تعريف blue في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- A male nickname, occasionally used as a formal given name
- A female given name, typically used in conjoined names like Bonnie Blue or Blue Bell
- A surname. An anglicization of German Blau
- The colour of the clear sky or the deep sea, between green and violet in the visible spectrum, and one of the primary additive colours for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and green from white light using magenta and cyan filters; or any colour resembling this
- Of the higher-frequency region of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation
- One of the colour balls used in snooker with a value of 5 points
- To make or become blue
- Blue clothing
The boys in blue marched to the pipers.
- A bluefish
- The sky, literally or figuratively
His request for leave came out of the blue.
- plural A blue uniform. See blues
- Anything blue, especially to distinguish it from similar objects differing only in color
- An argument
- Pornographic
- Extra rare; left very raw and cold
- A blue dye or pigment
- Bluing
- Supportive of, run by, pertaining to, or dominated by a political party represented by the colour blue. (e.g. The Conservatives, the Democrats)
Congress turned blue in the mid-term elections.
- a type of firecracker
- To treat the surface of steel so that it is passivated chemically and becomes more resistant to rust
- A liquid with an intense blue colour, added to a laundry wash to prevent yellowing of white clothes
- The ocean; deep waters
- Having a bluish colour shade
- Depressed, melancholic, sad
- {a} skycolored, blank, dejected
- {n} a skycolor
- causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather"
- the color of the clear sky in the daytime; "he had eyes of bright blue"
- The colour of the sky In particular, a sky with no clouds, especially cumulus clouds This makes soaring trickier, as the glider pilot has less clues as to where to find the next reliable bit of lift Most pilots hate blue days Top
- morally rigorous and strict; "blue laws"; "the puritan work ethic"; "puritanic distaste for alcohol"; "she was anything but puritanical in her behavior"
- A pedantic woman; a bluestocking
- belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy; "an aristocratic family"; "aristocratic Bostonians"; "aristocratic government"; "a blue family"; "blue blood"; "the blue-blooded aristocracy"; "of gentle blood"; "patrician landholders of the American South"; "aristocratic bearing"; "aristocratic features"; "patrician tastes"
- Of the colour blue
- adj biru
- Severe or over strict in morals; gloom; as, blue and sour religionists; suiting one who is over strict in morals; inculcating an impracticable, severe, or gloomy mortality; as, blue laws
- a color, as in: The editor marked corrections with a blue pencil
- the sky as viewed during daylight; "he shot an arrow into the blue"
- turn blue
- Shadenglish | adronato
- Suited to produce low spirits; gloomy in prospect; as, thongs looked blue
- blue moon: see moon. Any member of the widely occurring lepidopteran family Lycaenidae. Adults, sometimes known as gossamer-winged butterflies, are small and delicate, with a wingspan of 0.75-1.5 in. (18-38 mm). Blues are rapid fliers, and most species have iridescent wings. Larvae are short, broad, and sluglike. Some species secrete honeydew, a sweet by-product of digestion that attracts ants, which stroke the larvae with their legs to stimulate honeydew secretion. blue asbestos blue green algae blue ground The Blue Rider blue crab blue law Blue Mountains Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Mountains blue whale blue butterfly Deep Blue
- If you have got the blues, you feel sad and depressed. Interfering in-laws are the prime sources of the blues
- having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; "October's bright blue weather"- Helen Hunt Jackson; "a blue flame"; "blue haze of tobacco smoke"
- To make blue; to dye of a blue color; to make blue by heating, as metals, etc
- any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
- Literary; applied to women; an abbreviation of bluestocking
- suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip
- The spell has no range, and will radiate out from you
- {s} having a blue color; sad, depressed (slang)
- Low in spirits; melancholy; as, to feel blue
- any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue; "the Union army was a vast blue"
- used to signify the Union forces in the Civil War (who wore blue uniforms); "a ragged blue line"
- a thin blue film of oxide on ferrous alloys, sometimes used to indicate that the material has been stress relieved
- One of the seven colors into which the rays of light divide themselves, when refracted through a glass prism; the color of the clear sky, or a color resembling that, whether lighter or darker; a pigment having such color
- the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic
- One of the five colors Blue magic is the magic of the mind, and gains its power from Islands Blue magicians are often adept at deceiving others and casting illusions Air and water are also strongly associated with Blue Its traditional enemies are Green and Red
- any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family Lycaenidae blue clothing; "she was wearing blue" the color of the clear sky in the daytime; "he had eyes of bright blue" any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue; "the Union army was a vast blue" turn blue causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather" having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; "October's bright blue weather"- Helen Hunt Jackson; "a blue flame"; "blue haze of tobacco smoke" low in spirits; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted" used to signify the Union forces in the Civil War (who wore blue uniforms); "a ragged blue line" suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip
- Something that is blue is the colour of the sky on a sunny day. There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky She fixed her pale blue eyes on her father's. colourful blues and reds
- Blue films, stories, or jokes are about sex. a secret stash of porn mags and blue movies
- The essence of all that is true
- Master El Morya Peace, harmony, balance, justice, truth, power, protection and the will of God Sapphire blue of Archangel Michael and Archiea Faith Used to develop creativity and stimulate ideas
- Pale, without redness or glare, said of a flame; hence, of the color of burning brimstone, betokening the presence of ghosts or devils; as, the candle burns blue; the air was blue with oaths
- Of states or other political entities, tending to vote for the Democratic Party
- Almost black
- Having the color of the clear sky, or a hue resembling it, whether lighter or darker; as, the deep, blue sea; as blue as a sapphire; blue violets
- If you are feeling blue, you are feeling sad or depressed, often when there is no particular reason. There's no earthly reason for me to feel so blue. = down
- An umpire's nickname and/or our postseason mood
- used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge
- John to Zhaan, when seeing her for the first time - "Hey Blue!"
