
listen to the pronunciation of a-list
الإنجليزية - التركية
Şov dünyasının en iyileri
{f} listelemek

Haydi bu konuda yeni sözcük haznesiyle cümleler bulun, yandaki _____ listesine onları ekleyin; ve çevirin. - Let's find sentences with new vocabulary on this topic, add them to the following list: _____; and translate them.

Diller listesinde neden Malta dili yok? - Why doesn't the list of languages include Maltese?

{i} geminin yan yatması
requirement list
ihtiyaç listesi
authorized parts list
(Askeri) yetki verilmiş parça listesi
bullet list
(Bilgisayar) madde işareti listesi
bullet list
(Bilgisayar) madde işaretli liste
choose a list
(Bilgisayar) liste seçin
choose list
(Bilgisayar) liste seç
column list
(Bilgisayar) sütun listesi
component list
bileşen listesi
contact list
(Bilgisayar) kişiler listesi
contact list
(Bilgisayar) kişi listesi
current list
(Bilgisayar) geçerli liste
custom list
(Bilgisayar) özel liste
definition list
(Bilgisayar) tanım listesi
detailed list
(Bilgisayar) ayrıntılı liste
device list
(Bilgisayar) aygıt listesi
driver list
(Bilgisayar) sürücü listesi
dropdown list
(Bilgisayar) açılır liste
edit list
(Bilgisayar) liste düzenle
edit list
(Bilgisayar) listeyi düzenle
empty list
(Bilgisayar) boş liste
equipment list
(Askeri) malzeme aksam listesi
exception list
(Bilgisayar) özel durumlar listesi
exception list
(Bilgisayar) özel durum listesi
exception list
(Bilgisayar) kural dışı durumlar listesi
exceptions list
(Bilgisayar) özel durum listesi
exclude from the list
liste dışı bırakmak
exclude list
(Bilgisayar) dışlama listesi
field list
(Bilgisayar) alan listesi
file list
(Bilgisayar) dosya listesi
folder list
(Bilgisayar) klasör listesi
guest list
davetli listesi
history list
(Bilgisayar) geçmiş listesi
hot list
(Bilgisayar) popüler liste
identifier list
(Bilgisayar) tanıtıcı
import list
(Ticaret) ithal listesi
item list
(Askeri) teçhizat kalem listesi
job list
(Bilgisayar) iş listesi
linked list
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) linklenmiş liste
(Ticaret) fiyat cetveli
(Ticaret) fiyat koymak
listeye geçirmek
(Bilgisayar) aşağıdaki listeye
(Bilgisayar) döküm
list files
(Bilgisayar) dosyaları listele
list names
(Bilgisayar) adları listele
list rows
(Bilgisayar) satırları listele
mail list
(Bilgisayar) posta listesi
menu list
(Bilgisayar) menü listesi
money list
(Askeri) maaş bordrosu
muster list
röle cetveli
notes list
(Bilgisayar) notlar listesi
on the list
packing list
(Ticaret) ambalaj listesi
packing list
(Askeri) muhteviyat listesi
part list
parça listesi
parts list
parça listesi
payroll money list
(Askeri) maaş bordrosu
promote list
(Bilgisayar) yükseltme listesi
publication list
yayın listesi
query list
(Ticaret) mal listesi
recently used file list
(Bilgisayar) son kullanılan dosyalar
recipient list
(Bilgisayar) alıcı listesi
refresh list
(Bilgisayar) listeyi yenile
room list
oda listesi
rooming list
(Turizm) müşteri listesi
rooming list
(Turizm) oda listesi
session list
(Bilgisayar) oturum listesi
sheet list
(Bilgisayar) sayfa listesi
shit list
(Argo) karaliste
site list
mahal listesi
sort list
(Bilgisayar) listeyi sırala
spare parts list
(Askeri,Teknik) yedek parça listesi
stock list
(Ticaret) esham fiyatlar listesi
submission of the list
liste ibrazı
survey list
(İnşaat) keşif listesi
target list
(Askeri) hedef listesi
this list
(Bilgisayar) bu liste
trust list
(Bilgisayar) güven listesi
user list
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı listesi
view list
(Bilgisayar) görünüm listesi
view list
(Bilgisayar) listeyi görüntüle
waiting list
bekleyenler listesi
weight list
(Ticaret) çeki listesi
weight list
(Ticaret) tartı listesi
weight list
(Ticaret) dış ticarette çeki listesi
whole list
(Bilgisayar) tüm liste
word list
(Bilgisayar) sözcük listesi
chained list
zincirlenmiş liste
check list
kontrol listesi
command list
komut listesi
compact list
Aralıksız Liste
contract data requirements list
sözleşme bilgi gereksinimleri listesi
distribution list
dağıtım listesi
drop down list
açılan liste
export list
ihraç listesi
free list
gümrüksüz mallar listesi
indexed list
dizinlenmiş liste
inverted list structure
tersine çevrilmiş liste yapısı
investment list
yatırım listesi
linked list
bağlı liste
yan yatmak
listesini yapmak

Alınacak şeylerin bir listesini yapmak zorundaydım. - I had to make a list of things to buy.

