
listen to the pronunciation of aller…
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف aller… في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


I am very against the legalisation of drugs - Uyuşturucuların yasalaşmasına tümüyle karşıyım.


We got very drunk. - Zilzurna sarhoş olduk.

ta kendisi

You are the very definition of love - Sen aşkın ta kendisisin.


Seni anlamak gerçekten çok zor. - Understanding you is really very hard.

Tokyo çok büyük bir şehirdir. - Tokyo is a very big city.


Yemek hakkında pek müşgülpesent değilim. - I'm not very particular about food.

Senin ve benim aramda, Tom'un fikri pek ilgimi çekmiyor. - Between you and me, Tom's idea doesn't appeal to me very much.


Bir köpek çok aç olduğu zaman, yemeğini bir çırpıda bitirir. - When a dog is very hungry, it devours its food.

Mac, benim arkadaşım. O, köpekleri çok sever. - Mac is my friend. He likes dogs very much.


He left his last job for very this reason - İşinde tam bu yüzden ayrıldı.

Bu tam aradığım video. - This is the very video I have been looking for.

Trafik çok yoğundu. Arabalar tampon tampona dizilmişti. - The traffic was very heavy. The cars were lined up bumper to bumper.


Marcus had scratched a door; the very one I had just entered moments ago, with a pen that had run out of ink - Marcus birkaç dakika önce girmiş olduğum aynı kapıyı mürekkebi tükenmiş bir kalemle çizdi.

Tom'un yaptığı çok emniyetli olmayan tek şey her Web sitesi için aynı şifreyi kullanmasıdır. - One thing Tom does that isn't very safe is that he uses the same password for every website.

O imkansız. Seninle aynı fikirde olmamalıyım. Bu çok mümkün. - That's impossible. I must disagree with you. It's very much possible.


Those were his very last words - Bunlar onun en son sözleriydi.

çok, pek, gayet: very good çok iyi. very warm pek sıcak. He speaks English very well. İngilizceyi gayet iyi konuşuyor

This is the very proof of God's grace - Bu Tanrı'nın lütfunun kati kanıtıdır.

Leyla ve Sami çok korkunç bir katil çiftiydi. - Layla and Sami were a very gruesome couple of killers.

Seri katillerin çoğu, çocukluklarında şiddete maruz kalmışlardır, ama çocukluklarında şiddete maruz kalan çok az insan, sonradan seri katil olmuştur. - Most serial killers have experienced brutal childhoods, but very few people who experienced brutal childhoods later become serial killers.

{s} bile

Mayısta bile burada hava çok soğuk olabilir. - It can be very cold here even in May.

Makyajsızken bile çok hoş. - Even without makeup, she's very cute.

{s} salt

O salt melodi bana gençliğimi hatırlattı. - That very tune reminded me of my adolescence.

Marriage is the very thing for you Evlilik se
(sıfat) tam, bile, sırf, salt, mutlâk, çok, gerçek, aynı, özel
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
to a great extent or degree; extremely; exceedingly

You’re very tall.

The same; identical

That's the very tool that I need.

