belge belge

listen to the pronunciation of belge belge
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Bilgisayar) document
{n} an instruction, direction, proof
{v} to furnish with written proofs of instructions
documents are the files which have been indexed in the ISYS: web index The files may be on your local hard drive, a CD-ROM or on your LAN or WAN Documents may be almost any type of file (e g spreadsheet or database) but are usually word processing files or plain ASCII text
record in detail; "The parents documented every step of their child's development"
A document in any form or format, an email message or attachment, a document created within a desktop application such as MS Word, regardless of format There are two forms of document
Something written or inscribed that furnishes evidence or information on any subject (e g , title deed, coin, etc ) In the Essential Skills methodology, the word document is not synonymous with "materials" as it does not include text reading in the form of sentences or paragraphs See Document Use
A document is a stream of data that, after being combined with any other streams it references, is structured such that it holds information contained within elements that are organized as defined in the associated DTD
documents are the files which have been indexed in the ISYS: web database The files may be on your local hard drive, a CD-ROM or on your LAN or WAN Documents may be almost any type of file (e g spreadsheet or database) but are usually word processing files or plain ASCII text
Application Architecture : A run-time object containing data associated with a specific instance of an application program A document may be stored to and restored from a document file Application framework : File-based applications use a document object to provide an intermediate layer between the app UI, the model and the file the model will be stored in Non-file-based applications will only use a document to create the application's UI
That which is taught or authoritatively set forth; precept; instruction; dogma
A data file Whatever you create with an application, including information you type, edit, view, or save A document may be a business report, a picture, or a letter and is stored as a file on a disk
anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature) a written account of ownership or obligation support or supply with references; "Can you document your claims?"
To teach; to school
Written information For example, the British North America Act document set down the information on how the governments in Canada would work
(computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using 7-bit ASCII characters
A record consisting of information inscribed on a tangible medium such as paper rather than computer-based information (Cf , MESSAGE; RECORD)
a collection of information This includes the common sense of the word, i e an organisation of primarily textual information that can be produced by a word processing or data processing application It goes beyond this, however, to include structured information held within an XML file Each XML file is considered to contain one document, whatever the structure and type of that information
{i} certificate, paper which provides information or evidence; deed, written file; data file containing the product of a user's work (Computers)
Recorded information or material object which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process [ISO/FDIS 5127] Documents may differ in their physical form and characteristics
record in detail; "The parents documented every step of their child's development

The document was distributed to all department heads. - Belge tüm bölüm başkanlarına dağıtıldı.

President Lincoln wrote all five of these documents. - Başkan Lincoln bu belgelerin tüm beşini yazdı.

belge arşivleme
document archiving

The document records that the war broke out in 1700. - Belge kayıtları savaşın 1700 yılında patlak verdiğini yazıyor.


Tom entered the conference room, carrying a large cardboard box full of documents. - Tom konferans odasına girdi, belgelerle dolu büyük bir karton kutu taşıyordu.

ibraz edilen belge

I saw Tom's birth certificate. - Tom'un doğum belgesini gördüm.

May I see your birth certificate? - Doğum belgeni görebilir miyim?

(Ticaret) warrant
(Bilgisayar) doc

The role of the historian is less to discover and catalog documents than to interpret and explain them. - Tarihçinin rolü daha az keşfetmek ve onları çevirmek ve açıklamak yerine belgelerin kataloğunu hazırlamaktır.

President Lincoln wrote all five of these documents. - Başkan Lincoln bu belgelerin tüm beşini yazdı.

(Politika, Siyaset) act

This document was actually written by Tom. - Bu belge aslında Tom tarafından yazıldı.

(Politika, Siyaset) written record
belge başlığı
(Bilgisayar) document title
belge besleyici
(Bilgisayar) document feeder
belge bilgisi
(Bilgisayar) document information
belge boyutu
(Bilgisayar) document size
belge dolaştırma
(Bilgisayar) document routed
belge durumu
(Bilgisayar) document state
belge içeriği
(Bilgisayar) document contents
belge işleme
(Bilgisayar) document processing
belge kabı
(Bilgisayar) folder
belge kapat
(Bilgisayar) doc close
belge numarası
(Bilgisayar) document number
belge türü
(Bilgisayar) document type
belge yok
(Bilgisayar) no document
ekli belge
(Ticaret) attached document
ekli belge
(Ticaret) accompanying document
kıymetli ticari belge
(Ticaret) commercial paper
makbuz fiş belge
(Ticaret) voucher
salt metin belge
(Bilgisayar) text only
yeni belge
(Bilgisayar) new document
belge hazırlamak
prepare a document
belge hazırlamak
preparing document
kapatılmış belge
(Ticaret) discharged document
kayıp belge dilekçesi
Application For Lost Document Form
tek idari belge
(Ticaret) single Administrative Document (SAD)
Ortak Transit ve Tek İdari Belge
(Hukuk) (SAD) Common Transit and Single Administrative Document (SAD)
Tek İdari Belge
(Hukuk) Single Administrative Document
açık belge teorisi
(Hukuk) clear act theory

A note was attached to the document with a paper clip. - Bir not bir ataş ile belgeye tutturuldu.

document, certificate

Tom opened his briefcase and pulled out a couple of documents. - Tom evrak çantasını açtı ve birkaç belge çıkardı.

