
listen to the pronunciation of annual
الإنجليزية - التركية

Babamın yıllık gelirini bilmiyorum. - I don't know my father's annual income.

Mayıs ayında yıllık konferansları var. - They have their annual conference in May.

{i} senelik
bir yıl ömrü olan bitki
her sene
{i} bir yıl yaşayan bitki
yılda bir yapılan
bir yıllık ömrü olan bitki
bir yıl için
her yıl

Her yıl kıyı akıntıları ile 100 kişinin öldüğü tahmin ediliyor. - It is estimated that 100 people are killed by rip currents annually.

bir yıllık bitki
yılda bir kez
{s} bir yıllık [(Botanik) ]
yılda bir
{i} (Botanik) bir yıllık ömrü olan bitki
annually her sene
{i} yıllık, yılın olaylarını anlatan kitap
{s} her yıl yapılan
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) tek yıllık
bir yıllık
annual audit
(Askeri) yıllık hesap denetlemesi
annual clary
(Biyoloji) ada çayı
annual growth rate
(Denizbilim) yıllık büyüme oranı
annual honesty
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) lunaria
annual plant
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) biryıllık bitki
annual review
(Tıp) yıllık gözden geçirme
annual aberration
yıllık aberasyon
annual average
yıllık ortalama
annual cut
yıllık kesim
annual flood
yıllık taşkın
annual general meeting
yıllık genel kurul toplantısı
annual growth
yıllık büyüme
annual income tax return
yıllık gelir beyannamesi
annual leave
yıllık izin
annual parallax
yıllık paralaks
annual pasture
yıllık mera
annual plant
bir yıllık bitki
annual precession
yıllık presesyon
annual precipitation
yıllık yağış
annual rainfall
yıllık yağış
annual report
yıllık rapor
annual ring
yaş halkası
annual ring
yıl halkası
annual runoff
yıllık akım
annual storage
yıllık birikme
annual throughput
yıllık akım
annual variation
yıllık değişim
Annual pay vacation
Yıllık ücretli izin
annual account
yıllık hesap
annual balance
yıllık denge
annual benchmark
Yıllık gösterge; yıllık kalite göstergesi
annual compensation
yıllık tazminat
annual convention
yıllık sözleşme
annual drive
yıllık kermes
annual expenditure
Yıllık harcama, yıl boyunca harcanan miktar
annual expenditure
yıllık harcama
annual fee
yıllık ücret
annual income
yıllık gelir, yıllık kazanç
annual inflation cost
yıllık/senelik enflasyon maliyeti
annual leave
Senelik izin
annual pay leave
Yıllık ücretli izin
annual percentage rate
Yıllık yüzde oranı: borçlananın 12 aylık dönem üzerinden hesaplanan ödeyeceği oran
annual rate
yıllık oran
annual report
(Ekonomi) Faaliyet Raporu
annual reports
yıllık raporları
annual return
Yıllık getiri
annual runoff, throughput
yıllık akım
annual statistics
Yıllık istatistik
annual vacation
Yıllık tatil
annual aberration
(Astronomi) yıllık sapınç
annual account
(Ticaret) yıllık mali tablo
annual account
(Ticaret) senelik hesap
annual active duty for training
(Askeri) YILLIK FAAL GÖREV EĞİTİMİ: Silahlı Kuvvetler İhtiyat Asli Teşkilleri Birinci Derece Hazır İhtiyatlarından (Ready Reserve) - Amerikan Kara Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı ile Hava Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı hariç, birçok üyenin, yılda bir defa, 17 günü geçmemek üzere, tabi tutuldukları eğitim devresi
annual allowance
(Avrupa Birliği) yıllık ödenek
annual appropriation
(Askeri) YILLIK TAHSİSAT: Belirli bir mali yıl içinde yapılan sözleşmelerin ödenmesi için ayrılan bir tahsisat. Ayrıca bakınız: "appropriation"
annual audit
annual average
(Askeri) YILLIK NOT ORTALAMASI: Bir subay hakkında; bir kıymetlendirme yılı içinde verilen bütün sicillerden, her birine ait görev günü esas alınarak, eşit şekilde bölünmüş karma not ortalaması
annual average
(Askeri) yıllık not ortalaması
annual average
senelik ortalama
annual benefit
yıllık yarar
annual benefit
senelik gelir
annual benefit
yıllık gelir
annual benefit
senelik fayda
annual boiler survey
yıllık kazan araştırması
annual boiler survey
yıllık kazan incelemesi
annual canvass
(Politika, Siyaset) yıllık sayım
annual closing
(Ticaret) devre sonu hesap ka patımı
annual contract
(Ticaret) senelik sözleşme
