Birçok Avrupalı araştırmacılar on dokuzuncu yüzyılda eski Fars edebiyatı eğitimi almasına rağmen, yeni dünya çağdaş edebiyatımıza dikkat etmiyor.
- Although many European researchers have studied ancient Persian literature in the nineteenth century, the new world is not paying attention to our contemporary literature.
Futbol, ikinci yüzyılda Çin'de oynandı.
- Football was played in China in the second century.
Bir buçuk asırlık bir karmaşadan sonra kraliyet otoritesi yeniden kuruldu.
- Only after a century and a half of confusion was the royal authority restored.
Üniversite günlerine dönüp baktığımda,sanki bir asır önceymiş gibi görünüyorlar.
- Looking back on our college days, it seems as if they were a century ago.
Fig. 2: a 13 th C. illumination of ‘H’.
'tis the subject of whole books: I might cite a century of authors pro and con.
Last century they would have just thrown someone like Tom into a lunatic asylum.
- Last century they would've just thrown someone like Tom into a lunatic asylum.
In the 19th century, the number of immigrants swelled rapidly.
- In the 19th century, the number of immigrants grew rapidly.
... As we progress into the 21st century, those that are not ...
... Now, within the 1 00 years of the 20th century, ...