
listen to the pronunciation of adjustment
الإنجليزية - التركية

Açıkçası ayarlamak zordu. - Obviously the adjustment was hard.

Makinenin ayarlaması mühendisler tarafından halledildi. - The adjustment of the machinery was taken care of by engineers.


Makinenin ayarlaması mühendisler tarafından halledildi. - The adjustment of the machinery was taken care of by engineers.

Bir tutum ayarlamasına ihtiyacın var. - You need an attitude adjustment.

(Tekstil) ayarlama, düzenleme, alıştırma, ölçüleme
{i} düzeltme
(Ticaret) denkleşme
(Ticaret) denkleştirme
(Dilbilim) uyarlama
(Ticaret) tanzim
{i} alışma
{i} uydurma
{i} kendini alıştırma
(Askeri) ATIŞ TANZİMİ: Orta vuruş noktasını hedef üzerine oturtmak için gözetlemeli atış yapılması
{i} halletme
{i} dispeç
(Askeri) (OF FIRE) Atış tanzimi
{i} tic. tazminat miktarının sigortalı ve sigortacı arasında kararlaştırılması
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyum sağlama

Açıkçası ayarlamak zordu. - Obviously the adjustment was hard.


Yeni işine hızlı bir şekilde uyum sağladı. - She made a quick adjustment to her new job.

Bir uyum dönemi vardı. - There was an adjustment period.

{f} ayarlamak

Herkes ayarlamak zorunda. - Everybody has to adjust.

Herkes ayarlamak zorunda. - Everyone has to adjust.

adjustment bond
(Ticaret) kara katılmalı tahvil
adjustment correction
(Askeri) tanzim düzeltmesi
adjustment device
ayar tertibatı
adjustment range
ayar aralığı
adjustment indicator
ayar göstergesi
adjustment knob
ayar butonu
adjustment knob
adjustment of a curve
eğri ayarı
adjustment of height
yükseklik ayarı
adjustment of length
uzunluk ayarı
adjustment of width
genişlik ayarı
adjustment screw
ayar vidası
adjustment spring
ayar yayı
adjustment assistance
intibak yardımı
adjustment item
ayarı öge
adjustment of lengths
uzunluk ayarı
adjustment of thermometer
Termometrenin ayarı
adjustment status
sıkışma durumu
adjustment assistance
(Ticaret) uyum yardımları
adjustment cap
(Havacılık) ayar kapağı
adjustment cap
(Havacılık) ayar kepi
adjustment chart
(Askeri) ATIŞ TANZİM PLANI: Atış tanzimi veya düzeltmesi için gerekli bilgilere ait kayıtlar; atışın tanziminde kullanılan cetvel. Bu terim halen kullanılmamaktadır
adjustment chart
(Askeri) Atış tanzim planı
adjustment correction
(Askeri) TANZİM DÜZELTMESİ: Bak. "arbitrary correction"
adjustment drawing
ayarlama resmi
adjustment hole
(Tekstil) ayarlama deliği
adjustment in marriage
evlilikte uyum
adjustment inventory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyum anketi
adjustment laws
(Politika, Siyaset) uyum yasaları
adjustment mechanism
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyum mekanizması
adjustment of account
(Ticaret) hesap mutabakatı
adjustment of angles
(Askeri) AÇI HATLARININ DÜZELTİLMESİ: Açıların denkleştirilmesi; kapanma hatasını gidermek için, bu hatayı, geometrik bir şekil dahilinde veya kapalı bir travers üzerinde bulunan ölçülmüş veya hesaplanmış açılar arasında, eşit şekilde bölüştürme işlemi
adjustment of borders
(Politika, Siyaset) sınırların ayarlanması
adjustment of fire
(Askeri) ATIŞIN TANZİM EDİLMESİ: Topçu ve deniz topçu atışında gözetlemeli atış yapılırken doğru açı, mesafe ve (paralanma) / patlama yüksekliğinin (eğer ihtiraklı tapa kullanılıyorsa) elde edilmesi için kullanılan yöntemler. Ayrıca bak; "Fire of adjustment" ve "spot"
adjustment of mix
karışımın ayarlanması
adjustment of mixture
karışım ayarı
adjustment of tax
(Kanun) verginin düzeltilmesi
adjustment path
(Ticaret) ayarlanma yolu
adjustment plate
(Tekstil) ayar plakası
adjustment point
(Askeri) Tanzim noktası
adjustment policies
(Ticaret) maliye ve kur politikaları
adjustment processes
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyum süreçleri
adjustment programme
(Ticaret) uyumlaştırma programı
adjustment programme
(Ticaret) uyum programı
adjustment reaction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyum tepkisi
adjustment stop
(Otomotiv) ayar tahdidi
adaptively, with adjustment
uyarlanabilir, ayarlı