annual contract
(Ticaret) yıllık sözleşme
annual control plan
(Gıda) yıllık kontrol planı
annual convention
yıllık toplantı
annual cost
senelik masraf
annual cost
yıllık gider
annual declarations
yıllık beyanlar
annual deficit
(Ticaret) yıllık açık
annual discharge
senelik boşaltım
annual discharge
(Çevre) yıllık akış miktarı
annual discharge
yıllık akım
annual discharge
yıllık boşaltım
annual dose equivalent limits
(Nükleer Bilimler) yıllık doz eşdeğeri sınırları
annual dose limits
(Nükleer Bilimler) yıllık doz sınırları
annual earnings
(Ticaret) yıllık kazançlar
annual effective dose equivalent limits
(Nükleer Bilimler) yıllık etkin doz eşdeğeri sınırları
annual efficiency index
(Askeri) YILLIK VERİM ENDEKSİ; YILLIK EHLİYET ENDEKSİ: Bir subay hakkında; bir yıllık faal görevi sırasında verilen sicillerden elde edilen Kara ordusu standart not ortalaması
annual financial statement
yıllık bilanço
annual fish
(Denizbilim) yıllık balık
annual flood
yıllık azami taşkın
annual flood
(Çevre) yıllık sel
annual flow
senelik akım
annual flow
yıllık akım
annual flow
yıllık akış
annual fluctuation
yıllık değişme
annual fluctuation
senelik dalgalanma
annual fluctuation
senelik değişme
annual fluctuation
yıllık dagalanma
annual fluctuation
yıllık dalgalanma
annual food plan
(Askeri) YILLIK İAŞE PLANI: Bir takvim yılı içinde kullanılan bütün yiyecek kalemlerinin bir listesi. Bu liste, kalemin gerçek veya katalog adını, dağıtan birimini ve kaç defa yedirildiğini gösterir. Ana yemek listesinin hazırlanmasına esas olan bir dokümandır
annual food plan
(Askeri) yıllık iaşe planı
annual general inspection
(Askeri) YILLIK GENEL DENETLEME: Yılda bir yapılan ve Kara Kuvvetlerine mensup belirli bir komutanlık, müessese veya faaliyet merkezinin bütün safhalarını içine alan bir denetleme. Ayrıca bakınız: "inspector general inspection"
annual information
(Tıp) yıllık bilgilendirme
annual integrated assessment for security assistance
(Askeri) yıllık birleştirilmiş güvenlik yardımı değerlendirmesi
annual interest
(Ticaret) senelik faiz
annual limit of intake
(Nükleer Bilimler) vücuda yıllık alınım sınırı (ali)
annual listing fee
(Politika, Siyaset) kotta kalma harcı
annual mortality
(Denizbilim) yıllık ölüm
annual mortality rate
(Denizbilim) yıllık ölüm oranı
annual parallax
(Astronomi) yıllık ıraklık açısı
annual payment
(Sigorta,Ticaret) yıllık ödeme
annual precession
(Astronomi) yıllık bahar devinimi
annual precipitation
senelik yağış
annual premium
(Sigorta,Ticaret) yıllık prim
annual profit
(Ticaret) yıllı kar
annual rainfall
yıllık yağmur
annual rainfall
senelik yağış
annual rainfall
senelik yağmur
annual rate
(Ticaret) senelik nispet
annual release limit
(Çevre) yıllık boşaltma sınırı
annual release limit
(Jeoloji) yıllık boşaltım sınır
annual rent
yıllık kira
annual repairs
yıllık onarımlar
annual repairs
senelik tamiratlar
annual report
etkinlik bildirgesi
annual report
(Ticaret) senelik rapor
annual result
yıllık sonuç
annual return
yıllık ciro
annual return
(Ticaret) yıllık beyanname
annual ring
ağacın yaşını gösteren halkalar
annual storage
senelik depolama
annual storage
yıllık baraj birikmesi
annual storage
yıllık biriktirme
annual surplus
(Ticaret) yıllık fazla
annual throughput
(Nükleer Bilimler) yıllık yakıt değişimi
annual training
(Askeri) YILLIK EĞİTİM: Bir üyenin, her yıl ihtiyat kısımlarına ait görevle ilgili olarak yıllık eğitim gereksinimlerini yerine getirmek üzere ifa ettiği eğitim veya yıllık sahra eğitimiyle ilgili asgari yıllık faal görev süresi. Bu eğitim, görev gereksinimlerine bağlı olarak bir ardıl süre esnasında veya bir veya daha fazla günlerdeki artmalarla yerine getirilebilir
annual training; antiterrorism
(Askeri) yıllık eğitim; antiterörizm
annual trend
(Çevre) yıllık trend
annual turnover
(Denizbilim) yıllık devir
annual value
(Ticaret) yıllık değer
annual variation
senelik değişim
annual work unit
(Ticaret) yıllık iş birimi
annual yield
yıllık verim
annual yield
senelik randıman
annual yield
(Ticaret) yıllık getiri
yıllık olarak