- chip stock fund - A mutual fund that consists of a portfolio of large or well known companies for the purposes of achieving growth
- Blue Dog
- A member of the Blue Dog Coalition, founded in 1994, of conservative and moderate members of the Democratic Party
- Blue Dogs
- plural form of Blue Dog
- Blue Ensign
- Originally, the flag of the Rear Admiral's squadron in the English fleet
- Blue Ensign
- The flag flown by a British naval auxiliary vessel
Note: Members of certain British yacht clubs may fly a blue ensign if it has been defaced by the inclusion of an insignia in the fly.
- Blue Hill
- a small town located in Hancock County in Maine
- Blue Jay
- A player on the team Toronto Blue Jays
He is the only Blue Jay at the All-Star game this year.
- Blue Jays
- The team Philadelphia Blue Jays, a short-lived and disused name for the Philadelphia Phillies in the 1940s
- Blue Jays
- Sports teams from John Hopkins University
- Blue Jays
- A group of players from the team Toronto Blue Jays
There are three Blue Jays among the top ten home run hitters this year.
- Blue Jays
- A group of players from the team Philadelphia Blue Jays
- Blue Jays
- A group of players from one team at John Hopkins University
- Blue Jays
- The team Toronto Blue Jays
The Blue Jays lead the game going into the ninth inning.
- Blue Riband
- A trophy for the fastest sea crossing of the Atlantic by a liner
- blue baby
- A baby born with cyanosis as a result of a congenital defect
- blue balls
- A cramp-like ache in the testicles and prostate region caused by prolonged sexual arousal
- blue beech
- A common name for Carpinus caroliniana, a species of deciduous tree
- blue beech
- The wood of this species
- blue beech
- A tree of this species
- blue beeches
- plural form of blue beech
- blue beret
- United Nations peacekeeper
- blue blood
- an aristocrat
- blue blood
- noble or aristocratic ancestry
- blue bloods
- plural form of blue blood
- blue book exam
- Type of test used at many post-secondary schools in the US. The normally include one or more essays or short-answer questions
- blue book exams
- plural form of blue book exam
- blue box
- an electronic device used to bypass payment on a tone pulse telephone system
- blue box
- a blue coloured container used for the collection of household waste (such as tin cans and newspapers) for recycling by a municipal authority
- blue boxes
- plural form of blue box
- blue card
- A proposed EU-wide work permit allowing high-skilled non-EU citizens to work and live in any country within the European Union, excluding Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom, which are not subject to the proposal
- blue chamber
- A forbidden room
My mother dared not break the lock, as my father had prohibited any one from entering this, his blue chamber; and what was worse, he had the key.
- blue chambers
- plural form of blue chamber
- blue cheese
- A kind of cheese with bluish mold in it
- blue cheeses
- plural form of blue cheese
- blue chip
- A high value gaming chip
- blue chip
- A stock or other investment that has a high price because of its perceived reliability
- blue circle rate
- a pay that is below average for the same type of work
- blue daze
- A perennial flowering plant, Evolvulus nuttallianus, with blue petals
- blue dazes
- plural form of blue daze
- blue devils
- low spirits; depression
- blue eye cod
- A fish, Hyperoglyphe antarctica, found in deep offshore waters off southern Australia
- blue film
- a pornographic film
- blue flash
- A phenomenon sometimes observed when a criticality incident occurs in nuclear materials, inducing a discharge of radiation into the environment
- blue flash
- A very rare phenomenon observed in morning or evening when the sun is crossing or immediately below the horizon, in which a momentary flash of blue light appears above the upper rim of the solar disk, caused by refraction of light in the atmosphere
- blue flashes
- plural form of blue flash
- blue flu
- industrial action taken by members of the police, claiming sickness en masse. a sickout
- blue flyer
- A female red kangaroo
The female red kangaroo is referred to as a Blue Flyer, whilst the male is generally known as a Marloo or Boomer.
