Sınavda başarısız olan öğrencilerin isimleri bülten tahtasında ilan edildi. - The names of the students who failed in the examination were posted on the bulletin board.
(Askeri) TOPÇU İSTİHBARAT BÜLTENİ: Ast, komşu, emre verilmiş ve destek topçu birliklerine, özel surette ilgili bulundukları topçu istihbaratına ait bilgiyi vermek maksadıyla, tümen ve kolordu topçu istihbarat subayı tarafından yayımlanan bilgi bülteni
(Askeri) TİCARİ TRAFİK BÜLTENİ: Kara Kuvvetlerine ait bir yayın. Bu bültende; ordu personeli, teçhizat veya ikmal maddelerinin, ABD Anayurdu içinde nakledilmeleri için lüzumlu ticari tesis ve vasıtaların işletilmesine ait usuller gösterilir. Bununla beraber, bültende verilen bilgiler genel olarak, yeterli derecede olmadığından, ordu yönetmeliği mahiyetinde bir yayın olarak kullanılmaz
(Askeri) FİLM BÜLTENİ: Askeri gelişmeleri belirtmek üzere hazırlanan sesli film. Bu filmlere ait konuların Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca kabul edilen askeri doktrinlere uyması şart değildir
A publication which describes the college's policies which apply in the year the student begins his/her college studies It also lists the programs (majors) available, the courses offered, and often, the physical facilities, faculty members, administrators and other individuals associated with the college
Board System (BBS): an electronic message database where people can log in on a telephone line and leave messages Also, a BBS provides archives of files and personal e-mail service along with other services or activities of interest to the BBS’s operator Access to a BBS is available through the computer operating system (i e Windows HyperTerminal)
A publication coordinated by Office of Admissions and Records that includes a list of courses and sections for a specific semester/term, information about registration, the final examination schedule, and the academic calendar
a brief report especially an official statement issued for immediate publication or broadcast
A smaller version of a college catalog; describes aspects of a particular college or university
A delineation, narrative or both describing a proposed change for pricing by a contractor and for consideration as a change by the owner
A bulletin is a regular newspaper or leaflet that is produced by an organization or group such as a school or church
a booklet printed annually which contains USCA’s academic regulations, degree requirements, course descriptions, faculty names, and related information about the institution A bulletin may also be called a catalog
An announcement of a special promotion, typically located on an unlinked page of a Web site
A bulletin is a short news report on the radio or television. the early morning news bulletin
1 Parish information read only during the homily 2 Catholic air conditioning 3 Your receipt for attending Mass
(sometimes called "the catalogue") Official publication of USA in which the university calendar, academic policies, course descriptions, degree requirements, admission requirements, and other pertinent information are listed
Provides the title and actions taken on every bill introduced in either house of the General Assembly
A brief statement of facts respecting some passing event, as military operations or the health of some distinguished personage, issued by authority for the information of the public
a brief report especially an official statement issued for immediate publication or broadcast make public by bulletin
A bulletin is a short official announcement made publicly to inform people about an important matter. At 3.30 p.m. a bulletin was released announcing that the president was out of immediate danger
Most popular in the 1980s and early 1990s before the overwhelming popularity of the internet, Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes) are computers that can be dialed into mainly for the purpose of reading messages from and leaving messages to other users. Secondarily, they can be used for the sharing of files. Each user on the system is distinguished by a unique handle or ID
A computerized version of the bulletin boards found in stores and other public places, where people can leave messages and advertise things they want to buy or sell
An electronic message center on the World Wide Web where the user can read and respond to comments made by other users Most bulletin boards serve specific interest groups and are a good tool for keeping up-to-date on current trends in a certain field
An area of a Web site where users can post messages for other users to read In most cases, readers can contact the author of a bulletin board message by e-mail (See also "chat," chat room," and "Discussion group")
[return to top] One of the many names (others include conference board and discussion board) where asynchronous text-based online communication can occur Many bulletin boards provide the ability for users to have threaded discussions about specific topics
Used in this paper to indicate the on-line (electronic) bulletin boards, where users of the board post notices using modems or network connections such as Internet Users also read notices and carry out other bulletin board business, such as multiparty on-line conversations where each party types in comments in an ongoing discussion
an electronic version of the type of bulletin board found on the wall in many kitchens and work places Bulletin Boards are used to post simple messages between users There is a UWS Staff Bulletin board and a Swansea Higher Education Car Sharing bulletin board
More correctly called the NASD OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB), a National Association of Securities Dealers quotation service for "unlisted securities" not traded "over the counter" and not on any of the three major U S stock exchanges The OTCBB lists some 7,000 securities of mostly small corporations, some with little or no operating business
An electronic message center Most bulletin boards serve specific interest groups They allow you to dial in with a modem, review messages left by others, and leave your own message if you want Bulletin boards are a particularly good place to find free or inexpensive software products