Toplantı yıllık olarak yapılacaktır. - The meeting will be held annually.

Konferans yıllık olarak gerçekleşir. - The conference takes place annually.

(Ticaret) yıllık

Toplantı yıllık olarak düzenlenmektedir. - The meeting is held annually.

Toplantı yıllık olarak yapılacaktır. - The meeting will be held annually.

(Ticaret) senelik
semi annual
(Ticaret) altı aylık
her sene
yılda bir
altı aylık
acronym for annual percentage rate
yıllık yüzde oranı kısaltması
iki yıllık
yılda iki kere olan, altı ayda bir olan
compound annual growth rate
yıllık bileşik büyüme oranı
çok yıllı
yarım yıllık (6 aylık)
üç yıllık
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Annual Manpower Plan
(Askeri) NATO Yıllık İnsan Gücü Planı
yıldan yıla
hardy annual
her yıl yeşeren bitki
minimum annual flood
minimum senelik feyezan
semi annual
altı ayda bir olan
semi annual
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Happening once every year

an annual publication.

An annual publication; a book, periodical, journal, report, comic book, yearbook, etc., which is published serially once a year, which may or may not be in addition to regular weekly or monthly publication

I read the magazine, but I usually don't purchase the annuals.

Of, for, or relating to a whole year, often as a recurring cycle; determined or reckoned by the year; accumulating in the course of a year; performed, executed, or completed over the course of a year. See also circannual

the annual course of the sun.

An annual plant; a plant with a life span of just one growing season; a plant which naturally germinates, flowers and dies in one year. Compare biennial, perennial

I can't wait to plant my annuals in the spring.