Yapmam gereken şeylerin bir listesini yapmak zorundaydım. - I had to make a list of things I needed to do.

{f} listele

Evimiz tarihi bir yapıdır ve koruma altındaki bir eser olarak listelenmiştir. - Our house is a historic building and is listed as a protected monument.

Alışverişe gitmeden önce her zaman ihtiyaçlarımı listelerim. - I always list what I need before I go shopping.

list area
liste alanı
list price
katalog fiyatı
list price
liste fiyatı

Tom, liste fiyatından yüzde otuz daha ucuza bir bilgisayar aldı. - Tom bought a computer at thirty percent off the list price.

Biz bu yeni ürünleri liste fiyatının % 20 altında sunabiliriz. - We can offer these new products at 20% below list price.

list processing
listeleme yöntemi
mailing list
sevk listesi
mailing list
posta listesi
memory map list
bellek haritası listesi
polling list
oylama listesi
price list
fiyat listesi
priority list
öncelikler sırası
promotion list
terfi listesi
push down list
aşağı itmeli liste
push up list
yukarı itmeli çizelge
requirements list
gereksinimler listesi
share list
borsa cetveli
shopping list
alışveriş listesi

Alışveriş listesi bir galon süt içeriyordu. - The shopping list included a gallon of milk.

Tom alışveriş listesindeki her şeyi satın aldı. - Tom bought everything on his shopping list.

subscription list
abone listesi
variable list table
değişken listeli çizelge
waiting list
yedek liste
address list
adres listesi
attendance list
yoklama listesi
bucket list
ölmeden önce yapılması gerekenler listesi
buying list
satın alma listesi
compact list
aralıksız liste
cue list
başlangıç listesi
dean's honour list
Üniversite iftihar listesi
describes a list within a list
bir liste içinde liste açıklanır
do list
yapmak liste
error list
hata listesi, hata dizelgesi
exchange list
kur listesi
fixed format list
değişmez biçimli liste, değişmez biçimli dizelge
inheritance list
miras listesi
itemized list
ayrıntılı liste
legal list
yasal liste
list of attendants
hâzırun cetveli
list system
liste sistemi
multilinked list
multilinked listesi
official list
resmi liste
pick list
Seçim Listesi
picking list
toplama listesi
reference list
referans listesi
reserve list
yedek listesi
skip list
(Bilgisayar) Atlamalı liste
snag list
(İnşaat) (veya snagging list) İnşaaat aşamasından sonra tespit edilen kusur ve noksanların listesi
subway fare list
metro sefer tarihleri
symbol list
simge listesi, simge dizelgesi
symmetrical list
simetrik listesi
tailored outfitting list
özel donatım listesi
to list
to-do list
Yapılacaklar listesi
to-do list
Yapılacak işler listesi
track list
parça listesi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
An informal list of people in any of several categories (but especially in the entertainment industry) who are most admired, desirable or bankable
A real or imaginary list of the most celebrated individuals, especially in show business: [as modifier] an A-list celebrity
all the most popular or famous film stars, musicians etc B-list
a list of names of specially favored people; "the boss gave me his A-list of people we should try to recruit
An informal list of people in any of several categories (but especially in the entertainment industry) who are admired, desirable or bankable, but not as much as the people on the A-list
Christmas list
a list, normally on paper, of people one is going to send cards or presents to at Christmas

What a great idea for the many friends and neighbors on your Christmas list!.

Christmas list
a list, normally on paper, of items one wants to receive as presents for Christmas

A handbag was way out of my league and so was a silver necklace that I wouldn't even put on my Christmas list, since no one in my family could afford it.

List 99
A confidential register of people forbidden to work with children, maintained by the Department of Education and Skills

The management of the registration of people considered to be unsuitable to work with children and placed on List 99 became increasingly complex.

Red List
a list of endangered species, created by the World Conservation Monitoring Center
Swadesh list
one of the lists of vocabulary with "basic" meanings developed by Morris Swadesh in the 1940-50s
A group of people who are very far from stardom, unlike the A-list. Thus called because the letter Z is so far from the letter A in the alphabet
access control list
A security scheme for file level security (as opposed to traditional user, group levels, or the somewhat stricter role levels.) Abbreviated ACL

The hackers broke through the B security model, so no more role level security; all critical data must use access control lists from now on.

association list
A data structure that associates keys with data; implimented as a list whose members are paired storage locations (cons cells), one element of which (the car) contains the key and the other element of which (the cdr) contains the keyed data
bullet list
A list whose items start with the typographical symbol of bullet, that is •, or with other symbols other than numbers
bulleted list
A list whose items start with the typographical symbol of bullet, that is •, or with other symbols other than numbers
clout list
A usually secret list containing the names of people who are to be given special access, benefits, or influence in a political or social situation, especially as a result of having personal, professional, or financial relationships with those in authority

The University of Illinois announced Monday that it will temporarily suspend the use of a clout list in the admissions process—a practice school officials first downplayed after it was described in a Tribune investigation.