İnsanların yeni çevreye alışmak için sadece zamana ihtiyacı var. - People just need time to adjust to the new environment.

{f} alıştırmak

Tom gözlerini karanlığa alıştırmak için bir süre bekledi. - Tom waited a while to let his eyes adjust to the darkness.


Sık sık söylenildiği gibi kendini yeni bir çevreye uydurmak zordur. - As is often said, it is difficult to adjust yourself to a new environment.


Tom duşun sıcaklığını ayarlamaya çalıştı. - Tom tried to adjust the temperature of the shower.

Sesi nasıl ayarlayacağımı bana söyleyebilir misiniz? - Could you tell me how to adjust the volume?

uyum göstermek
ayar çekmek
(Tıp) uyum sağlamak
coarse adjustment
kaba ayar
coincidence adjustment
(Askeri) intibak ayarı
dose adjustment
(Çevre) doz ayarlaması
inflation adjustment
(Ticaret) enflasyon düzeltmesi
precision adjustment
(Askeri) ince tanzim
absolute adjustment
tam uyum
düzeltilebilir uydurulabilir
clutch adjustment
debriyaj ayarı
final cavity adjustment
son boşluk ayarlaması
fine adjustment
ince ayar
idling adjustment
rölanti ayarı
seat adjustment
koltuk ayarı
value adjustment
değer ayarlaması
zero adjustment
sıfır ayarı
coarse adjustment
kalın ayar
conducive to adjustment
ayarlamalarına elverişli
float adjustment
ayarı float
mutual adjustment
karşılıklı uyum
trimming adjustment
ayarı düzeltme
 bunker adjustment factor
bunker ayarlama faktörü
accurate adjustment
kesin ayar
accurate adjustment
tam ayar
accurate adjustment
doğru ayar

LASIK, kornea yüzeyini düzeltmek için kullanılan bir lazerdir. - In LASIK, a laser is used to adjust the surface of the cornea.

{f} halletmek
(Mukavele) ayar etmek, düzeltmek
{f} düzeltmek

LASIK, kornea yüzeyini düzeltmek için kullanılan bir lazerdir. - In LASIK, a laser is used to adjust the surface of the cornea.

ayarlamak ayarla
(Mimarlık) (to) alıştırmak
(Askeri) TANZİM: Belirli bir hedefte, tanzimi başlatması için gözcüye verilen emir; mermilerin hedefe vurmalarını temin için silahın yan ve yüksekliğini düzeltmek; ayarlama (k); ayar etmek; düzeltmek; alıştırmak

Herhangi bir düzenleme yapmadım. - I didn't make any adjustments.

{f} belirlemek
alıştırmak ayar etmek adjustable ayar edilebilir
(Nükleer Bilimler) ayar

Araba sürmeden önce frenleri kontrol edin ve ayarlayın. - Check and adjust the brakes before you drive.

Sesi nasıl ayarlayacağımı bana söyleyebilir misiniz? - Could you tell me how to adjust the volume?