- blue fox
- A variant of arctic fox, grown in captivity because of its bluish grey winter fur
- blue foxes
- plural form of blue fox
- blue funk
- nervous depression
- blue giant
- a very hot and very luminous star that emits visible light in the blue portion of the spectrum
- blue giants
- plural form of blue giant
- blue green
- A bluish green colour
blue green colour:.
- blue green
- Of a bluish green colour
- blue greens
- plural form of blue green
- blue gum
- forest red gum
- blue gum
- a gum tree of the subspecies Eucalyptus globulus or any of a number of other species of Eucalyptus in Australia
- blue gums
- plural form of blue gum
- blue heeler
- A blue-coated variety of the Australian Cattle Dog breed
- blue heeler
- the police
- blue hole
- A submarine cave or sinkhole, a roughly circular, steep-walled depression that is typically anoxic below a certain depth
- blue holes
- plural form of blue hole
- blue jay
- A species of North American jay with blue feathering from the top of its head to midway down its back, Cyanocitta cristata
- blue jays
- plural form of blue jay
- blue jeans
- A pair of trousers made from denim cotton and dyed dark blue
- blue law
- A law that is intended to enforce moral standards
- blue laws
- plural form of blue law
- blue line
- The line that separates an attacking zone or defending zone from the neutral zone
- blue lines
- plural form of blue line
- blue lotus
- A perennial plant, Nelumbo nucifera, having attractive flowers and sometimes used in food
- blue lotus
- A lily growing in Asia and North Africa, Nymphaea caerulea, revered by the Ancient Egyptians
- blue moon
- Something absurd
Yf they say the mone is belewe, we must believe that it is true.
- blue moon
- A long time
- blue moon
- The moon tinted towards blue as it appears in the sky, caused by dust or smoke in the atmosphere
- blue moon
- The third full moon in a quarter that contains four rather than the usual three full moons
- blue moon
- The second of two full moons that occur in the same calendar month
- blue moons
- plural form of blue moon
- blue movie
- a pornographic film
- blue movies
- plural form of blue movie
- blue mussel
- A medium-sized edible mussel, Mytilus edulis, found on the North Atlantic coast of North America, Europe, and in other temperate and polar waters around the world
- blue mussels
- plural form of blue mussel
- blue noise
- A signal or process with a frequency spectrum such that the spectral energy density is proportional to the frequency
- blue note
- Notes added to the major scale for expressive quality in jazz and blues music, particularly the flatted third, fifth and seventh
- blue notes
- plural form of blue note
- blue peter
- A blue signal flag with a white rectangle in the centre, signifying "P". When flown alone, indicates that a ship is ready to sail, requiring all crew members and passengers to return on board
We lay out in the stream for another whole day, with the Blue Peter flying, to show that we were ready for sea, and to summon any passengers who might yet remain on shore. — W.H.G. Kingston, Peter the Whaler, 1851.
- blue plate special
- Alternative spelling of blue-plate special
- blue plate specials
- plural form of blue plate special
- blue print
- Alternative spelling of blueprint
- blue prints
- plural form of blue print
- blue ribbon
- Very superior in quality, style, or substance
The governor selected a cadre of blue ribbon social scientists to serve on her poverty task force.
- blue ribbon
- The highest honor or or prize awarded in some competitions and contests
Mom's strawberry jam won the blue ribbon at the Holland County Fair three years running.
- blue ribbon
- A badge worn or displayed to advocate freedom from online censorship
The icon of the blue ribbon on her site should not be taken to mean she opposes parental filtration programs.
- blue ribbons
- plural form of blue ribbon
- blue rinse
- A diluted blue hair dye used to reduce the yellowed or translucent appearance of greying hair on older women (because the ability to see the colour blue decreases with age)
- blue room
- In cinema, a room with blue walls in which effects shots are filmed
- blue ruin
- Low-end gin, usually home-made
SIR DEATH is a grim old fellow ; Yet rather facetious at times, When blue ruin makes him mellow, And he chants his Stygian rhymes.
- blue ruin
- Complete and utter ruin, desolation
I was amused at the hon. Minister of Justice telling the hon. leader of the opposition that he was preaching blue ruin now. A few years ago the hon. minister himself was preaching blue ruin. The people of this country should understand that when one party is in power it is all lovely with them, and the other party is preaching blue ruin. I know that the gentlemen forming the ministry, and their supporters, always preached blue ruin until they got into power.
