The Initial Domain Identifier can be either a 2-byte data country code (DCC) value as describe in ISO 3166, a 2-byte international code designator (ICD) as maintained in ISO 6523 by the British Standards Institute, or and E 164 number
initial domain identifier Portion of an NSAP or NSAP-format ATM address that specifies the address allocation and administration authority See also NSAP
initial domain identifier Portion of an NSAP or NSAP-format ATM address that specifies the address allocation and administration authority See also NSAP
The Initial Domain Identifier can be either a 2-byte data country code (DCC) value as describe in ISO 3166, a 2-byte international code designator (ICD) as maintained in ISO 6523 by the British Standards Institute, or and E 164 number
(as a phonetically modified suffix) and so forth, and so on; such as, like: Kamp için çadırdı, uyku tulumuydu, ocaktı, her şeyi hazırladım. I got everything ready for the camping trip: the tent, the sleeping bag, the stove, and so forth