definition list
An HTML structure consisting of a number of tags intended to present a set of pairs of terms and their definitions as a list
drop-down list
Alternative spelling of drop down list
dropdown list
A user interface control GUI element similar to a list box which allows the user to choose one value from a list
friends list
A list of contacts (in social networking, instant messaging, etc.), ostensibly the user's friends
grocery list
A written or mental list of grocery items one intends to purchase at a supermarket or similar business

The man put milk, bread and eggs at the top of his grocery list.

hit list
A similar list of people to be approached for a charitable donation
hit list
A roster of potential victims, especially a list of people to be killed
honey do list
a collection of requests, usually by a spouse for someone to perform a series of tasks, assignments or jobs dealing with the operations of a household
laundry list
Originally, a list of articles of clothing that had been sent to be laundered

Learn how to make out a laundry list and to check it when the laundry comes home.

laundry list
A long and often tedious list of items

Among the laundry list of inconveniences most of us can't abide: cold coffee, airport delays, the high price of gasoline.

linked list
A simple linear data structure, each of whose nodes includes pointers to the previous and subsequent nodes in the list, enabling traversal of the structure from any starting point
The palisades or barriers used to fence off a space for tilting or jousting tournaments
a tilting or careening manoeuvre, which causes the ship to roll. Usually used to describe tilting not under a ship's own power
to carry out such a manoeuvre
Material used for cloth selvage
A register or roll of paper consisting of an enumeration or compilation of a set of possible items
a tilt to a building
To wish, like, desire (to do something)

The spirit seemed to blow where it listed among a historically motley collection of Catholic theologians, Puritan zealots and American squires.

A codified representation of a list, used to store data or in processing
A strip of fabric, especially from the edge of a piece of cloth
To place in listings
To be pleasing to
A data structure that is fundamental to the LISP language. A list is defined recursively: it may be nil or it may consist of a header (the first element) and a tail (the remainder; the tail may be nil). Both header and tail are lists
To listen

Peace, what noise? / List, list! / Hark! / Music i' the air.

I do not have to listen to that. - I don't have to listen to that.

Tom doesn't seem to be willing to listen to anything Mary says. - Tom seems to be unwilling to listen to anything Mary says.

To create or recite a list
list box
A GUI widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list contained within a static, multiple line text box
mailing list
A collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients
no fly list
Alternative form of no-fly list
no-fly list
A confidential list containing the names of people who are not permitted to board an aircraft, prepared by government authorities in various jurisdictions and distributed to commercial airlines

The no-fly list created by U.S. authorities, which singles out passengers who are potential terrorist threats, is the target of frequent criticism that it's incomplete and unreliable.

nofly list
Alternative form of no-fly list
numbered list
A list whose items are numbered, with various styles including Arabic numerals and Roman numerals
price list
A list of items for sale with their prices
punch list
The list of repairs and finish work required to complete a large project, such as the construction of a building; a list of problems to correct

The building opened on schedule, but it took them another three months to get through the punch list.

reference list
The list of sources used or considered in preparing a work
set list
A band's playlist of the order of songs in a live performance
shopping list
A list, written on e.g. a piece of paper, of items that need to be bought
shopping list
A list of related items
short list
A list of candidates that has been generated from a longer list (a long list)
Alternative spelling of shortlist
Alternative spelling of short list
sick list
A list of people who are ill
stop list
A list of people who subscribe to a publication (e.g., newspaper) and no longer wish to receive it
stop list
A list of words or other data items which, for some special reason, should be ignored or bypassed by a particular data processing operation

If you equip your search engine with a stop list containing a few common words such as a, the, and and, you can decrease the full-text index size by about 20%.

to-do list
A list of errands and other tasks – often written on a piece of paper as a memory aid – that one needs or intends to accomplish

Mowing the lawn and chopping the weeds topped his to-do list of chores.

waiting list
an ordered list of people waiting to obtain something
want list
A list of items missing from a collection; especially a list of postage stamps that a collector is seeking to acquire
wine list
A list of wines, usually with a small description, available at eg. a restaurant or bar
wish list
A list of desired things
{n} a roll, catalogue, place for fighting, strip of cloth, fillet, coarse wool, an inclining, a bill of ratable estate
{v} to cover with list, inlist, hear, like
dean's honour list
The Dean's Honour List is not a recognition given each year to outstanding students by their faculty
skip list
(Bilgisayar) A skip list is a data structure for storing a sorted list of items, using a hierarchy of linked lists that connect increasingly sparse subsequences of the items. These auxiliary lists allow item lookup with efficiency comparable to balanced binary search trees (that is, with number of probes proportional to log n instead of n)
snag list
(İnşaat) (or snagging list) A list of quality defects at the end of a build process/phase/stage
pronounced '\=a ,list , n an association list @IGindex{alphabetic}
abbreviation of association list
pronounced '\=a ,list , n an association list
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف a-list في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

access control list
(Kısaltma) acl



    ... Next, it's going to show us a list of all the different ...
    ... and for each of those words, you have a list of all the web ...