emphasis Very is used to give emphasis to an adjective or adverb. The problem and the answer are very simple It is very, very strong evidence indeed I'm very sorry They are getting the hang of it very quickly Thank you very much The men were very much like my father
emphasis You use very with nouns to emphasize that something is exactly the right one or exactly the same one. Everybody says he is the very man for the case She died in this very house
emphasis You use very with certain nouns in order to specify an extreme position or extreme point in time. At the very back of the yard, several feet from Lenny, was a wooden shack I turned to the very end of the book, to read the final words He was wrong from the very beginning We still do not have enough women at the very top
precisely as stated; "the very center of town"
emphasis You use very to give emphasis to a superlative adjective or adverb. For example, if you say that something is the very best, you are emphasizing that it is the best. They will be helped by the very latest in navigation aids At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence
formulae Very well is used to say that you agree to do something or you accept someone's answer, even though you might not be completely satisfied with it. `We need proof, sir.' Another pause. Then, `Very well.' Very well, please yourself. = all right
True; real; actual; veritable
A system of signaling in which balls of red and green fire are fired from a pistol, the arrangement in groups denoting numbers having a code significance
true, truly
used to give emphasis to the relevance of the thing modified; "his very name struck terror"; "caught in the very act"
precisely so; "on the very next page"; "he expected the very opposite
In a high degree; to no small extent; exceedingly; excessively; extremely; as, a very great mountain; a very bright sum; a very cold day; the river flows very rapidly; he was very much hurt
Not very is used with an adjective or adverb to say that something is not at all true, or that it is true only to a small degree. She's not very impressed with them It's obviously not used very much `How well do you know her?' --- `Not very.'
to a great extent or degree
emphasis You use very with nouns to emphasize the importance or seriousness of what you are saying. At one stage his very life was in danger The very basis of Indian politics has been transformed History is taking place before your very eyes
emphasis The expression very much so is an emphatic way of answering `yes' to something or saying that it is true or correct. `Are you enjoying your holiday?' --- `Very much so.'
extremely, in an emphasized manner
Aller (Fluss)
Aller (river)
Aller Anfang ist schwer.
We must walk before we run
Aller Anfang ist schwer.
Every beginning is hard
Aller guten Dinge sind drei.
All good things come in threes
Aller guten Dinge sind drei.
All good things go by three
aller Art
of all sorts
aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach
in all likelihood
aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach
in all probability
aller außer einigen wenigen
all but a few
allmähliche Nutzung aller möglichen Flächen für Werbung
ad creep
'Candide oder die beste aller Welten' (von Voltaire / Werktitel)
'Candide or all for the Best' (by Voltaire / work title)
'Das Herz aller Dinge' (von Greene / Werktitel)
'The Heart of the Matter' (by Greene / work title)
Abfälle aller Art werden ans Ufer gespült.
Rubbish of all sorts is washed up on the shore
Ausnutzen aller (gerade noch erlaubten) Tricks
Das öffnet den Forderungen aller anderen Tür und Tor.
That opens the flood gates to the demands of all the others
Der Polizist notierte sich die Namen aller Beteiligten.
The policeman noted down the names of all the people involved
Die Mitwirkung aller Länder wäre zweckmäßig.
It would be appropriate for all countries to contribute
Ein Viertel aller Straftaten entfällt auf Jugenddelikte.
One quarter of all crime is attributable to juvenile offending
Entzündung aller Schichten der Herzwand
Er zeigte es vor aller Augen.
He showed it for all the world to see
Für mich sind sie die beste Popgruppe aller Zeiten.
They are, for what it's worth, the best pop group ever
Gewinn pro Aktie einschließlich aller Umtauschrechte
diluted earnings per share
Ich muss in aller Frühe aufbrechen.
I have to start bright and early
Katholiken aller Altersstufen, praktizierend und nichtpraktizierend
Catholics of all ages, both practising and lapsed
Leute aller Stände
people of all ranks
Medikamente aller Art
drugs of every description/of all descriptions
Mit 21 war er Großbritanniens jüngster Stationsvorsteher aller Zeiten.
At 21 he was Britain's youngest ever Station Manager
Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang.
Idleness is the root of all evil
Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang.
Idleness is the root of mischief
Nachstehend eine Aufstellung aller Kreditkartenumsätze.
The following is a list of all credit card transactions
Nachstehend eine Aufstellung aller eingesandten Diskussionsbeiträge.
A list follows of all the messages (which have been) posted
Netzneutralität (Gleichbehandlung aller Internetbenutzer durch die Zugangsanbiet
Internet neutrality
Netzneutralität (Gleichbehandlung aller Internetbenutzer durch die Zugangsanbiet
network neutrality
Netzneutralität (Gleichbehandlung aller Internetbenutzer durch die Zugangsanbiet
net neutrality
Noch ist nicht aller Tage Abend.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings
Noch ist nicht aller Tage Abend.
It is not over till the fat lady sings
Politiker aller Couleurs
politicians of every political complexion
Psychische Erkrankungen machen mittlerweile fast die Hälfte aller Krankheiten be
Mental illness is now nearly a half of all ill health suffered by people under 65
Quadriplegie (Lähmung aller Gliedmaßen)
Quadriplegie (Lähmung aller Gliedmaßen)
quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs)
Quadriplegie (Lähmung aller Gliedmaßen)
Schuldversprechen aller Art
Sie standen in aller Herrgottsfrühe auf.
They got up at an unearthly hour
Spätestens seit seinem Fernsehauftritt ist er in aller Munde.
He has been the talk of the town since he appeared on TV, if not earlier
Steuerdatenbank (Verzeichnis aller Steuerpflichtigen)
taxpayer database
Ständige Konferenz der Kultusministerien aller Bundesländer /KMK/
Standing Staff of Conference of the Ministries of Culture Affairs
Summe aller äußeren Kräfte
sum of all external forces
Wert eines Grundstücks- oder Gesellschaftsanteils nach Abzug aller Belastungen
Wert eines Grundstücks- oder Gesellschaftsanteils nach Abzug aller Belastungen
equity of redemption
automatische/feste Rufumleitung (aller eingehenden Anrufe)
call forward all calls /CFAC/
automatische/feste Rufumleitung (aller eingehenden Anrufe)
call forwarding uncondition /CFUC/
bei aller Liebe zur Sozialpolitik
however much we may cherish social policy
bei aller Wertschätzung für …
notwithstanding my/our respect for …
das Maß aller Dinge
the measure of all things
den Anleihenmarkt mit aller Macht davon überzeugen wollen, dass …
to jawbone the bond market into believing that …
der Erfüllung aller Verträge verweigern, die Barzahlung vorsehen
to repudiate all contracts that require cash payment
die Erstattung aller entstandenen Spesen
the reimbursement of any expenses incurred
ein Film, der die Folgen des Rauchens in aller Deutlichkeit bewusst macht
a film ramming home the consequences of smoking
eine Aufzählung aller Fakten
a recital of all the facts
etw. in aller Ruhe tun
to do something in peace and quiet
etw. mit aller Entschiedenheit ablehnen
to reject something flatly
etw. mit aller Entschiedenheit dementieren
to deny something categorically
etw. schnell / in aller Eile zusammenschustern
to put something together in a hurry / in some haste
in 90 Prozent aller Fälle
in 90 per cent of cases
in aller Aufrichtigkeit
in all sincerity
in aller Ausführlichkeit
at great length
in aller Ausführlichkeit
in fulsome detail
in aller Bescheidenheit
in all modesty
in aller Deutlichkeit bewusst machen
to press home <> something
in aller Deutlichkeit bewusst machen
to hammer home <> something
in aller Deutlichkeit bewusst machen
to ram home <> something (to somebody)
in aller Deutlichkeit bewusst machen
to drive home <> something
in aller Eile
at a rush
in aller Eile
on the rush
in aller Form
in due form
in aller Heimlichkeit
in aller Herrgottsfrühe
at an unearthly hour
in aller Herrgottsfrühe
at the crack of dawn
in aller Kürze
very briefly
in aller Wahrscheinlichkeit
in all likelihood
in aller Wahrscheinlichkeit
in all probability
in aller Öffentlichkeit
in the open
in aller Öffentlichkeit
for all to see
in aller Öffentlichkeit
in full view of people/the public
in aller Öffentlichkeit
coram populo
in/mit aller Offenheit
quite frankly/candidly
jdn. mit (aller) Gewalt dazu bringen, sich seiner Autorität unterzuordnen
to force somebody into submission to their authority
jenseits aller Vorstellung sein
to be mind-boggling
jenseits aller Vorstellung sein
to boggle the imagination (matter)
jenseits aller Vorstellung sein
to boggle the mind
jenseits aller Vorstellungskraft
beyond imagination (postpositive)
mit aller Deutlichkeit
quite distinctly
mit aller Gewalt
with might and main
mit aller Gewalt
by hook or crook
mit aller Gewalt
by hook or by crook
mit aller Gewalt
(at) full tilt
mit aller Kraft
with a vengeance
mit aller Kraft
with all one's strength
mit aller Kraft arbeiten
to be at full stretch
mit aller Macht
with a vengeance
nach Erledigung aller Formalitäten
on/after completion of all formalities
sich irgendwo mit (aller) Gewalt hineindrängeln
to muscle in (on something)
systematisches Besuchen aller Auswärtsspiele der Mannschaft, deren Anhänger man
trotz aller Ermahnungen
despite all warnings
trotz aller Mühe
in spite of every effort
trotz aller gegenteiligen Beteuerungen
despite all (your) protestations/asseverations/assurances/rhetoric to the contrary
ungeachtet aller Ermahnungen
despite all warnings
unter Berücksichtigung aller Vorschriften
subject to all regulations
unter Berücksichtigung aller maßgeblichen Umstände
in the light of all the relevant circumstances
unter Einbeziehung aller Faktoren
taking all factors into account
unter Einsatz aller Kräfte
unter aller Kritik
beneath contempt
vor aller Augen
in full view of people/the public
vor aller Augen
coram populo
vor aller Augen
for all to see
vor aller Augen
in the open
vor aller Welt
for all to see
vor aller Welt
coram populo
vor aller Welt
in the open
vor aller Welt
in full view of people/the public
zur Überraschung aller
to the surprise of all
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف aller… في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Of all; used in composition; as, alderbest, best of all, alderwisest, wisest of all
Same as Alder, of all
laissez aller
unrestrained freedom; freedom without constraint
pis aller
French for `worst going'
الفرنسية - ألمانية

تعريف aller… في الفرنسية ألمانية القاموس.

aller de l'avant
s'en aller