Living or lasting just one season or year, as certain insects or insect colonies
Having a life cycle that is completed in only one growing season; e.g. beans, corn, marigold. See Annual plant in Wikipedia. Compare biennial, perennial
occurring every year
{n} a plant whose root dies yearly
{a} yearly, lasting only a year
referring to an organism that completes its life cycle from birth or germination to death within a year (Ricklefs 1979: 865)
a plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year
- A plant that completes its life cycle in a single growing season
a plant whose life cycle is completed in one year or one season
A plant, which dies after completing its life cycle in one year
A plant that will complete its life cycle in one growing season
completing its life cycle within a year; "a border of annual flowering plants"
A plant that grows from seed, blooms, sets seed, and dies in one growing season Back to alphabetical list
A plant that completes its life cycle within one year
occurring or payable every year; "an annual trip to Paris"; "yearly medical examinations"; "annual (or yearly) income"
A plant that completes its life cycle in one year or season
a plant that completes its life cycle from seedling to mature seed-bearing plant during a single growing season, and then dies
Any kind of plant that must be planted every year
Completing the cycle from seed to death in one year or season
A plant which grows from a seed, flowers, sets seed and dies in one year
A plant that completes its life cycle (from germination from a seed to the production of new seeds) in a single year; then it dies
A term used to describe a plant that completes its life cycle within a 12-month period, i e , it germinates from seed, grows and produces its own seed within one year
A plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season
Serial published with annual chronological designation; may or may not actually be published once a year SEE ALSO Serial
If a plant completes its entire life cycle within a single growing season, it is an annual This means that is must germinate from seed, become a plant, produce flowers, set seed, and finally die -- all before the end of the season
A plant that completes it life cycle, from seed to seed, in one growing season
a reference book that is published regularly once every year
Completing a life cycle in one season or year Annual plants produce seed in one season of growth then die See; perennial, biennial, monocarpic
A plant that germinates, grows, flowers, produces seeds and in one growing season
A plant that lives for a single growing season
An item that is published once a year
A plant that lives only one year or season The plant must grow from seed each year
A plant in which the entire life cycle is completed in a single growing season
A plant that completes its life cycle from seedling to mature seed-bearing plant during a single growing season
Of or pertaining to a year; returning every year; coming or happening once in the year; yearly
An annual is a plant that grows and dies within one year. Any plant that completes its life cycle in a single growing season. The dormant seed is the only part of an annual that survives from one growing season to the next. Annuals include many weeds, wildflowers, garden flowers, and vegetables. See also biennial, perennial
occurring or payable every year; "an annual trip to Paris"; "yearly medical examinations"; "annual (or yearly) income
Something that has an yearly cycle, as some plants and serially published books
Lasting or continuing only one year or one growing season; requiring to be renewed every year; as, an annual plant; annual tickets
{s} occurring once a year
Anything, especially a plant, that lasts but one year or season; an annual plant
Annual quantities or rates relate to a period of one year. The electronic and printing unit has annual sales of about $80 million. = yearly + annually an·nual·ly El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually
a reference book that is published regularly once every year a plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year completing its life cycle within a year; "a border of annual flowering plants"
A thing happening or returning yearly; esp
a literary work published once a year
An annual is a book or magazine that is published once a year
Annual events happen once every year. the annual conference of Britain's trade union movement In its annual report, UNICEF says at least 40,000 children die every day. = yearly + annually an·nual·ly Companies report to their shareholders annually
Performed or accomplished in a year; reckoned by the year; as, the annual motion of the earth
A Mass for a deceased person or for some special object, said daily for a year or on the anniversary day
{i} plant which lives for a single year
annual leave
Amount of time expressed as the number of days per year that an employee is entitled to be away from work
annual ring
The layer of wood, observed as one of many concentric rings when cut, formed during one year of a plant's growth
annual Academy Awards
the Oscars, yearly Academy Awards, film awards that are awarded each year by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
annual aid
support which is received on a yearly basis
annual audit
yearly examination of a company's financial records by an external accountant
annual balance sheet
final yearly summary of a company's financial activity
annual basis
yearly basis, something which is founded on periods of one year
annual budget
Annual is a period of one year In government, much of the accounting and financial reporting is geared to things that will happen and involve cash during the fiscal year This focus is driven by the approval and execution of the annual budget The budget covers the governmental decisions on how to raise money and where to spend it Traditionally, one of the most public decisions in government A government may have several budgets for the different funds in government The budget for the general fund is usually the largest Financial reports, which should assess financial performance, including compliance with budget, are not nearly as widely debated or circulated
annual budget
The total funds allocated to OSI/SCI within a fiscal year The budget is typically expressed as a percentage of payroll, not including locality pay or premium pay Both competitive practices and organizational performance are considered when determining the annual budget
annual budget