{f} ayar etmek, ayarlamak
(Hukuk) uyumlulaştırmak
air adjustment
(Askeri) HAVA GÖZETLEMESİYLE ATIŞ TANZİMİ: Top ateşinin hava gözetlemesiyle tanzimi
air observer adjustment
azimuth adjustment slide rule
(Askeri) İSTİKAMET AÇISI DÜZELTME SÜRGÜLÜ CETVELİ: Bir yükselişte yapılan atışa ait bilinen bir açısal düzeltmeyi, başka bir yükselişe elverişli düzeltmeye çevirebilen dairesel sürgülü cetvel
bracket adjustment
(Askeri) ÇATAL TEŞKİLİ: Bak. "Bracketing method"
bracket adjustment
(Askeri) çatal teşkili
coincidence adjustment
(Askeri) İNTİBAK AYARI: Bir intibaklı telemetrede mesafe ayarlaması
creeping method of adjustment
(Askeri) YAKLAŞTIRMA USULÜ İLE ATIŞ TANZİMİ: İlk atımları çok uzağa düşürmek ve sonraki atımların mesafesini tedricen ve dikkatle kısaltmak suretiyle, dost kıtalara yakın bir düşman mevziinin mesafesini bulma usulü
diopter adjustment
(Askeri) diyoptri ayarı
disciplinary and adjustment board
(Askeri) DİSİPLİN VE İNCELEME KURULU: Bak. "discipline and adjustment board"
discipline and adjustment board
(Askeri) DİSİPLİN VE İNCELEME KURULU: Hafif suçluların bulunduğu bir cezaevi komutanı tarafından tayin edilmiş, en az üç subaydan oluşan bir kurul. Bu kurulun vazifesi; kanun ve yönetmeliklere aykırı hareketleri incelemek; bunlar için uygun disiplin tedbirleri teklif etmek; komutan veya karargah heyetinin diğer mensupları tarafından kendisine havale edilmiş mahpusların karar tashih problemlerini inceleyip hallinde yardımcı olmaktır
fire adjustment
(Askeri) Ateş tanzimi
fire adjustment
(Askeri) ATIŞ TANZİMİ: Merminin, veya orta vuruş noktasının istenilen noktaya isabetini veya merminin bu noktada paralanmasını sağlamak maksadıyla, silahın yükseliş ve istikametini veya merminin paralanma zamanını ayarlama. Otomatik silahlarda atış tanzimi, ilk atımın hedef civarına varmasından ATEŞ KES! (cease firing) komutuna kadar süren devamlı bir faaliyettir
fire adjustment board
(Askeri) ATEŞ TANZİM LEVHASI: Topçu birlikleri tarafından ateşin gözetlenmesi sonucunda yapılması gereken düzeltmelerin hesaplanmasında kullanılan özel plançete. Bu levha yapılan düzenlemelerin devamlı kayıtlarını gösterir
fire for adjustment
(Askeri) TANZİM ATIŞI: Orta vuruş veya paralanma noktasını hedefin istenen yerine isabet ettirecek atış esaslarını tespit maksadıyla yapılan atış
fiscal adjustment
maliye ayarlamaları
flash ranging adjustment
(Askeri) IŞIK ÖLÇMESİYLE TANZİM: Kendi topçu mermilerimizin paralanma noktalarındaki parıltılarını gözetlemek ve yerlerini tayin etmek suretiyle topçu ateşinin tanzimi
gradual adjustment hypothesis
(Ticaret) tedrici ayarlanma hipotezi
halving adjustment
(Askeri) Telemetre ayarı
halving adjustment
(Askeri) TELEMETRE AYARI: Bir intibaklı telemetrenin (coincidence type range finder) ayarlanması. Bunda; telemetre intibak hattı ile birbirinden ayrılmış bulunan görüş sahasındaki iki hayal, bir cisimle onun aynadaki aksi gibi tamamen birbirine intibak ettirilir
hasty sling adjustment