- blue screen of death
- The screen displayed by Microsoft's Windows operating system when it cannot (or is in danger of being unable to) recover from a system error. Abbreviation: BSOD
- blue sky law
- : In the United States, a law that regulates the offering and sale of securities to protect the public from fraud, requiring the registration of all securities offerings and sales, as well as of stock brokers and brokerage firms
- blue sky laws
- plural form of blue sky law
- blue spot
- The spot on a snooker table where the blue ball is normally placed
- blue state
- A state of the United States voting Democratic in a given election, or tending to vote Democratic in general
- blue states
- plural form of blue state
- blue straggler
- a unusually hot and blue star in globular clusters
- blue stragglers
- plural form of blue straggler
- blue supergiant
- a very large, hot and luminous star; a large blue giant
- blue supergiants
- plural form of blue supergiant
- blue swimmer crab
- an edible crab, Portunus pelagicus, found in inshore waters of southern Queensland, Australia
- blue tit
- a small bird of the tit family Paridae, with an azure blue crown and dark blue line passing through the eye and encircling the white cheeks to the chin
- blue tits
- plural form of blue tit
- blue violet
- A bluish violet colour
blue violet colour:.
- blue violet
- Of a bluish violet colour
- blue vitriol
- copper sulfate
- blue water
- The open ocean; deep seas
After clearing the cape, the still had an hour's sailing to reach blue water.
- blue waters
- plural form of blue water
- blue whale
- A whale (Balaenoptera musculus), blue in colour/color and the largest known living animal
- blue whales
- plural form of blue whale
- blue wildebeest
- A large ungulate mammal of the Bovid family and one of two species of wildebeest, Connochaetes taurinus
- blue-black
- Black with bluish highlights
- blue-black
- A very dark blue
- blue-blood
- Alternative spelling of blue blood
- blue-blooded
- aristocratic or patrician
- blue-collar
- Working class; engaged or trained in essentially manual labor
Blue-collar workers represent a diminishing segment of society.
- blue-collar
- Pertaining to the culture of blue-collar workers
Even as a tenured professor, she remained proud of her blue-collar values.
- blue-eyed
- Someone's favorite, as in blue-eyed boy
- blue-eyed
- Of a person or animal, having blue eyes
- blue-eyed boy
- Someone's favourite, especially a young one
Keep it up, Mandrake, he said. Just keep it up. You may be the Prime Minister's blue-eyed boy now, but how long's that going to last if you don't deliver?.
- blue-eyed boys
- plural form of blue-eyed boy
- blue-eyed soul
- Rhythm and blues or soul music performed by white artists
- blue-green
- Of a color between blue and green; darker shades are called teal, lighter ones are cyan
- blue-green alga
- Any member of the cyanobacteria; a primitive photosynthetic organism similar to bacteria which is thought to have generated the first oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere
- blue-green algae
- plural form of blue-green alga
- blue-light special
- A discount or bargain
- blue-on-blue
- friendly fire
- blue-pencil
- To edit, especially to censor, written documents
- blue-plate special
- A popular meal offered at a reduced price, usually in inexpensive eateries and often on a plate divided into compartments for different food items
Most had stayed at the convention hotel, but at dinner time many went across the street for the fifty-cent blue plate special.
- blue-plate specials
- plural form of blue-plate special
- blue-print
- Alternative spelling of blueprint
One day he brought from the barracks a roll of blue-prints, and as he was locking them in a drawer, said: “The Germans would pay through the nose for those!”.
- blue-rinse brigade
- Elderly women with traditional, conservative views
- blue-sided leaf frog
- A species of tree frog native to Costa Rica, scientific name Agalychnis annae, noted for the blue stripes running down both of its sides
- blue-sided leaf frogs
- plural form of blue-sided leaf frog
- blue-skies
- Of no immediate practical application; theoretical
blue-skies research.
- blue-skies
- unrealistic or impractical
- blue-sky thinking
- thinking that is not grounded or in touch in the realities of the present
- blue-sky thinking
- open-minded thinking (i.e., as wide and clear as the blue sky)
- blue-tongue lizard
- Any of several species of Australian skinks in the genus Tiliqua, also called blue-tongued skink
- blue-tongue lizards
- plural form of blue-tongue lizard
- blue-tongued lizard
- Alternative spelling of blue-tongue lizard
- blue-tongued skink
- Any of several species of Australian skinks in the genus Tiliqua, also called blue-tongue lizard
- blue-water
- Alternative spelling of blue water; :
- blue-winged grasshopper
- A grasshopper species that lives in regions with sparse vegetation