an itemized schedule, usually prepared by the treasurer or budget committee It is a listing of the estimated receipts and expenditures covering a fiscal year This Planned Budget is prepared in advance as a guide or control as a financial management tool
annual budget
yearly allotment of funds, yearly distribution of money
annual convention
yearly gathering, yearly assembly, yearly meeting
annual expenditure
amount of money spent during a year
annual fee
A yearly bank charge for use of a credit card that is billed directly on the customer's monthly statement
annual fee
An amount charged annually for having the line of credit available The fee is charged regardless of whether or not you draw against the credit line
annual fee
– the administration fee charged each year on a credit card account
annual fee
A fee charged by the card issuer for being a card holder This type of fee is most commonly associated with frequent flyer credit cards or cards designed to help you rebuild your credit
annual fee
The amount a lender charges on an annual basis to cover administrative costs of financing
annual fee
Some issuers charge you a fee every year to use a credit card This helps to pay for some of the fixed costs of running a credit card account, such as sending out statements every month
annual fee
A flat, yearly charge
annual fee
A once-a-year charge imposed by many credit card issuers This fee is in addition to the interest charged on purchases and cash advances
annual fee
The amount charged by the lender each year to cover the administrative costs of the loan
annual fee
The yearly fee that may be charged to maintain the credit card account
annual fee
A flat, yearly charge similar to a membership fee Annual percentage rate (APR) A measure of the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate Many credit card plans charge different APRs for credit used in different ways--for example, one APR for purchases, another for cash advances, and still another for balance transfers Some plans may increase the APR if a payment is late Cash-advance fee A fee charged if you obtain a cash advance This fee is in addition to the interest rate charged on the amount of the advance Getting Started
annual fee
A flat, yearly charge similar to a membership fee
annual fee
An Annual Fee is a yearly fee charged to the card for keeping the account open Some cards have this fee and some do not CLOSE GLOSSARY
annual fee
Various credit card issuers charge an annual fee, which can help offset costs that issuers incur in maintaining accounts
annual fee
The yearly fee charged by a lender to maintain an account
annual fee
-A fee some credit-card companies charge for use of their cards
annual fee
Card issuers may charge you a yearly fee in addition to the interest that accumulates when you make purchases Depending on how you use it, a card with no annual fee but a high interest rate could cost you significantly more than one with a higher annual fee and a low, or no, interest rate
annual fee
Most credit cards carry an annual administration fee, charges are linked to the amount of credit extended
annual fee
A fee charged (on a yearly basis) for the customer's continued participation in an open-end, credit plan
annual fee
is a payment due to the Commonwealth and payable to ASIC by a company in place of the current annual return fee prescribed by the Corporations (Fees) Regulations For further details see Part 3 4 and Part 7
annual fee
For low volume merchants, use this fee to lower your percentage rate
annual fee
A bank charge for use of a credit card levied each year, which can range from $15 to $300, billed directly to the customer's monthly statement Many credit cards come without an annual fee
annual fee
An Annual Fee is a yearly fee charged to the card for keeping the account open Some cards have this fee and some do not
annual fee
amount of money that is paid once a year
annual fern
small short-lived fern of Central and South America
annual financial statement
yearly accounting balance
annual growth rate
velocity at which the economy booms within one year
annual income
Your annual income For married couples this is your total combined annual income
annual income
total income earned in the period of one year
annual income
The HOME Program allows the use of three income definitions for the purpose of determining applicant eligibility: annual income as defined in 24 CFR 5 609; or annual income as reported under the Census Long Form for the most recent decennial census; or adjusted gross income as defined for purposes of reporting under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1040 series for individual Federal annual income tax purposes The definitions are collectively referred to as "annual income" and are also used in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
annual inspection
yearly inspection, examination made every year
annual interest
interest accrued on a yearly basis; yearly interest rate
annual investment accumulation table
table that displays future value of a long term savings plan
annual leave
Annual leave is the permitted amount of holidays that an individual is given while in employment The legal requirement that an employer must give in the U K is 20 days
annual leave
Paid leave for rest or recreation
annual leave
Time off work an employee is due over a twelve month period Can be expressed as a number of hours, days or weeks The entitlement is normally calculated by reference to a holiday year which may, or may not, be in alignment with the calendar year Frequently, but not always, excludes public/bank holidays Synonymous with: Holiday entitlement Leave entitlement
annual leave
Time off with pay to take vacations or for special personal occasions
annual leave
Separate any time spent in annual leave by indicating dates and times beginning and/or ending
annual leave
This is the direct pay that an employee received while using annual leave in 1999
annual leave
All WPRB-Classified, Contract-Classified and Professional Staff earn annual leave hours for each full month of their employment Employees working less than a full time schedule accrue annual leave hours on a prorated basis Annual leave is sometimes referred to as vacation leave
annual meeting
(National Convention) The meeting held in June each year to conduct business of the U S Jaycees This is where the National President and Vice President are elected Many Connecticut Jaycees attend because it is fun opportunity to meet Jaycees from all 50 states (see onto)
annual meeting
