تعريف canavarı في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- monster
- Very large; worthy of a monster
He has a monster appetite.
- An extremely cruel or antisocial person, especially a criminal
Get away from those children, you meatheaded monster!.
- Something unusually large
Have you seen those powerlifters on TV? They're monsters.
- {v} to make or become monstrous
- If you describe someone as a monster, you mean that they are cruel, frightening, or evil. unusually large = giant
- A monster is something which is extremely large, especially something which is difficult to manage or which is unpleasant. the monster which is now the London marathon
- A bodybuilder of exceptionally large weight and proportions, typically weighing more than 135 kilos (300 lbs)
- a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed
- emphasis Monster means extremely and surprisingly large. The film will be a monster hit. = giant
- Specifically , an animal or plant departing greatly from the usual type, as by having too many limbs
- A very big hand In a tournament, a player who begins to accumulate chips after having a small stack is considered to be a monster
- A Super Soaker® weapon series released in the year 2000
- To make monstrous
- an alien being that looks scary; sometimes they're really big and mean - monsters live in higher dimensions where they can only be seen by children and other people who can use their third eye - if a monster is bothering you, ASK LEO FOR HELP and he'll take it away
- someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
- whereas a monster will play various different creatures and NPCs as assigned by the GM, usually a new one for each encounter (although often something fairly generic such as 'a zombie' or 'a wolf') In most encounters, most of the monsters will end up dying or running away
- A terrifying and dangerous creature
- A badly behaved child
- The term depicts a larger range of creatures than usual: technically, any NPC is a monster - except that the more "usual" races (e g those available to the players) are mostly called "NPCs"
- canavar
- monster
There's a monster under my bed.
- Yatağımın altında bir canavar var.
It's true that he saw a monster.
- Onun bir canavar gördüğü doğrudur.
- canavar
- beast
A bear is a friendly beast compared to a tiger.
- Bir ayı bir kaplanla karşılaştırıldığında bir dost canavardır.
The beast is alive, awake and hungry.
- Canavar canlı, uyanık ve aç.
- canavar
- monkey
- canavar
- brute
- canavar
- super
- canavar
- evil
- canavar
- cruel
- canavar
- imp
- canavar
- the beast
Don't provoke the beast.
- Canavarı tahrik etmeyin.
Sami was in the belly of the beast.
- Sami canavarın karnındaydı.
- tazmanya canavarı
- Tasmanian Devil
- canavar
- rambunctious, tough, or uncontrollable person
- canavar
- dangerous wild animal
- canavar
- monster, mythical beast, dragon
- canavar
- bully, brutal person
- canavar
- monster; imp, monkey; cruel, evil; super
- canavar
- ogre
If you go into the forest, watch out for the ogres who eat children!
- Eğer ormana giderseniz, çocukları yiyen canavarlara dikkat edin!
- canavar
- chimera
- canavar
- impudent, naughty child
- canavar
- monstrosity
- canavar
- juggernaut
- deniz canavarı
- sea monster
- deniz canavarı
- (norveç) kraken
- su canavarı
- leviathan
- çin mitolojik canavarı
- (Mitoloji) kylin