(Askeri) ACELE TÜFEK KAYIŞI AYARI: Atış esnasında sarsıntıyı önlemek için, tüfek kayışının süratle ayarlanması. Askı kayışı sol kolun altından ve arkasından geçirilir. Bu ayarlama, tüfek kayışı ilmek ayarından daha çabuk yapılır; fakat, onun kadar sağlam olmaz. Buna (hasty sling) de denir. Bak. "loop sling adjustment"
hasty sling adjustment
(Askeri) acele tüfek kayışı ayarı
hood bump stop adjustment
(Otomotiv) kaput lastik dayama ayarı
hood bump stop adjustment
(Otomotiv) kaput yükseklik ayarı
idling adjustment
(Otomotiv) rölanti ayan
ignition adjustment
ateşleme ayarı
inflation adjustment profits
(Ticaret) enflasyon düzeltme karları
initial adjustment
ilk ayar
inventory adjustment
(Askeri) STOK AYARLAMASI: Kayıttaki stok mevcudu bakiyesinin gerçek fiili mal mevcudu ile uzlaştırılması
lack of adjustment
level adjustment
duzey ayari
loop sling adjustment
(Askeri) TÜFEK KAYIŞI İLMEK AYARI: Bak. "loop sling"
lumber support adjustment
bel destek ayarı
mirror adjustment
(Otomotiv) ayna ayarı
mixture adjustment
karışım ayarı
mobilization material requirement adjustment
(Askeri) SEFERBERLİK MALZEME İHTİYACI AYARLANMASI: Bir maddeden; bazı kuvvetlerini, yürürlükteki müşterek stratejik hedefler planına göre desteklenmesi için, seferberlik malzeme ihtiyaçlarına dahil edilen ve M-gününün tahmin edilen zamanda vaki olmaması halinde, aynı kuvvetlerin desteklenmesi için barış kuvveti malzeme ihtiyaçlarına da eklenmiş bulunan miktar. Ayrıca bakınız: "mobilization reserves"
nozzle adjustment
(Otomotiv) meme ayarı
pay adjustment document
positional adjustment; precision aircraft direction
(Askeri) konumsal ayarlama; hassas hava aracı yönetimi
possibility of adjustment
(Tekstil) ayarlama imkanı
precision adjustment
(Askeri) İNCE TANZİM, AYAR: Orta vuruş noktasını sıhhatle hedefe oturtmak için bir silah ateşinin dikkatle tanzimi
premorbid adjustment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) hastalık öncesi uyum
provision for adjustment
(Tekstil) ayarlama imkanı
rack adjustment
indeks ayarı
range adjustment
(Askeri) MESAFE TANZİMİ: Vuruş veya paralanmanın mesafeye göre hedef üzerinde bulunması için atiş esaslarında birbiri arkasından yapılan değişiklikler
salary adjustment
(Ticaret) maaş eşitlemeleri
sound ranging adjustment
(Askeri) SES ÖLÇMESİYLE TANZİM: Dost bir top veya batarya ateşini, paralanan mermilerinin sesine, ses ölçme usullerini uygulamak suretiyle tanzim
structural adjustment
yapısal düzen
structural adjustment loans
(Ticaret) yapısal uyum kredileri
structural adjustment plan
yapısal düzenleme planı
student adjustment
öğrenci intibakı
throttle cable adjustment
(Otomotiv) kelebek konum spiral ayarı
tilt adjustment lever
(Otomotiv) yükseklik ayar kolu
timing adjustment
(Otomotiv) ateşleme ayan
turnbuckle rod adjustment
gerdirme halkası
user adjustment
kullanici ayari
vocational adjustment
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mesleki uyum
zero adjustment
hassas ayarlama
zero adjustment
hatasız ayarlama
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The behavioural process of balancing conflicting needs, or needs against obstacles in the environment