1 A computer set up to accept calls from other computers by modem, to exchange message, private mail, or files The difference between a BBS and an information service is one of scale BBSs typically run on a single microcomputer or a network of microcomputers Information services typically run on at least a minicomputer, or more often a mainframe computer, or even a network of mainframe computers BBSs typically have anywhere from one to sixty telephone lines, and dozens or possibly a few thousand users Information services have hundreds of lines and tens of thousands or millions of users Most BBSs are free, while all information services charge for usage The line between large BBSs and information services (like most lines drawn in the information world) is beginning to blur 2 In Prodigy Classic, a Bulletin Board was a section of the service devoted to a specific topic On other services, the term used might be forum
In computing, a bulletin board is a system that enables users to send and receive messages of general interest. The Internet is the largest computer bulletin board in the world
A place on a network where electronic messages can be posted and read Especially popular on Usenet, enabling worldwide 'newsgroups' to exchange information on topics of interest
Place to leave an electronic message or share news that anyone can read and respond to Marketers and others can capture your e-mail address from bulletin boards
A method of online asynchronous communication; an electronic message center Users connect with the center via modem; they can read messages posted by others and respond or leave messages on other topics Typically, each bulletin board focuses on a specific topic or area of interest
A bulletin board on the Internet is just like a real bulletin board With a real bulletin board, people put things up for other people to see By sending e-mail, people using an Internet bulletin board can post messages for other people on the Internet to see
A form of electronic messaging in which addressed messages or files are entered by users into a computer or network of computers Note: Other users may obtain, at their convenience and request, messages or files available to them
This is a term used to describe a place on a website where private investors post comments and ask questions Other common names include message board or investors forum
An electronic message center where you read and respond to comments made by other users Both WebCT and Blackboard offer Bulletin Board Systems that students and instructors use to communicate asynchronously
Bulletin boards, also called newsgroups or discussion groups work in a similar way to electronic mail Instead of writing messages to individual users, participants in bulletin boards post their messages on a news server The messages are stored on the news server in a hierarchical directories Users participate in bulletin boards by reading the messages and responding to them There are bulletin boards or newsgroups on virtually every subject you can think of
an electronic public forum created with software that supports multiple simultaneous callers, where participants can post and comment on messages from other participants Babillard
Bulletin boards tend to be for posting one-off requests for information rather than for posting materials for discussion or debate They operate in a similar way to newsgroups, through e-mail and the World Wide Web Messages are posted on an area of the World Wide Web which can be accessed by all the users (they are not redistributed to individual e-mail addresses)
are electronic versions of traditional message boards Messages are available for everyone to see if they go to the bulletin board Messages are usually posted in the order received and they are often sorted by topic
On-line forums creation and maintenance: Enhance your Web site with community building forums generated with PlusScripts Using PlusScripts, you can administer all forum functions via your web browser
= Used in networking to refer to a system for providing online announcements, with or without provision for user input Internet hosts often provide them in addition to Usenet conferences Sometimes referred to as BBSs See BBS
are labelled for each mini-assignment where relevant Copy and Paste saves on-line time Please use REPLY (not COMPOSE) to keep in the same thread Access from Home Page by "Communication Tools"
Areas where users of an interactive service can communicate publicly with other users Anyone can post a message for all to read; a reply also can be read by everyone
The virtual versions of these everyday objects that carry pinned masses of paper on our walls The Usenet is a collection of specific bulletin boards, but these also form a part of numerous web sites as separate pages which contain updated information for those who frequently refer to that particular site
One of the three major areas for debate available to players of Reinventing America Players got to them by clicking on the Debate icon or text link that was part of the navigation bar that appeared on all pages when the game was running The Bulletin Boards are no longer active
On-line forums creation and maintenance: Enhance your Web site with community building forums generated with PlusScripts Using PlusScripts you can administer all forum functions via your Web browser
Usually a computer with a hard disk that can be accessed with a modem Software and programs can be uploaded (left on the Bulletin Board) by a caller, or a caller can download any software (transfer to their computer) Bulletin Boards also often have help and messaging services Byte A unit of measurement for memory and hard disk space One Byte (usually) contains 8 bits Also, KiloByte (K or Kb), MegaByte (Meg or Mb) and GigaByte (Gig or Gb) 1 Byte - 8 Bits
Computerized system used to exchange public messages or files. A BBS is typically reached by using a dial-up modem. Most are dedicated to a special interest, which may be an extremely narrow topic. Any user may "post" his or her own message (so that they appear on the site for all to read). Bulletin boards produce "conversations" between interested participants, who may download or print out messages they desire to keep or pass on to others. BBS sites today number in the tens of thousands. See also newsgroup