A debt which cannot be recovered from the debtor, either because the debtor doesn't have the money to pay or because the debtor cannot be found and/or forced to pay
– Occurs when someone owes you money that you cannot be collect The amount owed may be deductible when figuring your tax for the year the debt becomes worthless A debt must be genuine to be deductible as a loss A debt is genuine if it arises from a debtor-creditor relationship based on a valid and enforceable obligation to repay a fixed or determinable sum of money There are two kinds of bad debts – business bad debts and nonbusiness bad debts Back to Top
(Business Accounting Vol 1 - Chapter 25): A debt that a business will not be able to collect
An uncollectible Account Receivable (Usually accompanied by a visit from two goons named Guido and Bruno )
Makes you poor: debt for something that buys a liability that takes money out of your pocket
A bad debt is a sum of money that has been lent but is not likely to be repaid. The bank set aside £1.1 billion to cover bad debts from business failures. a debt that is unlikely to be paid
income lost to a provider because of failure of patients to pay amounts owed Bad debts are distinguished from free care, which is care for which the hospital did not expect to receive full reimbursement when it provided the service Bad debts, net of recoveries, can be accounted for as deductions from revenue if, after reasonable collection efforts, it is determined that the accounts are uncollectible
Accounts Receivable balances after contractual allowances that the center is unable to collect with reasonable effort When an accounts receivable is deemed "bad" or "uncollectible" it is written off to bad debt through the booking of an Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
A write-off due to a default on a payment that is uncollectable from an accounting perspective, although the bad debt may in fact be collected at some point (bad debt recovery)
Bad debts for income tax purposes are divided into two types: business bad debts and nonbusiness bad debts In order to get the more favorable tax treatment as a business bad debt, the taxpayer must meet the business debt requirements under the tax law
Credit that has been extended to customers but has not been paid, and bad checks that were not paid by the bank
All or portion of an ACCOUNT, loan, or note receivable considered to be uncollectible
Open balance or loan receivable that is considered uncollectible and is written off by a firm (Reserves are usually maintained for uncollectible accounts ) The relationship of recoveries and write-offs to accounts receivable can indicate a firm's credit and charge-off policies