When Jim graduated, he found adjustment to the working world difficult.

a small change; a minor correction; a modification

The credit card company made an adjustment to my account to waive the late fee.

{n} a regulation, a setting in order, a setting right, disposition, order
(Appréciation matérielle des dégâts ou Constatation des dommages ou Évaluation des dommages) The process of arriving at an amount of settlement in a claim It may consist of a series of computations to arrive at the amount of a loss as for example, in an uncomplicated fire loss or it may involve discussions of liability, quantum and other such matters as might be the case in a problem liability claim It may contain both
making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances
An Oracle Applications feature that allows you to increase or decrease the amount due of your invoice, debit memo, chargeback, deposit or guarantee Oracle Applications lets you create manual or automatic adjustments
(1) A payment and receipt application method used to modify an amount such as a minor write-off or outstanding freight charges and disputed taxes (2) The various amounts processed for each employee, such as pay, deductions, and benefits By definition, the adjustment amount either was not included in the taxable wage amount for the pay period, or is an amount that must be reported to the IRS even though it was previously included in the taxable wage In the first case, the employee is deemed responsible for the tax, so it must be added back to the taxable wage
Chiropractic is performed by using the hands to gently "adjust" misaligned vertebrae back into their proper position Because chiropractors work on a variety of people from newborns to the elderly, gentleness is always a priority
An adjustment is initiated by the acquirer to correct a processing error The error could be a duplication of a transaction or the result of a cardholder dispute The acquirer debits or credits the merchant DDA account for the dollar amount of the adjustment
The reprocessing of a change to a previously settled claim A new claim record will be created as a result of the adjustment The original resolved claim will remain as it is on the file
That which occurs when a chiropractic thrust succeeds in removing the subluxation and associated nerve interference
One of the six categories of payroll adjustments An adjustment adds earnings or amounts to an already-processed pay event It processes a manual check for an employee who (because of unreported hours, mis-entered hours, or excessive deduction amounts) was not given enough pay during the normal payroll cycle Note that 'adjustment' and 'payroll adjustment' are defined differently
the act of making something different (as e g the size of a garment)
entries made at the end of an accounting period to record previously unrecognized changes in assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses
Restoration of the misalignments of C1, the skull, spine, and pelvis to the vertical axis of the body (normal) and the establishment of equilibrium
the act of adjusting something to match a standard
an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit"
A debit or credit Transaction initiated by an Acquirer, or Terminal Operator on behalf of an Acquirer to correct a system error or to correct an out-of-balance condition identified in the Settlement process
Computing an expected value for an outcome variable by using statistical techniques that take the effects of key independent and/or exogenous variables into account (See also Baselining and Benchmarking )
A transaction that changes any information on a claim that has already been adjudicated
A specific treatment to the human body designed to improve the integrity of a joint In the Chiropractic profession there are over 60 separate and different ways to give an adjustment They can be categorized into 1) force, 2) minimum force and 3) non-force
Chiropractors are specially trained in restoring misaligned vertebrae to their proper position in the spinal column, thereby removing interference from the nervous system The procedure known as the chiropractic adjustment is the method used to restore that misalignment and to restore proper motion to the spine The adjustment is made by placing the hands on the spine and applying a specific force in a specific direction
Settling the amount due by an insurer in a marine insurance claim
Process designed to remove inconsistencies in measured or computed quantities by applying derived corrections to compensate for random or accidental errors
Official action normally by either change in the internal economic policies to correct a payment imbalance or in the official currency rate or
the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)
The changing of part of your game to be more competitive on the particular lane and/or lane condition you are bowling This can mean an alignment change, equipment change, or even changes in your physical or mental game; some are subtle, others more pronounced If you are not able to adjust, you will not reach your potential If you fail to try to adjust, you are doomed to repeat your mistakes
In guidelines sentencing, a defendant's base offense level may be adjusted upward or downward The guidelines call for adjustments based on the status of the victim, the offender's role in the offense, the existence of multiple counts, the defendant's obstruction of justice, and the defendant's acceptance of responsibility for the criminal conduct at issue One or more adjustments may apply
Decrease or increase in the sales price of a comparable property to account for a feature that the property has or does not have in comparison with the subject property
Adjustments refer to any modifications, negative or positive, that may occur in a user's compensation for three reasons: reimbursement for items purchased, additional compensation for extra hours a user may have worked, or additional compensation in the form of bonuses or discounts (money) Adjustments can be entered in a user's timesheet for any time entry
changing the way a company or a country's economy functions by spending more than you were on one thing and less on another, promoting this, discouraging that, employing more here and firing there until the thing works better
A change in the benefit amount on a claim
The act of adjusting, or condition of being adjusted; act of bringing into proper relations; regulation
An adjustment is a small change that is made to something such as a machine or a way of doing something. Compensation could be made by adjustments to taxation Investment is up by 5.7% after adjustment for inflation
Settlement of claims; an equitable arrangement of conflicting claims, as in set-off, contribution, exoneration, subrogation, and marshaling
{i} adjusting, adaptation; state of being adjusted; settlement of an insurance claim
The operation of bringing all the parts of an instrument, as a microscope or telescope, into their proper relative position for use; the condition of being thus adjusted; as, to get a good adjustment; to be in or out of adjustment
the act of adjusting something to match a standard making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances
An adjustment is a change in a person's behaviour or thinking. He will have to make major adjustments to his thinking if he is to survive in office
adjustment of the income tax scales
change in the salary classification system which dictates the estimated taxes to be paid on salaries
To modify

