auslösungsrecht (eines schuldners in bezug auf eine hypothek)

listen to the pronunciation of auslösungsrecht (eines schuldners in bezug auf eine hypothek)
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
equity of redemption
Not the same as the redemption period after a foreclosure sale, which is a right established by statute Properly, the right to pay off the mortgage lien in default by payment of the principal, interest and costs due
the right of an owner to redeem property securing a loan that has been accelerated prior to fore- closure
Right of original owner to reclaim property sold through foreclosure proceedings on a mortgage, by payment of debt, interest and costs
The right to regain title to mortgaged land upon repayment of the debt
The right of the mortgagor to reclaim clear title to the real property upon full repayment of the debt
The right to redeem property during the foreclosure period
The right of a party in default to pay back payments owed on principal, interest and costs
The right to redeem property during the foreclosure period, such as a mortgagor's right to redeem within a year after foreclosure sale
The right of one who has mortgaged property to redeem that property upon payment of the sum due within a reasonable amount of time after the due date
The right of a mortgagor to redeem his property after the mortgage is past due
The right a borrower has to pay out in full a mortgage against a property that has gone into foreclosure or power of sale proceedings, thus redeeming the property
The right of the mortgagor to reclaim clear title to the property upon full repayment of the debt
The right to redeem property during the foreclosure period such as a mortgagor's right to redeem prior to foreclosure
auslösungsrecht (eines schuldners in bezug auf eine hypothek)


    a·us·lö·sung·srech·t (e·i·nes schuld·ners in be·zug a·uf e·i·ne hypot·hek)