A stockholder meeting that is held yearly Annual meetings are used by corporate executives to report on the year's results, to elect the board of directors, and to transact other business The chief executive officer customarily makes a statement on the outlook for the next year and conducts a question and answer period If a shareholder is unable to attend the annual meeting, the owner may vote for directors and pass on resolutions through the use of a proxy Proxy materials are mailed to all shareholders of record
annual meeting
Once-a-year meeting at which the managers of a company present a report on its operations to shareholders, and the board of directors is elected for the coming year
annual meeting
The meeting held in June each year to conduct business of The U S Jaycees It's at this meeting that a president and eleven vice presidents, with one being elected by the Metro Conference, are elected Each chapter may send delegates to the Annual Meeting, also known as the National Convention
annual meeting
The meeting of stockholders each year called to elect officers and directors, to ratify actions of officers and directors and to vote on corporate metters which come before it Generally, articles of organization or by-laws fix a date for such meeting each year Annual meetins are required of publically held corporations
annual meeting
Corporate law and stock exchange rules require public corporations to hold annual shareholder meetings to elect directors and conduct other shareholder business Often, annual meetings are mainly ceremonial because most shareholders' votes are cast by mail through proxy cards, and the outcome is a foregone conclusion However, some annual meetings can devolve to proxy fights and verbal attacks against management when an issue is hotly contested
annual meeting
A yearly meeting of shareholders at which directors are elected and other general business of the corporation is conducted
annual meeting
A meeting held once a year where the officers of a company report to shareholders on the previous year's results, and the board of directors stands for election for the next year The chief executive officer usually comments on the outlook for the coming year and, with other senior officers, answers questions from shareholders
annual meeting
annual gathering, annual assembly
annual meeting
Meeting of stockholder held once a year at which the managers of a company report to the stockholders on the year's results
annual meeting
The Society of American Archivists holds an annual conference for several days in late summer More than 70 sessions, tours, and special events cover a wide range of subject matter
annual meeting
Meeting of Community Delegates to elect the Board of Directors and Officers each year
annual percentage rate
(Banking) percentage rate of yearly interest on credit and loans (according to the law the lender must indicate the rate), APR
annual quota
amount of something which is allowed every year
annual real yield to maturity
index used to estimate whether or not it is worthwhile to invest in a company or firm via the taking into account of the affects of changes in the index
annual report
A report published voluntarily by a foundation or corporation describing its grant activities It may be a simple, typed document listing the year's grants or an elaborately detailed publication A growing number of foundations and corporations use an annual report as an effective means of informing the community about their contributions, activities, policies, and guidelines
annual report
The formal financial statements and report on operations issued by a corporation to its shareholders after its fiscal year-end
annual report
State law (Public Resources Code section 41821 et seq ) requires each jurisdiction to annually submit a report to the Board that discusses that year's progress toward implementing waste diversion programs and/or facilities described in a jurisdiction's waste management planning documents This report also includes the jurisdiction's calculated annual diversion rate Annual reports are due to the Board August 1 each year for the prior calendar year The Board developed a model annual report to help jurisdictions more easily meet this requirement
annual report
a two part financial report including a statement of assets and liabilities referred to as balance sheet The second portion has an accompanying statement of income and expenses prepared as of the conclusion of the fiscal year of that organization
annual report
A report that public companies are required to file annually which describes the preceding year’s financial results and plans for the upcoming year Annual reports include information about a company’s assets, liabilities, earnings, profits, and other year-end statistics
annual report
Public companies are required to file an annual report with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) detailing the preceding year's financial results and plans for the upcoming year Its regulatory version is called "Form 10 K " The report contains financial information concerning a company's assets, liabilities, earnings, profits and other year-end statistics
annual report
A voluntary report issued by a foundation or corporation that provides financial data and descriptions of its grantmaking activities Annual reports vary in format from simple typewritten documents listing the year's grants to detailed publications that provide substantial information about the grantmaker's grantmaking programs
annual report
The formal financial statements and report on operations issued by a company to its shareholders after its fiscal year-end
annual report
(10 K) Public companies are required to file an annual report with the Securities and Exchange Commission detailing the preceding year's financial results and plans for the upcoming year Its regulatory version is called "Form 10 K " The report contains financial information concerning a company's assets, liabilities, earnings, profits, and other year-end statistics The annual report is also the most widely-read shareholder communication (See management's discussion and analysis)
annual report
A yearly statement of a public company's operating and financial performance, punctuated by pictures of families enjoying the firm's products and/or services
annual report
yearly report, yearly publication containing data and facts about the past year's activities
annual report