(Hukuk) act, certificate, document, instrument, credentials (a red pass)
belge alanları
(Bilgisayar) document fields
belge alma
(Bilgisayar) document retrieval
belge almak
obtain certification
belge almak
to be expelled from school for repeated failures
belge altbilgisi
(Bilgisayar) document footer
belge açık değil
(Bilgisayar) document not open
belge başı
(Bilgisayar) start document
belge biçemi
(Bilgisayar) document style
belge dolaştır
(Bilgisayar) route document
belge dosyası
(Bilgisayar) document file
belge düzenleme
(Ticaret) draw up deed
belge düzenleme
(Ticaret) draw up a deed
belge düzenlemek
draw up a document
belge düzenlemek
draft a document
belge düzenlemek
prepare a document
belge edinimi
document retrieval
belge ekranı
(Bilgisayar) document screen
belge etiketi
(Bilgisayar) document label
belge görünümü
(Bilgisayar) document view
belge gövdesi
(Bilgisayar) document body
belge ile kaydet
(Bilgisayar) save with document
belge kalıbı
document template
belge kaydetme
(Bilgisayar) document saved
belge kilitle
(Bilgisayar) lock document
belge kilitleme
(Bilgisayar) locking a document
belge kopyala
(Bilgisayar) copy document
belge korumalı
(Bilgisayar) document is protected
belge kutusu
belge menüsü
(Bilgisayar) documents menu
belge metnini göster/gizle
(Bilgisayar) show/hide document text
belge modu
(Bilgisayar) document mode
belge okuyucu
document reader
belge otomasyonu
(Bilgisayar) document automation
belge postalama
(Bilgisayar) document posted
belge profili
(Askeri) document profile
belge sağlama
(Bilgisayar) proofing a document
belge silme
(Bilgisayar) document deletions
belge simgesi
(Bilgisayar) document icon
belge sonu
(Bilgisayar) end of document
belge sonu
(Bilgisayar) end document
belge sürücüsü
(Bilgisayar) document drive
belge sıkışması
(Bilgisayar) document jam
belge sıralama
(Ticaret) document sequencing
belge sırası
(Ticaret) document sequencing
belge tamam
(Bilgisayar) document done
belge taşıma
(Bilgisayar) move documents
belge taşındı
(Bilgisayar) document moved
belge temelleri
(Bilgisayar) document basics
belge vermek
belge vermek
belge yetkisi
(Bilgisayar) document authority
belge yolu
(Bilgisayar) document path
belge yönetimi
(Bilgisayar) managing documents
belge çoğaltımı
documentary reproduction
belge örneği
(Ticaret) specimen
belge şablonu
(Bilgisayar) document template
belge şablonuyla
(Bilgisayar) with document template
burada belge kısayolu yarat
(Bilgisayar) create document shortcut here
eklenmiş belge
etkin belge
(Bilgisayar) active document
geçerli belge
(Bilgisayar) current document
geçici belge
(Hukuk) interim certificate
geçici belge
provisional scrip
geçici belge
provisional bond
geçici belge
provisional certificate
gizli belge
confidential document
html belge
(Bilgisayar) html document
ilişik belge
kabuk belge
shell document
kabuk belge
(Bilgisayar) form document
kaynak belge
source document
nihai belge
concluding document
normal belge
(Bilgisayar) normal document
okunması veya imzalanması gereken belge
para yerine geçen belge
cash voucher
sahte belge
forged document
sonraki belge
(Bilgisayar) next document
taslak belge
(Bilgisayar) draft document
temize çekilmiş belge
ticari belge
commercial paper
toplam belge
(Bilgisayar) total docs
ulusal belge
(Politika, Siyaset) national paper
yazılı belge
(Hukuk) written record
yeminli belge
yeminli belge yazmak
draw up an affidavit
zengin metinli belge
(Bilgisayar) rich text document
التركية - التركية

تعريف belge belge في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Bak: Vesika
Bir gerçeğe tanıklık eden yazı, fotoğraf, resim, film vb. vesika, doküman
Bir gerçeğe tanıklık eden yazı, fotoğraf, resim, film vb. vesika, doküman: "Mahkemenin elinde bu iddiaları yalanlayacak bir belge yoktu."- T. Buğra
mali belge
Kredi açılışını göstermek için çıkarılan ve ikrazcı bankaya finansman yenilemesi yapmayı sağlayan senet, malî senet
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف belge belge في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

probate vasiyetnamenin dogrulugunu kanitlayan resmi belge
vasiyetnameyi resmen onaylatmak