abwesenheit infolge von krankheit

listen to the pronunciation of abwesenheit infolge von krankheit
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف abwesenheit infolge von krankheit في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

sick leave
(Askeri) istirahat
sick leave
(Askeri) İSTİRAHAT, SIHHİ İZİN: Askeri personele, hastalık veya yarasının iyileşmesi ya da hastaneye yatmadan herhangi bir tıbbi tedavi görmesi için verilen izin. Bu izin kanuni bir izin sayılmaz
sick leave
hastalık izni

Şimdi bir aydır hastalık izninde. - He has been on sick leave for a month now.

Tom hastalık izninde. - Tom is on sick leave.

ألمانية - الإنجليزية
sick leave
Paid absence from work specifically to recover from illness
Paid time off due to illness or injury
a leave of absence from work because of illness
exemption from work due to a sickness
Leave with pay available to staff for personal illness in accordance with the relevant agreement
Time off work taken for illness, non-work related injuries, doctor‘s appointments, and pregnancy
This is the direct pay that an employee received while using minor and/or major sick leave in 1999 This figure also includes any direct pay received from a 1999 sale of unused sick leave
Sick leave is the time that a person spends away from work because of illness or injury. I have been on sick leave for seven months with depression. Paid absence from work allowed an employee because of sickness. time that you are allowed to spend away from work because you are sick on sick leave