Companies send their shareholders an annual report at the end of a fiscal year The magazine or brochure sizes up company operations and displays earnings, sales, balance sheets and financial footnotes
annual report
Yearly written financial statements issued by a corporation Mutual funds are required to provide annual reports and semiannual reports which include the portfolio manager's review of investments, statements of assets and liabilities, statements of operations and other financial information
annual report
A booklet sent by companies to shareholders once a year It depicts the company operations and describes earnings, balance sheets, profits, sales and other important facts about the company It lists detailed descriptions of the company business
annual report
A report prepared by management once each year describing the financial and organizational condition of the company, institution or agency and describing the activities that were engaged in during the past year [OTS] The formal financial statement issued yearly by a publicly owned corporation The report shows assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and earnings The report also shows the company's financial condition at the close of the business year and other basic information of interest to shareholders [NYSE] Yearly record of a publicly held company's financial condition It includes a description of the firm's operations, its balance sheet and income statement SEC rules require that it be distributed to all shareholders A more detailed version is called a 10-K [Harvey]
annual report
An audited report of a corporation's year-end financial results and operations filed annually with the SEC The report contains detailed information related to the company's financial condition, legal liabilities and plans for the upcoming year Shareholders may obtain a free copy of this report from the corporation
annual report
A voluntary report published by a foundation or corporate giving program that details its financial status, grant activities, and application guidelines and procedures Produced primarily by larger foundations, an annual report can be a valuable source of information about a potential funder
annual report
A yearly statement of a public company's operating and financial performance The report includes required elements such as a report of independent accountants and the company's consolidated statements of income, consolidated balance sheets, consolidated statements of changes in shareholders' equity and consolidated statements of cash flows
annual report
The formal financial statement issued yearly by a corporation The annual report shows assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and earnings - how the company stood at the close of the business year, how it fared profit-wise during the year, as well as other information of interest to shareowners
annual report
A voluntary report published by a foundation or corporation describing its grant activities It may be a simple, typed document listing the year's grants or an elaborately detailed publication A growing number of foundations and corporations use an annual report as an effective means of informing the community about their contributions activities, policies and guidelines
annual report
Audited document required by the SEC and sent to a public company's or mutual fund's shareholders at the end of each fiscal year, reporting the financial results for the year (including the balance sheet and income statement) and commenting on the outlook for the future The term sometimes refers to the glossy, colorful brochure and sometimes to Form 10-K, which is sent along with the brochure and contains more detailed financial information
annual report
  A voluntary report issued by a foundation or corporation that provides financial data and descriptions of grantmaking activities Annual reports vary in format from simple typewritten documents listing the year's grants to detailed publications that provide substantial information about the grantmaking program Many organizations post the Annual Report on their Web site
annual report
Corporations are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to issue yearly written accounts to shareholders that contain past performance, future goals, and other important financial information Mutual funds are required to provide annual reports that include investment reviews from the portfolio manager and other financial information Funds must provide semiannual reports as well
annual report
An annual report is a record published every year by a publicly held corporation that details its financial condition The report, which must be distributed to all shareholders, contains a description of the company's operations, its balance sheet, income statement, and other relevant information The official SEC terminology for an annual report is a 10-K form BACK TO TOP
annual report
A report a company publishes for its stockholders at the end of each fiscal year The report includes required elements such as an auditors' report and the company's statement of earnings, statement of financial position, and statement of cash flows The report also includes elements such as letters and articles by the company's executives, information on its financial condition, and significant events Assets Anything companies own These things might be physical assets such as buildings, trucks, inventories of products, equipment, and cash Or these things might be intangible assets such as goodwill, trademarks, and patents Listed as a category on the statement of financial position See also accounts receivable, current assets, fixed assets, noncurrent assets
annual report
A printed publication submitted each year by the officers of a publicly held company to its board of directors (or other governing body) and published in softcover for distribution to current and prospective shareholders, describing the firm's current financial position and its activities during the previous fiscal year Some corporations also make their annual reports available online
annual rest basis
method of calculating interest rate of a loan per the balance still unpaid from the start of the year
annual return
- The percentage of change in a mutual fund's net asset value over a year, after factoring in dividend receipts, capital gains, and reinvestment of these distributions
annual return
A document required to be filed in the jurisdiction of incorporation once per year which confirms basic information about the structure of a Corporation
annual return
