuable for watershed protection in areas with steep, easily eroded slopes
Usually dense thickets of drought-resistant evergreen shrubs Mostly small-leaved, often stiff and thorny Local examples of component plants: caenothus, manzanita, chamise, various evergreen oaks
Often referred to as coastal sage brush, it is the most common plant community in San Diego; a close growth of low evergreen oak; any dense thicket Chaparral plants are opportunistic,taking advantage of little water in order to develop seeds and carry on their life cycle
shrub of coastal ranges of California and Baja California having hairy branches and spikes of numerous mauve flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sphaeralcea