Morimoto's recipes are adjusted to suit the American palate.

To improve or rectify

He adjusted his initial conclusion to reflect the new data.

To settle an insurance claim
{f} modify; adapt; tune; fit, install; arrange; settle
{v} to fit, adapt, settle, set right
The process of moving text to fit between the left and right margins
Style Manager: Mouse dialog box: A setting of the MANIPULATION button (button 2) that assigns the functions of extending a text selection in a text field or extending a list selection in a multiple selection list to the point where the button is clicked See ADJUST button
The rightmost button on the mouse Usually used to alter things
To touch a piece or a pawn without the intention of making a move Adjusting the pieces is generally done to move a piece to the center of the square A player must announce "I adjust", "Adjust", or "J'adoube" (French for "I adjust") before touching his/her pieces If the player does not announce "adjust", he/she will be bound to move that piece on his/her next turn
Making disposition on a referral without going to court
place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table"
Sets attributes of a vertex
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
New Deal program to restore U.S. agricultural prosperity during the Great Depression. Established by an act of Congress in 1933, the AAA sought to curtail farm production of certain staples, in order to raise prices. It also established the Commodity Credit Corp., to make loans to farmers and to purchase and store crops in order to maintain farm prices. The program had limited success before it was declared unconstitutional in 1936
decide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim
To bring to a true relative position, as the parts of an instrument; to regulate for use; as, to adjust a telescope or microscope
make correspondent or conformable; "Adjust your eyes to the darkness"
If you adjust something, you change it so that it is more effective or appropriate. To attract investors, Panama has adjusted its tax and labour laws
To settle or bring to a satisfactory state, so that parties are agreed in the result; as, to adjust accounts; the differences are adjusted
If you adjust something such as your clothing or a machine, you correct or alter its position or setting. Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay
When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behaviour or your ideas. We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society I felt I had adjusted to the idea of being a mother very well It has been hard to adjust but now I'm getting satisfaction from my work. see also well-adjusted
adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation" alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels" make correspondent or conformable; "Adjust your eyes to the darkness" decide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim
If you adjust your vision or if your vision adjusts, the muscles of your eye or the pupils alter to cope with changes in light or distance. He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight We stood in the doorway until our eyes adjusted
To put in order; to regulate, or reduce to system
To make exact; to fit; to make correspondent or conformable; to bring into proper relations; as, to adjust a garment to the body, or things to a standard
alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"
adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"
base budget transfers make to or from a budget line
These are changes that you make to your basic recipe, based on taste, temperature or available ingredients on hand in your pantry or kitchen (see recipe)
Changes in the directions (actions) you are given, or the choices you've made
Property taxes and/or utility bills and condominium common expenses, if any, that have been prepaid by the vendor are pro-rated and paid by the purchaser to the vendor on closing
Since all real measurements are imperfect, some amount of error will accumulate in the course of a survey That error can be logically distributed throughout the survey by various adjustment procedures (i e , manipulation of the data to produce a more logical result) Adjustments can and should be done with any set of measurements for which error can be assessed
Money that the buyer and sellers credit each other at the time of closing Often includes taxes and down payment
plural of adjustment