A summary of company structure, registered address and shareholding that must be filed by every company each year with Companies House
annual return
The simple rate of return earned by an investment for each year
annual return
The percentage of change in a mutual fund's net asset value over a year's time, factoring in income dividend payments, capital gains, distributions, and assuring reinvestment of these distributions
annual return
The percentage increase in the value of an investment over a 12-month period or a series of 12-month periods, taking into account compounding of investment dividends or capital gains
annual return
An IRS form required yearly of every employer who maintains a pension, annuity or profit-sharing plan, including a Keogh plan, that contains information with respect to the qualification, financial conditions and operations of the plan
annual return
The total return of a security over a specified period, expressed as an annual rate of interest
annual return
Form 22 under the CBCA (see Annex H) This form is not to be confused with annual financial statements or annual reports
annual return
yearly yield, yearly proceeds, return which is earned in one year
annual return
Companies House will send you a form containing the information it has in file about your company, its Officers and its Shareholders You need to check the accuracy of the information, make changes or add information as necessary and file any forms required to register the changes
annual return
This is a document, required by the government of many countries, providing certain details about the company It often includes details of members, directors, the address of the company and sometimes some financial information
annual return
The average annual profit or loss realized by an investment at the end of a specified calendar period
annual ring
The layer of wood formed in a plant during a single year. Annual rings appear concentric when viewed in cross section
annual ring
The growth layer of one year, as viewed on the cross section of a stem, branch, or root
annual ring
One ring of springwood and summerwood added to a growing tree each year
annual ring
an annual formation of wood in plants as they grow
annual ring
A line appearing on tree cross-sections marking the end of a growing season and showing the volume of wood added during the year
annual ring
The combination of one earlywood layer (light colored) and one latewood layer (dark colored) seen in a cross-section of a tree One annual ring usually represents one year of growth
annual salary
total salary earned during the period of one year
annual salt-marsh aster
a variety of aster
annual statement
= A report to the state insurance department of the year's financial results The insurer's income and expenses are stated in detail as well as its assets and liabilities
annual statement
The annual report format prescribed by the NAIC and the states
annual statement
The annual report, as of December 31, of an insurer to a state insurance department, showing assets and liabilities, receipts and disbursements, and other financial data
annual statement
A report to the state insurance department of the year's financial results The insurer's income and expenses are stated in detail as well as its assets and liabilities (G)
annual statement
A company's yearly financial report that is required by the various state insurance departments The report covers the calendar year period and is presented in a form agreed upon by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners This form is also known as the Annual Convention Blank
annual statement
A summary of an insurance company's (or reinsurer's) financial operations for a particular year, including a balance sheet supported by detailed exhibits and schedules, filed with the (state) insurance department of each jurisdiction in which the company is licensed to conduct business Also known as Convention Blank (USA)
annual statement
An accounting report that insurers must file each year with the appropriate regulatory agency This report contains detailed accounting and statistical data that regulators use to evaluate a life and health insurance company's solvency and its compliance with insurance laws
annual statement
Summary of an insurer's or reinsurer's financial operations for a particular year, including a balance sheet It is filed with the state insurance department of each jurisdiction in which the company is licensed to conduct business
annual statement
A report to the state insurance department of the year’s financial results The insurer’s income and expenses are stated in detail as well as its assets and liabilities
annual turnover
yearly rotation, yearly change
annual vacation
yearly trip, yearly vacation, yearly holiday
annual yield
yearly return, yearly proceeds, yield obtained in one year
annual yield to maturity
annual interest on the turnover on a bond (method for calculating the profitability of investment in a bond)
first annual
The second occurrence of an annual event, that is, the first occurrence that is indeed annual
first annual
The first occurrence of an event that is scheduled or hoped to become annual
{a} yearly, year by year
Equivalent annual benefit
(Ekonomi) The annual annuity with the same value as the net present value of an investment project
by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received); "he earned $100,000 per annum"; "we issue six volumes per annum"
without missing a year; "they travel to China annually"
Once every year without fail, yearly
Yearly; year by year
without missing a year; "they travel to China annually
once a year
Publications which appear once a year
Plants that live less than 12 months
plural of annual
Plants that normally live less that one year
Vegetables or flowers that grow for only one season and need to be replanted from seed or plants each spring
Plants that flower and complete thier life cycle in the same year that they are raised from a seed
An annual is a plant that sprouts, grows, flowers, and dies within one growing season Some re-seed themselves
Plants that grow from seeds and complete their lifecycle in less than 12 months
are plants that complete their life cycles (seed germination to seed production), within a single season and die
effective annual return
rate of profit yielded by an investment over the course of a year
semi-annual statement
review that is handed in every six months, review that covers the actions that occurred throughout six months
staff annual leave
yearly vacation of all employees