celestial spheres

listen to the pronunciation of celestial spheres
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف celestial spheres في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

celestial sphere
celestial sphere
(Askeri,Teknik) gök küre
celestial sphere
gök kubbe
celestial sphere
celestial sphere
GÖK KÜRE: Arz müşterek merkezli sonsuz bir yarı çapa sahip ve üzerinde -arz hariç- gök cisimlerinin izdüşümlerinin gösterdiği farz ve tahmin edilen hayali küre
celestial sphere
(Askeri) GÖK KÜRE: Arz müşterek merkezli sonsuz bir yarı çapa sahip ve üzerinde -arz hariç- gök cisimlerinin izdüşümlerinin gösterdiği farz ve tahmin edilen hayali küre
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف celestial spheres في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

celestial sphere
An abstract sphere of infinite radius which serves as the imaginary backdrop for celestial objects, and of which the visible sky is one hemisphere
celestial sphere
n. An imaginary sphere of infinite extent with the earth at its center on which the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies appear to be located. Apparent surface of the heavens, on which the stars seem to be fixed. For the purpose of establishing celestial coordinate systems to mark the positions of heavenly bodies, it can be thought of as a real sphere at an infinite distance from Earth. Earth's rotational axis, extended to infinity, touches this sphere at the northern and southern celestial poles, around which the heavens seem to turn. The intersection of the plane of Earth's Equator with the sphere marks the celestial equator
celestial sphere
the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
celestial spheres


    ce·les·tial spheres

    التركية النطق

    sılesçıl sfîrz


    /səˈlesʧəl ˈsfərz/ /səˈlɛsʧəl ˈsfɪrz/