A correction or modification to an account balance
Those items of a financial nature which are to be settled between the parties as of the Adjustment Date The usual items for adjustment are annual property taxes, water rates, local utilities, garbage removal, Strata Fees, Interest on assumed mortgages, and rents, but can also include fuel in a tank, prepaid cable services, insurance, and any other item for which one or the other of the parties should be compensated before the transaction is fully completed
This is a claim settlement When the insured submits claims that exceed the primary loss (after coinsurance, salvage, etc ), the Claims Department determines how much is due the insured
the process of allocating expenses (Council, electricity, phone, water rates) on settlement day that the seller has paid for but not used, and which the buyer has not used but will be billed for
Amounts payable to a party at closing, usually the Purchaser pays the Seller, for certain costs that have been paid prior to closing, such as real estate taxes, fuel oil and common charges If an amount is due and owing prior to closing, but was not paid, the Seller would pay the Purchaser for same at closing
In real estate sales, the changes made to the selling price to account for the advantages and disadvantages of the subject property, market conditions etc When closing a real estate transaction, the changes to the purchase price made as a result of realty taxes over- or under-paid by the Vendor, fuel oil provided, tenant's rental payments etc (Contained on the Statement of Adjustments)
The portion of property expenses such as taxes, council and water rates paid in advance by the vendor for which the purchaser may be liable
Certain events such as a stock split or a stock dividend (e g , a 3-for-2 stock split) An adjusted option may cover more than the usual one hundred shares For example, after a 3-for-2 stock split, the adjusted option will represent 150 shares For such options, the premium must be multiplied by a corresponding factor Example: buying 1 call (covering 150 shares) at 4 would cost $600 See also strike price interval
Money that both buyers and sellers credit to each other at closing, including taxes and down payment
Miscellaneous accounts receivable transactions entered to increase or decrease an invoice balance An example would be a spot aired incorrectly, or a spot was mistakenly left off the original invoice
Changes or adaptations made in real estate
made to the stated sale price to account for the effects of time, personal property, financing, or the like
Changes recorded on a worksheet to update any general ledger accounts at the end of any fiscal period
Adjustment for Variation in Quantity or Weight provides for the variations of quantity of 10% plus or minus for property sold by a unit other than weight, and a 25% variation for property sold by weight This article is amended in part 4 by article D to vary term sales by 50% variation
The additions and subtractions made in the market data or comparable sales approach to value to account for differences in location, design, age, etc between the properties being used as comparables and the subject property being appraised
cost-of-living adjustment
An adjustment made in wages that corresponds with a change in the cost of living
financial statements adjustment
presentation of financial records which take into account the rise of inflation
fire for adjustment
preliminary shots made to assess the range and angle of a target
interest adjustment
when additional repayments are made on a fixed loan, an interest adjustment cost is sometimes charged to compensate the lender for loss of interest revenue
interest adjustment
A date from which interest on the mortgage advanced is calculated for your regular payments This date is usually one payment period before regular mortgage payments begin, as interest payable is due from the date your mortgage is advanced
interest adjustment
Interest calculated on a mortgage loan for the number of days between the closing date and the end of the month The Borrower will have to pay this amount at through their lawyer on the closing date
rapid adjustment
quick adaptation to a new place or condition
seasonal adjustment
a statistical adjustment made to accommodate predictable fluctuations as a function of the season of the year; "seasonal adjustments for housing starts must be made in mid-winter
technical adjustment
insignificant change, minor change